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Created January 21, 2014 04:17
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(def form-app-state { })
(def schema {
:first-name {:type :text
:label "First Name"
:required true }
:middle-names {:type :text
:label "Middle Name(s)"
:required false }
:surname {:type :text
:label "Surname"
:required true }
(defn is-valid? [schema-item current-value]
(if (:required schema-item)
(not (empty? current-value))
(defn form-text-element [app owner schema schema-key]
(let [item (get schema schema-key)
current-value (get app schema-key)
not-touched (not (or (om/get-render-state owner [:touched schema-key]) false))
is-valid (or not-touched (is-valid? item current-value))]
(dom/div #js {:className "form-element"}
(dom/label nil (:label item))
(dom/input #js {:type "text"
:onChange (fn [e]
(om/update! app (fn [state]
(assoc state schema-key
(.. e -target -value)))))
:onBlur (fn [e]
(om/set-state! owner
[:touched schema-key]
(dom/div nil (get app schema-key)) ; debug - show the current value
(dom/div nil (str is-valid)) ; debug - show is valid
(defn application-app [data owner]
(init-state [_]
{ :touched {} })
(render-state [this _]
(dom/div nil
(form-text-element data owner schema :first-name)
(form-text-element data owner schema :middle-names)
(form-text-element data owner schema :surname))
(om/root form-app-state application-app (.getElementById js/document "form-app"))
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