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sithhell/ Secret

Created November 22, 2017 14:41
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Fitting for grain sizes....
import numpy as np
#import math
import usl
#N = [1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 48, 64]
#X = [20, 78, 130, 170, 190, 200, 210, 230, 260, 280, 310]
#N = [ 1, 18, 36, 72, 108, 144, 216 ]
#X = [ 65, 996, 1652, 1853, 1829, 1775, 1702 ]
N = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]
TASKS = 120000.0
grain_sizes = []
Ts = []
Xs = []
Ts.append([729511484., 1511331027., 3410577716., 9798453072., 30333467571.])
Xs.append([ TASKS / (t * 1e-9) for t in Ts[-1] ])
Ts.append([741342331., 379401105., 217216942., 143431892., 123450747.])
Xs.append([ TASKS / (t * 1e-9) for t in Ts[-1] ])
Ts.append([1328110496., 688804661., 367476057., 223567014., 165615113.])
Xs.append([ TASKS / (t * 1e-9) for t in Ts[-1] ])
Ts.append([6127683814., 3085399794., 1572583359., 823277974., 464040631.])
Xs.append([ TASKS / (t * 1e-9) for t in Ts[-1] ])
Ts.append([12123977808., 6087994710., 3073404944., 1578404027., 836524955.])
Xs.append([ TASKS / (t * 1e-9) for t in Ts[-1] ])
Ts.append([60152155532., 30102326746., 15074890648., 7579713056., 3839874772.])
Xs.append([ TASKS / (t * 1e-9) for t in Ts[-1] ])
models = [ usl.usl(N, X) for X in Xs ]
import sys
nn = np.linspace(N[0], N[-1] * 8)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(N, X, 'o', label='Original data', markersize=10)
for idx in range(len(models)):
plt.plot(N, Xs[idx], 'o', label='Original data grainsize=%s' % grain_sizes[idx], markersize=10)
plt.plot(nn, [models[idx].throughput(n) for n in nn], label='Fitted line grainsize=%s' % grain_sizes[idx])
#plt.plot(nn, [model.throughput(n, mode='amdahl') for n in nn], 'g--', label='Fitted line (Amdahl)')
#plt.plot(N, [model.throughput(n, mode='gustafson') for n in N], 'b', label='Fitted line (Gustafson)')
#plt.plot(N, [model.throughput(n, mode='ideal') for n in N], 'k--', label='Ideal Scaling')
plt.legend(loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(1,0.5), fancybox = True)
plt.title('Average Latency = Overhead + Grain Size')
for idx in range(len(models)):
plt.plot(nn, [models[idx].latency(n) for n in nn], label='Latency, grainsize=%s' % grain_sizes[idx])
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
import math
def weibull(xs, beta, n, x_0):
result = []
for x in xs:
#result.append(a * x**2 + b * x + c)
if n - x_0 == 0.0:
return np.inf
tmp = (x - x_0)/(n - x_0)
tmp_result = beta / (n - x_0)
tmp_result *= tmp**(beta - 1)
tmp_result *= math.exp(-tmp**beta)
return result
def bathtub(x, e, a, m, c, n, x_0):
return e + a * (x**m) + c * ((x_0 - x)**n)
def rational(x, p0, p1, p2, q0, q1, q2):
return (p0 + x * (p1 + p2 * x)) / (q0 + x * (q1 + q2 * x))
def levy(x, c, s, d):
return s * np.sqrt(c/(2*np.pi)) * np.exp(-c/(2. * x)) * x**(-1.5)
def patrick1(x, a, b):
return a * b * np.exp(-a * x**2) * x
def patrick2(x, a, b):
return b * np.exp(-a * x**2) * x
def patrick3(x, a, b):
return a * b * np.exp(-a/b * x**2) * x
def patrick4(x, a, b):
return a * b * np.exp(-a/(b * x**2)) * x
import scipy.interpolate as interp
import scipy.optimize as optimize
rs = np.linspace(0, grain_sizes[-1], 10000)
for idx in range(len(N)):
plt.figure(2 + idx)
plt.title('Varying Grain Sizes, N=%s' % N[idx])
X = [ x[idx] for x in Xs ]
X = np.array(X)
X_mean = X.mean()
X = X / X_mean
G = np.array(grain_sizes)
G_mean = G.mean()
G = G / G_mean
plt.plot(grain_sizes, X * X_mean, 'ok', label='Original Data, N = %s' % N[idx])
plt.plot(grain_sizes, X * X_mean, 'k--')
[popt, pcov] = curve_fit(rational, G, X, bounds=(0, np.inf))
plt.plot(rs, rational(rs / G_mean, popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3], popt[4], popt[5]) * X_mean, label='fitted, n = %s, P(x)/Q(x)' % (N[idx]))
[popt, pcov] = curve_fit(levy, G, X, bounds=(0, np.inf))
plt.plot(rs[1:], levy(rs[1:] / G_mean, popt[0], popt[1], popt[2]) * X_mean, label='Fitted, n = %s, levy distribution' % (N[idx]))
[popt, pcov] = curve_fit(patrick1, G, X, bounds=(0, np.inf))
plt.plot(rs[1:], patrick1(rs[1:] / G_mean, popt[0], popt[1]) * X_mean, label='Fitted, n = %s, a * b * np.exp(-a * x**2) * x' % (N[idx]))
[popt, pcov] = curve_fit(patrick2, G, X, bounds=(0, np.inf))
plt.plot(rs[1:], patrick2(rs[1:] / G_mean, popt[0], popt[1]) * X_mean, label='Fitted, n = %s, b * np.exp(-a * x**2) * x' % (N[idx]))
[popt, pcov] = curve_fit(patrick3, G, X, bounds=(0, np.inf))
plt.plot(rs[1:], patrick3(rs[1:] / G_mean, popt[0], popt[1]) * X_mean, label='Fitted, n = %s, a * b * np.exp(-a/b * x**2) * x' % (N[idx]))
[popt, pcov] = curve_fit(patrick4, G, X, bounds=(0, np.inf))
plt.plot(rs[1:], patrick4(rs[1:] / G_mean, popt[0], popt[1]) * X_mean, label='Fitted, n = %s, a * b * np.exp(-a/(b * x**2)) * x' % (N[idx]))
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import math
class usl:
def __init__(self, N, X):
self.alpha = 0.0
self.beta = 0.0
self.y = 0.0
self.capacity = lambda N, alpha, beta, y: (y * N) / (1 + alpha * (N-1) + beta * N * (N-1))
popt, pcov = curve_fit(self.capacity, N, X, bounds=(0,np.inf))
self.alpha = popt[0]
self.beta = popt[1]
self.y = popt[2]
#if self.beta == 0.0 or self.alpha < 0:
# self.N_max = X[-1]
# self.N_max = int(math.sqrt((1-self.alpha)/self.beta))
# if self.alpha == 0.0:
# self.N_opt = X[-1]
# else:
# self.N_opt = int(math.ceil(1/self.alpha))
#p = np.poly1d([a, b, 0])
#yhat = p(X)
#ybar = np.sum(y)/len(y)
#ssreg = np.sum((yhat - ybar)**2)
#sstot = np.sum((y - ybar)**2)
#self.R_sq = ssreg/sstot;
def summary(self):
# print('N_opt = %s, N_max = %s' % (self.N_max, self.N_opt))
print('alpha = %s, beta = %s, lambda = %s' % (self.alpha, self.beta, self.y))
print('N / (1 + %s(N-1) + %sN(N-1))' % (self.alpha, self.beta))
def throughput(self, N, mode = None):
if mode is None:
return self.capacity(N, self.alpha, self.beta, self.y)
if mode is 'amdahl':
return self.capacity(N, self.alpha, 0.0, self.y)
if mode == 'gustafson':
return self.y * ((1 - self.alpha) * N + self.alpha)
if mode == 'ideal':
return self.capacity(N, 0.0, 0.0, self.y)
raise 'mode has to be either unset, \'amdahl\', \'gustafson\' or \'ideal\''
def latency(self, N, mode = None):
if mode is None:
result = float(N / self.throughput(N = N, mode=None))
return result
if mode is 'amdahl':
result = float(N / self.throughput(N = N, mode='amdahl'))
return result
if mode is 'ideal':
result = float(N / self.throughput(N = N, mode='ideal'))
return result
raise 'mode has to be either unset, \'amdahl\', \'ideal\''
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