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Created October 10, 2020 17:11
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Save situx/152f9dad87059c6bd1ae9e29198756e9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Triplestore configurations for NL triple stores
"name": "File",
"prefixes": "",
"endpoint": "",
"geoconceptquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class (count(?class) as ?count) WHERE { ?a rdf:type ?class . ?a <> ?a_geom .}",
"querytemplate": [
"label": "All Attributes",
"query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?rel ?val ?wkt WHERE {\n ?item rdf:type <%%concept%%> .\n ?item ?rel ?val . \n OPTIONAL { ?val geo:asWKT ?wkt}\n}\n"
"mandatoryvariables": [],
"active": true
"name": "Wikidata",
"prefixes": {
"geo": "",
"wd": "",
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"hint": ""
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"bboxquery": {
"type": "minmax",
"query": "SERVICE wikibase:box {\n ?item wdt:P625 ?geo .\n bd:serviceParam wikibase:cornerSouthWest \"%%minPoint%%\"^^<> .\nbd:serviceParam wikibase:cornerNorthEast \"%%maxPoint%%\"^^<> .\n}\n }"
"mandatoryvariables": [
"querytemplate": [
"label": "Item+Label",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?geo WHERE {\n?item wdt:P31 wd:Q%%concept%% .\n ?item wdt:P625 ?geo .\n SERVICE wikibase:label {\n bd:serviceParam wikibase:language \"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en\".\n }\n } LIMIT 10"
"label": "All Attributes",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?rel ?val ?geo WHERE {\n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q%%concept%% .\n ?item wdt:P625 ?geo .\n ?item ?rel ?val .\n SERVICE wikibase:label {\n bd:serviceParam wikibase:language \"[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en\". \n}\n} LIMIT 100"
"label": "100 Hospitals",
"query": "SELECT ?label ?geo ?item WHERE {\n ?item ((wdt:P31*)/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q16917; #Hospital\n wdt:P625 ?geo;\n rdfs:label ?label.\n FILTER((LANG(?label)) = \"en\")}"
"label": "Castles as archaeological sites",
"query": "SELECT ?label ?geo ?item WHERE {\n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q839954; #archaeologicalSite\n (wdt:P31/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q23413; #Castle\n wdt:P625 ?geo;\n rdfs:label ?label.\n FILTER((LANG(?label)) = \"en\")\n}"
"label": "Ogham Stones",
"query": "SELECT ?label ?geo ?item WHERE {\n ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q2016147; #Ogam Stone\n wdt:P361 wd:Q67978809;\n wdt:P195 ?collection.\nOPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P625 ?geo. }\nOPTIONAL {\n?item rdfs:label ?label.\nFILTER((LANG(?label)) = \"en\")\n}\nOPTIONAL {\n?collection rdfs:label ?collectionLabel.\nFILTER((LANG(?collectionLabel)) = \"en\")\n}\n}"
"geoconceptquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class WHERE {\n ?a <> ?class .\n ?a <> ?a_geom .\n} LIMIT 500",
"classlabelquery": "",
"propertylabelquery": "",
"classfromlabelquery": "",
"propertyfromlabelquery": "",
"whattoenrichquery": "SELECT (COUNT(distinct ?con) AS ?countcon) (COUNT(?rel) AS ?countrel) ?rel WHERE { ?con wdt:P31 %%concept%% . ?con wdt:P625 ?coord . ?con wdt:P17 %%area%% . ?con ?rel ?val . } GROUP BY ?rel ORDER BY DESC(?countrel)",
"geoconceptlimit": 500,
"staticconcepts": [],
"active": true
"name": "Ordnance Survey UK",
"prefixes": {
"rdf": "",
"rdfs": "",
"owl": "",
"spatial": "",
"gaz": ""
"endpoint": "",
"classfromlabelquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class { ?class rdf:type owl:Class . ?class rdfs:label ?label . FILTER(CONTAINS(?label,\"%%label%%\"))} LIMIT 100 ",
"mandatoryvariables": [
"staticconcepts": [
"querytemplate": [
"label": "Item+Label",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?easting ?northing WHERE {\n ?item a <%%concept%%>.\n ?item spatial:easting ?easting .\n ?item spatial:northing ?northing .\n } LIMIT 10"
"crs": 27700,
"active": true
"name": "Nomisma",
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"mandatoryvariables": [
"whattoenrichquery": "SELECT (COUNT(distinct ?con) AS ?countcon) (COUNT(?rel) AS ?countrel) ?rel WHERE { ?con rdf:type %%concept%% . ?con geosparql:hasGeometry ?coord . ?con ?rel ?val . } GROUP BY ?rel ORDER BY DESC(?countrel)",
"classfromlabelquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class { ?class rdf:type owl:Class . ?class rdfs:label ?label . FILTER(CONTAINS(?label,\"%%label%%\"))} LIMIT 100 ",
"geoconceptquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class WHERE {\n ?a <> ?class .\n ?a <> ?lat .\n ?a <> ?long .\n} LIMIT 500",
"geoconceptlimit": 500,
"querytemplate": [
"label": "100 Random Places",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?lat ?lon WHERE {\n ?item a <%%concept%%>.\n ?item geo:location ?loc .\n ?loc wgs84_pos:lat ?lat .\n ?loc wgs84_pos:long ?lon .\n} LIMIT 100"
"label": "Item+Label",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?lat ?lon WHERE {\n ?item a <%%concept%%>.\n ?item geo:location ?loc .\n ?loc wgs84_pos:lat ?lat .\n ?loc wgs84_pos:long ?lon .\n } LIMIT 10"
"staticconcepts": [
"bboxquery": {
"type": "pointdistance",
"query": "?loc spatial:nearby (%%lat%% %%lon%% %%width%% 'km') ."
"active": true
"name": "Kerameikos",
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"mandatoryvariables": [
"whattoenrichquery": "SELECT (COUNT(distinct ?con) AS ?countcon) (COUNT(?rel) AS ?countrel) ?rel WHERE { ?con rdf:type %%concept%% . ?con geosparql:hasGeometry ?coord . ?con ?rel ?val . } GROUP BY ?rel ORDER BY DESC(?countrel)",
"classfromlabelquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class { ?class rdf:type owl:Class . ?class rdfs:label ?label . FILTER(CONTAINS(?label,\"%%label%%\"))} LIMIT 100 ",
"geoconceptquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class WHERE { ?a <> ?class . ?a <> ?lat . ?a <> ?long .}",
"querytemplate": [
"label": "All Attributes",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?rel ?val ?lat ?lon WHERE {\n ?item a <%%concept%%>.\n ?item ?rel ?val .\n ?item wgs84_pos:lat ?lat .\n ?item wgs84_pos:long ?lon .\n} LIMIT 100"
"label": "Item+Label",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?lat ?lon WHERE {\n ?item a <%%concept%%>.\n ?item wgs84_pos:lat ?lat .\n ?item wgs84_pos:long ?lon .\n } LIMIT 10"
"geoconceptlimit": 500,
"areaconcepts": [
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"label": "city",
"concept": "",
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"classfromlabelquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class { ?class rdf:type owl:Class . ?class rdfs:label ?label . FILTER(CONTAINS(?label,\"%%label%%\"))} LIMIT 100 ",
"mandatoryvariables": [
"whattoenrichquery": "SELECT (COUNT(distinct ?con) AS ?countcon) (COUNT(?rel) AS ?countrel) ?rel WHERE { ?con rdf:type %%concept%% . ?con <> ?coord . ?con ?rel ?val . } GROUP BY ?rel ORDER BY DESC(?countrel)",
"geoconceptquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class WHERE {\n ?a <> ?class .\n ?a <> ?lat .\n ?a <> ?long .\n} LIMIT 500",
"geoconceptlimit": 500,
"querytemplate": [
"label": "All Attributes",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?rel ?val ?lat ?lon WHERE {\n ?item a <%%concept%%>.\n ?item ?rel ?val .\n ?item wgs84_pos:lat ?lat .\n ?item wgs84_pos:long ?lon .\n} LIMIT 100"
"label": "Item+Label",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?lat ?lon WHERE {\n ?item a <%%concept%%>.\n ?item wgs84_pos:lat ?lat .\n ?item wgs84_pos:long ?lon .\n } LIMIT 10"
"label": "Restaurants in Mainz",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?label ?geo FROM <> WHERE {\n ?item a lgdo:Restaurant ;\n rdfs:label ?label ;\ngeom:geometry [ ogc:asWKT ?geo ] .\nFilter (bif:st_intersects (?geo, bif:st_point (8.274167,49.998889),0.5)) .\n}"
"staticconcepts": [],
"bboxquery": {
"type": "pointdistance",
"query": "Filter(bif:st_intersects (?geo, bif:st_point (%%lat%%,%%lon%%),%%width%%))"
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"mandatoryvariables": [
"whattoenrichquery": "SELECT DISTINCT (COUNT(distinct ?con) AS ?countcon) (COUNT(?rel) AS ?countrel) ?rel WHERE { ?con rdf:type %%concept%% . ?con ?rel ?val . } GROUP BY ?rel ORDER BY DESC(?countrel)",
"classfromlabelquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class ?label WHERE { ?class rdf:type owl:Class . ?class rdfs:label ?label . FILTER(CONTAINS(?label, \"%%label%%\")) } LIMIT 10",
"geoconceptquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class WHERE {\n ?a <> ?class .\n ?a <> ?lat .\n ?a <> ?long .\n}",
"querytemplate": [
"label": "100 Random Places",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?lat ?lon WHERE {\n ?item a <%%concept%%>.\n ?item wgs84_pos:lat ?lat .\n ?item wgs84_pos:long ?lon .\n} LIMIT 100"
"label": "Item+Label",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?lat ?lon WHERE {\n ?item a <%%concept%%>.\n ?item wgs84_pos:lat ?lat .\n ?item wgs84_pos:long ?lon .\n } LIMIT 10"
"geoconceptlimit": 500,
"staticconcepts": [],
"bboxquery": {
"type": "pointdistance",
"query": "FILTER(bif:st_within(bif:st_point(?lon, ?lat), bif:st_point(%%lon%%,%%lat%%),%%width%%))"
"active": true
"name": "Geonames",
"bboxquery": {
"type": "pointdistance",
"query": "FILTER(bif:st_within(bif:st_point(?lon, ?lat), bif:st_point(%%lon%%,%%lat%%),%%width%%))"
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"classfromlabelquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class { ?class rdf:type owl:Class . ?class rdfs:label ?label . FILTER(CONTAINS(?label,\"%%label%%\"))} LIMIT 100 ",
"mandatoryvariables": [
"geoconceptquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class WHERE { ?a <> ?class . ?a <> ?lat . ?a <> ?long .} LIMIT 100",
"querytemplate": [
"label": "All Attributes",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?lat ?lon WHERE {\n ?item a gn:Feature .\n ?item wgs84_pos:lat ?lat .\n ?item wgs84_pos:long ?lon .\n } LIMIT 10"
"label": "Item+Label",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?lat ?lon WHERE {\n ?item a gn:Feature.\n ?item gn:featureCode gn:%%concept%% .\n ?item wgs84_pos:lat ?lat .\n ?item wgs84_pos:long ?lon .\n } LIMIT 10"
"geoconceptlimit": 500,
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"name": "Ordnance Survey Ireland",
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"whattoenrichquery": "SELECT (COUNT(distinct ?con) AS ?countcon) (COUNT(?rel) AS ?countrel) ?rel WHERE { ?con rdf:type %%concept%% . ?con geosparql:hasGeometry ?coord . ?con ?rel ?val . } GROUP BY ?rel ORDER BY DESC(?countrel)",
"classfromlabelquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class { ?class rdf:type owl:Class . ?class rdfs:label ?label . FILTER(CONTAINS(?label,\"%%label%%\"))} LIMIT 100 ",
"endpoint": "",
"mandatoryvariables": [
"geoconceptquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class WHERE { ?a rdf:type ?class . ?a wgs84_pos:lat ?lat . ?a wgs84_pos:long ?long .}",
"geoconceptlimit": 500,
"querytemplate": [
"label": "Default",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?label ?geo WHERE {\n ?item a <%%concept%%>.\n ?item rdfs:label ?label.\n FILTER (lang(?label) = 'en') ?item ogc:hasGeometry [ ogc:asWKT ?geo ] .\n } LIMIT 10"
"staticconcepts": [
"crs": 2157,
"active": true
"name": "Pleiades",
"prefixes": {
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"spatial": "",
"placetype": "",
"timeperiod": "",
"dcterms": ""
"endpoint": "",
"mandatoryvariables": [
"geoconceptquery": "",
"classfromlabelquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class { ?class rdf:type owl:Class . ?class rdfs:label ?label . FILTER(CONTAINS(?label,\"%%label%%\"))} LIMIT 100 ",
"whattoenrichquery": "SELECT (COUNT(distinct ?con) AS ?countcon) (COUNT(?rel) AS ?countrel) ?rel WHERE { ?con rdf:type %%concept%% . ?con geosparql:hasGeometry ?coord . ?con ?rel ?val . } GROUP BY ?rel ORDER BY DESC(?countrel)",
"geoconceptlimit": 500,
"querytemplate": [
"label": "Random Places with Locations",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?label ?geo WHERE {\n ?place a <%%concept%%>.\n ?place pleiades:hasLocation ?item .\n ?item geosparql:asWKT ?geo .\n ?item dcterms:title ?label .\n } LIMIT 100"
"label": "Places with Forts",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?label ?geo WHERE {\n ?place a <%%concept%%>.\n ?place pleiades:hasLocation ?item .\n ?item geosparql:asWKT ?geo .\n ?item dcterms:title ?label .\n ?place pleiades:hasFeatureType placetype:fort.\n }"
"label": "Places with Churches",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?label ?geo WHERE {\n ?place a <%%concept%%>.\n ?place pleiades:hasLocation ?item .\n ?item geosparql:asWKT ?geo .\n ?item dcterms:title ?label .\n ?place pleiades:hasFeatureType placetype:church.\n }"
"label": "Places in Roman Period",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?label ?geo WHERE {\n ?place a <%%concept%%>.\n ?place pleiades:hasLocation ?item .\n ?item geosparql:asWKT ?geo .\n ?item dcterms:title ?label .\n ?item pleiades:during timeperiod:roman.\n }"
"label": "Forts in Roman Period",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?label ?geo WHERE {\n ?place a <%%concept%%>.\n ?place pleiades:hasLocation ?item .\n ?item geosparql:asWKT ?geo .\n ?item dcterms:title ?label .\n ?item pleiades:during timeperiod:roman.\n ?place pleiades:hasFeatureType placetype:fort.\n }"
"staticconcepts": [
"active": true
"name": "Atlantgis",
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"dcterms": ""
"endpoint": "",
"classfromlabelquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class { ?class rdf:type owl:Class . ?class rdfs:label ?label . FILTER(CONTAINS(?label,\"%%label%%\"))} LIMIT 100 ",
"mandatoryvariables": [
"geoconceptquery": "",
"whattoenrichquery": "SELECT (COUNT(distinct ?con) AS ?countcon) (COUNT(?rel) AS ?countrel) ?rel WHERE { ?con rdf:type %%concept%% . ?con geosparql:hasGeometry ?coord . ?con ?rel ?val . } GROUP BY ?rel ORDER BY DESC(?countrel)",
"geoconceptlimit": 500,
"querytemplate": [
"label": "100 Random Geometries",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?geo WHERE {\n ?item a <%%concept%%>.\n ?item geosparql:hasGeometry ?geom_obj .\n ?geom_obj geosparql:asWKT ?geo .\n } LIMIT 100"
"label": "Load AtlantGIS",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?geo WHERE {\n ?item geosparql:hasGeometry ?geom_obj .\n ?geom_obj geosparql:asWKT ?geo .\n }"
"crs": 4326,
"staticconcepts": [
"active": true
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"rdf": "",
"rdfs": "",
"spatial": "",
"dcterms": "",
"covid19": "",
"world": ""
"endpoint": "",
"classfromlabelquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class { ?class rdf:type owl:Class . ?class rdfs:label ?label . FILTER(CONTAINS(?label,\"%%label%%\"))} LIMIT 100 ",
"mandatoryvariables": [
"geoconceptquery": "",
"whattoenrichquery": "SELECT (COUNT(distinct ?con) AS ?countcon) (COUNT(?rel) AS ?countrel) ?rel WHERE { ?con rdf:type %%concept%% . ?con geosparql:hasGeometry ?coord . ?con ?rel ?val . } GROUP BY ?rel ORDER BY DESC(?countrel)",
"geoconceptlimit": 500,
"querytemplate": [
"label": "10 Random Geometries",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?geo WHERE {\n ?item a <%%concept%%>.\n ?item geosparql:hasGeometry ?geom_obj .\n ?geom_obj geosparql:asWKT ?geo .\n } LIMIT 10"
"label": "Load Germany Federal States",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?geo WHERE {\n ?item a world:CountryUnit. \n ?item geosparql:hasGeometry ?geom_obj .\n ?geom_obj geosparql:asWKT ?geo .\n }"
"label": "Load World",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?geo WHERE {\n ?item a world:Country. \n ?item geosparql:hasGeometry ?geom_obj .\n ?geom_obj geosparql:asWKT ?geo .\n }"
"label": "Johns Hopkins Data 25/04/2020",
"query": "SELECT ?label ?confirmed ?recovered ?deaths ?geo WHERE { ?dataset a covid19:JHU_Dataset. \n ?dataset covid19:country ?item. \n ?dataset covid19:date '2020-04-25T00:00:00.000Z'. \n ?dataset covid19:confirmed ?confirmed. \n ?dataset covid19:recovered ?recovered. \n ?dataset covid19:deaths ?deaths. \n ?item geosparql:hasGeometry ?item_geom . \n ?item rdfs:label ?label. \n ?item_geom geosparql:asWKT ?geo . \n }\n ORDER BY ASC(?label)"
"crs": 4326,
"staticconcepts": [
"active": true
"name": "Research Squirrel Engineers Triplestore",
"prefixes": {
"geosparql": "",
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"rdfs": "",
"spatial": "",
"hw": "",
"hw_fort": "",
"hw_site": "",
"hw_road": "",
"hw_wall": ""
"endpoint": "",
"mandatoryvariables": [
"classfromlabelquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class { ?class rdf:type owl:Class . ?class rdfs:label ?label . FILTER(CONTAINS(?label,\"%%label%%\"))} LIMIT 100 ",
"geoconceptquery": "",
"whattoenrichquery": "SELECT (COUNT(distinct ?con) AS ?countcon) (COUNT(?rel) AS ?countrel) ?rel WHERE { ?con rdf:type %%concept%% . ?con geosparql:hasGeometry ?coord . ?con ?rel ?val . } GROUP BY ?rel ORDER BY DESC(?countrel)",
"geoconceptlimit": 500,
"querytemplate": [
"label": "10 Random Geometries",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?geo WHERE {\n ?item a <%%concept%%>.\n ?item geosparql:hasGeometry ?geom_obj .\n ?geom_obj geosparql:asWKT ?geo .\n } LIMIT 10"
"label": "Hadrian's Wall Forts",
"query": "SELECT ?a ?wkt_geom WHERE {\n ?item rdf:type hw:Fort .\n ?item geosparql:hasGeometry ?item_geom . ?item_geom geosparql:asWKT ?wkt_geom .\n }"
"crs": 4326,
"staticconcepts": [
"active": true
"name": "Roman Open Data",
"prefixes": {
"ont": "",
"owl": "",
"rdf": "",
"rdfs": "",
"dcterms": "",
"pleiades": "",
"edh": "",
"ads": "",
"fabio": "",
"co": "",
"shape": "",
"relief": "",
"placefunc": "",
"readir": "",
"amphsect": "",
"ink": "",
"coctura": "",
"graffito": ""
"whattoenrichquery": "SELECT (COUNT(distinct ?con) AS ?countcon) (COUNT(?rel) AS ?countrel) ?rel WHERE { ?con rdf:type %%concept%% . ?con geosparql:hasGeometry ?coord . ?con ?rel ?val . } GROUP BY ?rel ORDER BY DESC(?countrel)",
"endpoint": "",
"classfromlabelquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class { ?class rdf:type owl:Class . ?class rdfs:label ?label . FILTER(CONTAINS(?label,\"%%label%%\"))} LIMIT 100 ",
"mandatoryvariables": [
"geoconceptquery": "",
"geoconceptlimit": 500,
"querytemplate": [
"label": "100 Random Geometries",
"query": "SELECT * WHERE {\n ?item a <%%concept%%>.\n ?item ont:hasLatitude ?lat.\n ?item ont:hasLongitude ?lon.\n ?item dcterms:title ?title .\n }\n ORDER BY ASC(?title)\n LIMIT 100"
"crs": 4326,
"staticconcepts": [
"active": true
"name": "Sophox",
"prefixes": {
"osmnode": "",
"osmway": "",
"osmrel": "",
"pageviews": "",
"osmd": "",
"osmdt": "",
"osmp": "",
"osmps": "",
"osmpq": "",
"osmt": "",
"osmm": "",
"owl": "",
"rdf": "",
"rdfs": "",
"wgs84_pos": ""
"endpoint": "",
"mandatoryvariables": [
"geoconceptquery": "",
"classfromlabelquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class { ?class rdf:type owl:Class . ?class rdfs:label ?label . FILTER(CONTAINS(?label,\"%%label%%\"))} LIMIT 100 ",
"geoconceptlimit": 500,
"querytemplate": [
"label": "10 Random Geometries",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?type ?geo WHERE {\n ?item osmm:type ?type.\n ?item osmm:loc ?geo. }\n LIMIT 10"
"crs": 4326,
"staticconcepts": [],
"active": true
"name": "NL Basisregistraties Bag",
"prefixes": {
"owl": "",
"rdf": "",
"rdfs": "",
"bag": "",
"geosparql": ""
"endpoint": "",
"classfromlabelquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class { ?class rdf:type owl:Class . ?class rdfs:label ?label . FILTER(CONTAINS(?label,\"%%label%%\"))} LIMIT 100 ",
"mandatoryvariables": [
"geoconceptquery": "",
"whattoenrichquery": "SELECT (COUNT(distinct ?con) AS ?countcon) (COUNT(?rel) AS ?countrel) ?rel WHERE { ?con rdf:type %%concept%% . ?con geosparql:hasGeometry ?coord . ?con ?rel ?val . } GROUP BY ?rel ORDER BY DESC(?countrel)",
"geoconceptlimit": 500,
"querytemplate": [
"label": "100 Random Geometries",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?geo WHERE {\n ?item a bag:Pand.\n ?item bag:oorspronkelijkBouwjaar ?bouwjaar.\n ?item geosparql:hasGeometry ?geom .\n ?geom geosparql:asWKT ?geo .\n }\n LIMIT 10"
"crs": 4326,
"staticconcepts": [],
"active": true
"name": "NL Basisregistraties BRT",
"prefixes": {
"owl": "",
"rdf": "",
"rdfs": "",
"brt": "",
"geosparql": ""
"endpoint": "",
"classfromlabelquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class { ?class rdf:type owl:Class . ?class rdfs:label ?label . FILTER(CONTAINS(?label,\"%%label%%\"))} LIMIT 100 ",
"mandatoryvariables": [
"geoconceptquery": "",
"whattoenrichquery": "SELECT (COUNT(distinct ?con) AS ?countcon) (COUNT(?rel) AS ?countrel) ?rel WHERE { ?con rdf:type %%concept%% . ?con geosparql:hasGeometry ?coord . ?con ?rel ?val . } GROUP BY ?rel ORDER BY DESC(?countrel)",
"geoconceptlimit": 500,
"querytemplate": [
"label": "100 Random Geometries",
"query": "SELECT ?item ?geo WHERE {\n ?item a brt:Bunker.\n ?item geosparql:hasGeometry ?geom .\n ?geom geosparql:asWKT ?geo .\n }\n LIMIT 10"
"crs": 4326,
"staticconcepts": [],
"active": true
"name": "GND",
"prefixes": {
"owl": "",
"rdf": "",
"rdfs": ""
"endpoint": "",
"classfromlabelquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class { ?class rdf:type owl:Class . ?class rdfs:label ?label . FILTER(CONTAINS(?label,\"%%label%%\"))} LIMIT 100 ",
"mandatoryvariables": [
"geoconceptquery": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class WHERE {\n ?a rdf:type ?class .\n ?a wgs84_pos:lat ?lat .\n ?a wgs84_pos:long ?long .\n}",
"geoconceptlimit": 500,
"staticconcepts": [],
"active": false
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