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Last active December 17, 2021 16:48
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一鍵刷新瀏覽器 ,不用離開編輯器 Refresh the browser without leaving focus the editor. For wsl Vim.
; reference
; auto hot key, refresh chrome, without leaving the focus of editor
; //
; For wsl && vim editor
; how execute windows file on wsl
; 1. using "convert .ahk to .exe" program, convert this ahk file.
; 2. copy the converted file "F5_chrome.exe" to <your_wsl_path>
; 3-1. command on terminal 'cmd.exe /c `wslpath -w ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/html/F5_chrome.exe`' , will execute this exe file.
; 3-2. or add a keymap on vim: nnoremap <f5> :call system( 'cmd.exe /c `wslpath -w <yout_wsl_path>`')<cr>
; 3-2-2. Using <f5> to refresh the pa
ChromeSend(keys){ ;keys = the keys you want to be sent e.g. "asbnd{space}lk{enter}"
if (!WinActive("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1")){
WinActivate,ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
WinWaitActive,ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
Send, %keys%
WinActivate,%currActive% ;no need to if this since it'll be empty if chrome was active
SetWinDelay,-1 ;~ to make winactivate etc snappier and less obtrusive
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