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Created November 7, 2012 09:46
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writting test, rake, document with rdoc #practical ruby for system administrator
task :default => :test
task :test do
ruby "tests/test1.rb"
ruby "tests/test2.rb"
file "index.yaml" => ["hosts.txt", "users.txt", "groups.txt"] do
ruby "build_index.rb"
# The file task performs a basic timestamp comparison to decide whether index.yaml needs to be updated.
# Notice that the dependency can be given as a single string/symbol (as in Listing 11-1) or as an array
file "html" do
mkdir "html"
file "html/images" do
mkdir "html/images"
# ensure the directory exists, used for subsisute the two above
directory "html/images"
rule ".o" => ".c" do |t|
sh "gcc", "-Wall", "-o",, "-c", t.source
files = FileList["html/**/*.html"]
file "chupacabra.history" => FileList["suck*.story"]
# matching any globbing patterns but excluding (by default) those that
• Contain "CVS" or ".svn"
• End in ".bak" or "~"
• Are named "core"
# create every c's correspones o file task
FileList.["*.c"].each do |f|
file f.sub(/c$/, "o") => f do |t|
sh "gcc", "-Wall", t.source, "-c", "-o",
task :default => "cool_app"
o_files = FileList["*.c"].exclude("main.c").sub(/c$/, "o")
file "cool_app" => o_files do |t|
sh "gcc", "-Wall", "-o",, *(t.sources)
rule ".o" => ".c" do |t|
sh "gcc", "-Wall", "-o",, "-c", t.source
# rake cool_app => to execute the file task. yeah, file task is a subclass for task
def compile(target, sources, *flags)
sh "gcc", "-Wall", "-Werror", "-O3", "-o", target, *(sources + flags)
compile(, t.sources)
compile(, [t.source], "-c")
# Shell, display tasks defined in the current RakeFile
$ rake –T
rake test # Run all unit tests
rake perf # Build a performance profile
# Using Test with Test:Unit
require "test/unit"
class ArithmeticTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_addition
assert 1 + 1 == 2
assert_equal(2, 1 + 1)
Other assertion methods include assert_nil(obj), assert_kind_of(klass, obj),
assert_respond_to(obj, message), assert_match(regexp, string), and flunk. Take a look at
ri Test::Unit::Assertions for more detail.
$ ruby test_arithmetic.rb
Loaded suite test_arithmetic
Finished in 0.002801 seconds.
1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
def test_subtraction
assert_equal(1.8, 1.9 - 0.1)
# - Fixtures - Listing 11-10. A Test Case with a Fixture
require "test/unit"
class RemoteHostTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
@session ="")
def teardown
def test_echo
assert_equal("ping", @session.echo("ping").stdout)
# testsuite, just include the testcase file.
require "test/unit"
require "tc_arithmetic"
require "tc_linalg"
require "tc_diophantine"
# Listing 11-12. Using Rake to Define a Test Task do |t|
t.test_files = FileList["test/tc_*.rb"]
desc "Commit the current working copy if all tests pass"
task :commit => :test do
sh "svn", "commit"
rdoc interprets both code and specialized
comments in source files and creates nicely formatted documentation from them. It can produce
HTML pages like the ones you see when running a gem_server (see Chapter 10). It also produces
documentation for use by ri
There are three places to choose
from when using rdoc: the systemwide location, the sitewide location, and your home folder.
class User
attr_accessor :accepts_messages
attr_reader :age
def User.authenticate(login, password)
def send_message(text)
$ rdoc user.rb
Some flags I commonly
use include the following:
• -a (--all) to include information for all methods, not just public ones
• -d (--diagram) to generate DOT diagrams of classes and modules (see Chapter 9)
• -N (--line-numbers) to include line numbers in source code listings
#Basic Comments
# rdoc’s convention that comments pertinent
# to a particular element should directly precede that element.
# Models a user of our network filesystems
class User
# A boolean determining whether the user can receive messages.
attr_accessor :accepts_messages
# The user's age in years.
attr_reader :age
# Find a User based on login.
# Return the User if one was found and if the password matches.
# Otherwise return nil.
def User.authenticate(login, password)
# Send the user a message (if the accepts_messages attribute is set to true).
def send_message(text)
# Listing 11-16. A Quick Tour of Some of the Basic rdoc Markup Facilities
# This is an ordinary paragraph.
# It will end up on a single line.
# There is a verbatim line here, which will end up by itself.
# This paragraph has single words in *bold*, _italic_ and +typewriter+ styles.
# It then has <b>long stretches of</b> <em>each kind</em> <tt>of style</tt>.
# This text is for 007 only as the double-minus switches off comment processing.
# A double-plus switches it back on.
# This last sentence appears as part of the second paragraph.
# Headings, Separators, and Links
# Separators
# ...and so the man says to him 'no - I asked for pop...corn'.
# ---
# There was a young girl from Nantucket...
# Headings
# === An extremely important heading
# == A fairly important heading
# = This heading is almost feeble
# Links
# {Send me an e-mail}[]
# Here's a pretty picture...
# to create Lists
# The hard disks are tracked using the following criteria...
# - capacity
# - rotation speed
# - seek time
# - mean time to failure
# The assessment workflow is handled in three stages...
# 1. Bob builds the chassis
# 2. Anne installs it in the rack
# 3. Malcolm takes the credit (being in management)
# special command to tune the rdoc engine
module User # :nodoc: all
class Passwd
end do |t|
t.main = "README"
t.rdoc_files.include("README.rdoc", "lib/**/*.rb")
t.options << "--diagram"
# t.rdoc_files
# The directory in which to place the generated HTML files (the default being "html")
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