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Created March 8, 2021 10:57
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Custom Dimmer Sensor
#include <SinricProDevice.h>
#include <Capabilities/RangeController.h>
#include <Capabilities/ContactSensor.h>
class DimmerSensor
: public SinricProDevice
, public RangeController<DimmerSensor>
, public ContactSensor<DimmerSensor> {
friend class RangeController<DimmerSensor>;
friend class ContactSensor<DimmerSensor>;
DimmerSensor(const DeviceId &deviceId) : SinricProDevice(deviceId, "DimmerSensor") {};
//#define ENABLE_DEBUG
#define DEBUG_ESP_PORT Serial
#define NDEBUG
#include <Arduino.h>
#ifdef ESP8266
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#ifdef ESP32
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <SinricPro.h>
#include "DimmerSensor.h"
#define APP_KEY "YourAppKey"
#define APP_SECRET "YourAppSecret"
#define DEVICE_ID "YourDeviceId"
#define SSID "YourWiFiSSID"
#define PASS "YourWiFiPass"
#define BAUD_RATE 115200
DimmerSensor &dimmerSensor = SinricPro[DEVICE_ID];
int lowerSetpoint = 300; // initialize lowerSetpoint to 300 - possible improvment: store this value in eeprom and load at bootup
int upperSetpoint = 500; // initialize upperSetpoint to 500 - possible improvment: store this value in eeprom and load at bootup
bool contactState = false; // keeps track of contactSensorState
int lightLevel; // stores last sensor value
void checkSensor(unsigned long sensorInterval = 1000, unsigned long reportInterval = 2 * 60 *1000) {
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
static int lastLightLevel; // remember last LightLevel value
static unsigned long lastReading; // remember last sensor reading time
static unsigned long lastReportMillis; // remember last reporting time to SinricServer
if (currentMillis - lastReading < sensorInterval) return; // lastReading < sensorInterval? -> nothing to do return | else continue...
lastReading = currentMillis; // update last readReading timestamp
lightLevel = analogRead(A0); // read LDR sensor value from A0
// Print lightLevel, lowerSetpoint upperSetpoint and contactState to Serial
Serial.printf("Current lightLevel: %d (lowerSetpoint: %d | upperSetpoint: %d | Contact is %s)\r\n",
contactState ? "closed" : "open"
// check
// - if lightLevel is below lowerSetpoint and contactState is open
// - or lightLevel is above upperSetpoint and contactState is closed
if ((lightLevel <= lowerSetpoint && !contactState) || (lightLevel >= upperSetpoint && contactState)) {
contactState = !contactState; // invert contactState because value is below lowerSetpoint or above upperSetpoint
// Print (depending on contactState)
// - contactState : true "Light level (x) is below lowerSetpoint (y). Contact is closed now."
// - contactState : false "Light level (x) is above upperSetpoint (z). Contact is open now."
Serial.printf("Light level (%d) is %s (%d). Contact is %s now.\r\n",
contactState ? "below lowerSetpoint" : "above upperSetpoint", // contactState true : "below lowerSetpoint", false : "above upperSetpoint"
contactState ? lowerSetpoint : upperSetpoint, // contactState true : lowerSetpoint value, false : upperSetpoint value
contactState ? "closed" : "open" // contactState true : "closed", false : "open"
dimmerSensor.sendContactEvent(contactState); // update contactSensor state on server
dimmerSensor.sendRangeValueEvent("lightLevel", lightLevel); // update lightLevel on server
// if minimum report time is reached AND the last reported lightLevel is different form curren lightLevel
if ((currentMillis - lastReportMillis >= reportInterval) && (lastLightLevel != lightLevel)) {
lastReportMillis = currentMillis; // update lastReport time
lastLightLevel = lightLevel; // update last known lightLevel
dimmerSensor.sendRangeValueEvent("lightLevel", lightLevel); // update current light level on server
bool onLowerSetpoint(const String &deviceId, const String &instance, int &newLowerSetpoint) {
lowerSetpoint = newLowerSetpoint;
Serial.printf("LowerSetpoint changed to %d\r\n", lowerSetpoint);
checkSensor(0, 0); // check the sensor NOW
return true;
bool onUpperSetpoint(const String &deviceId, const String &instance, int &newUpperSetpoint) {
upperSetpoint = newUpperSetpoint;
Serial.printf("UpperSetpoint changed to %d\r\n", upperSetpoint);
checkSensor(0,0); // check the sensor NOW
return true;
// this callback is only to avoid error messages if the slider for lightValue have been changed
bool onLightValue(const String &deviceId, const String &instance, int &newLightValue) {
newLightValue = lightLevel; // set it back to last measured light value
return true;
void setupWiFi() {
WiFi.begin(SSID, PASS);
Serial.printf("[WiFi]: Connecting to %s", SSID);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
void setupSinricPro() {
dimmerSensor.onRangeValue("lowerSetpoint", onLowerSetpoint); // attach onLowerSetpoint callback to 'lowerSetpoint' instance
dimmerSensor.onRangeValue("upperSetpoint", onUpperSetpoint); // attach onUpperSetpoint callback to 'upperSetpoint' instance
dimmerSensor.onRangeValue("lightLevel", onLightValue); // attach onLightLevel callback to 'lightLevel' instance
SinricPro.onConnected([]{ Serial.printf("[SinricPro]: Connected\r\n"); }); // print connected message after connection have been established to server
SinricPro.onDisconnected([]{ Serial.printf("[SinricPro]: Disconnected\r\n"); }); // print disconnected message if connection was lost
SinricPro.begin(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET);
void setup() {
Serial.begin(BAUD_RATE); // initialize Serial monitor
pinMode(A0, INPUT); // initialize input pin for LDR
setupWiFi(); // connect to wifi
setupSinricPro(); // setup sinric pro device and connection
void loop() {
SinricPro.handle(); // handle incomming requests / update server status
checkSensor(); // check sensor
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