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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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public class LinkedListCloning {
public static class Node<T> {
public T value;
public Node<T> next;
public Node<T> random;
public Node(T value, Node<T> next) {
this.value = value; = next;
public static <T> Node<T> f(Node<T> x) {
return x != null ? : null;
private void insertClones() {
Node<T> orig = this;
while (orig != null) {
Node<T> next = f(orig); = new Node<>(orig.value, next); // clone
orig = next;
private void linkClones() {
Node<T> orig = this;
while (orig != null) {
f(orig).random = f(orig.random); // next to origin random located its clone
orig = f(f(orig)); // double step to next origin node
private Node<T> ejectClones() {
Node<T> orig = this;
Node<T> clone = f(this);
Node<T> cloneHead = clone;
do { =; = f(;
orig =;
clone =;
} while (orig != null);
return cloneHead;
* Target task implementation.
* It takes time proportional to 3N, where N is a number of
* list items. And, at that, ω(N) == Θ(N) == O(N).
* Algorithm is based on modification of the original list.
* On the first step algorithm clone all "next" nodes without
* deep cloning (only value) and link them just after original nodes.
* On the second step algorithm init node.random link from the cloned nodes.
* And at the end algorithm backs revert original list and makes a separate
* list from the cloned nodes.
* @return clone of the current list.
public Node<T> cloneList() {
return ejectClones();
public static class CachedNode<T> extends Node<T> {
private static final Map<Object, CachedNode<?>> cache = new HashMap<>();
private CachedNode(T value, Node<T> random) {
super(value, null);
this.random = random;
cache.put(value, this);
public static <T> CachedNode<T> node(T value) {
return new CachedNode<>(value, null);
public CachedNode<T> random(T n) {
this.random = getCached(n);
return this;
public CachedNode<T> next(T n) {
CachedNode<T> node = getCached(n);
if ( == null) = node;
return node;
public CachedNode<T> next(T n, Node<T> random) {
CachedNode<T> node = getCached(n);
if ( == null) = node;
if (this.random == null) this.random = random;
return node;
private CachedNode<T> getCached(T n) {
if (cache.containsKey(n))
return (CachedNode<T>) cache.get(n);
CachedNode<T> node = new CachedNode<>(n, random);
cache.put(n, node);
return node;
public static void reset() {
private static <T> T value(Node<T> x) {
return x != null ? x.value : null;
private static <T> Integer hash(Node<T> x) {
return x != null ? x.hashCode() : null;
private static <T> String asString(Node<T> head) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
while (head != null) {
buf.append(format("<value=%s; ", head.value));
buf.append(format("[next=%s, %s]; ", value(, hash(;
buf.append(format("[rnd=%s, %s]; ", value(head.random), hash(head.random)));
buf.append(format("hash=%s>, ", hash(head)));
head = Node.f(head);
return buf.toString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
* case 0) 1 --> 2 --> 3 --> 4 --> 5 --> null
* | | | |
* |->3 |->2 |->4 |->1
* case 1) 1 --> 2 --> 3 --> 4 --> 5 --> null
* | | | | |
* |->2 |->3 |->4 |->5 |->null
* case 2) 1 --> 2 --> 3 --> 4 --> 5 --> null
* case 3) 1 --> 2 --> null
* |
* |->2
* case 4) 1 --> 2 --> null
* | |
* |->2 |->2
* case 5) 1 --> null
* |
* |->1
* case 6) 1 --> null
CachedNode<Integer> head0 = node(1).random(3);
String head0StrOrig = asString(head0);
Node<Integer> head0Clone = head0.cloneList();
String head0StrMod = asString(head0);
String head0CloneStr = asString(head0Clone);
assert head0StrOrig.equals(head0StrMod);
assert !head0StrOrig.equals(head0CloneStr);
CachedNode<Integer> head1 = node(1).random(2);
String head1StrOrig = asString(head1);
Node<Integer> head1Clone = head1.cloneList();
String head1StrMod = asString(head1);
String head1CloneStr = asString(head1Clone);
assert head1StrOrig.equals(head1StrMod);
assert !head1StrOrig.equals(head1CloneStr);
CachedNode<Integer> head2 = node(1);;
String head2StrOrig = asString(head2);
Node<Integer> head2Clone = head2.cloneList();
String head2StrMod = asString(head2);
String head2CloneStr = asString(head2Clone);
assert head2StrOrig.equals(head2StrMod);
assert !head2StrOrig.equals(head2CloneStr);
CachedNode<Integer> head3 = node(1).random(2);;
String head3StrOrig = asString(head3);
Node<Integer> head3Clone = head3.cloneList();
String head3StrMod = asString(head3);
String head3CloneStr = asString(head3Clone);
assert head3StrOrig.equals(head3StrMod);
assert !head3StrOrig.equals(head3CloneStr);
CachedNode<Integer> head4 = node(1).random(2);;
String head4StrOrig = asString(head4);
Node<Integer> head4Clone = head4.cloneList();
String head4StrMod = asString(head4);
String head4CloneStr = asString(head4Clone);
assert head4StrOrig.equals(head4StrMod);
assert !head4StrOrig.equals(head4CloneStr);
CachedNode<Integer> head5 = node(1).random(1);
String head5StrOrig = asString(head5);
Node<Integer> head5Clone = head5.cloneList();
String head5StrMod = asString(head5);
String head5CloneStr = asString(head5Clone);
assert head5StrOrig.equals(head5StrMod);
assert !head5StrOrig.equals(head5CloneStr);
CachedNode<Integer> head6 = node(1);
String head6StrOrig = asString(head6);
Node<Integer> head6Clone = head6.cloneList();
String head6StrMod = asString(head6);
String head6CloneStr = asString(head6Clone);
assert head6StrOrig.equals(head6StrMod);
assert !head6StrOrig.equals(head6CloneStr);
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