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Last active August 29, 2016 15:39
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PHP SDK Version 4.0.0
use Facebook\FacebookRequest;
use Facebook\GraphUser;
use Facebook\FacebookRequestException;
if($session) {
try {
$user_profile = (new FacebookRequest(
$session, 'GET', '/me'
echo "Name: " . $user_profile->getName();
} catch(FacebookRequestException $e) {
echo "Exception occured, code: " . $e->getCode();
echo " with message: " . $e->getMessage();
use Facebook\FacebookRequest;
use Facebook\GraphObject;
use Facebook\FacebookRequestException;
if($session) {
try {
// Upload to a user's profile. The photo will be in the
// first album in the profile. You can also upload to
// a specific album by using /ALBUM_ID as the path
$response = (new FacebookRequest(
$session, 'POST', '/me/photos', array(
'source' => new CURLFile('path/to/', 'image/png'),
'message' => 'User provided message'
// If you're not using PHP 5.5 or later, change the file reference to:
// 'source' => @'/path/to/'
echo "Posted with id: " . $response->getProperty('id');
} catch(FacebookRequestException $e) {
echo "Exception occured, code: " . $e->getCode();
echo " with message: " . $e->getMessage();
Note that the 'message' field must come from the user, as pre-filled content is forbidden by the [Platform Policies](
use Facebook\FacebookRequest;
use Facebook\GraphObject;
use Facebook\FacebookRequestException;
if($session) {
try {
$response = (new FacebookRequest(
$session, 'POST', '/me/feed', array(
'link' => '',
'message' => 'User provided message'
echo "Posted with id: " . $response->getProperty('id');
} catch(FacebookRequestException $e) {
echo "Exception occured, code: " . $e->getCode();
echo " with message: " . $e->getMessage();
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