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Last active April 29, 2023 11:08
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figma tokens style dictionary config
const glob = require("glob");
const StyleDictionary = require("style-dictionary");
const baseFiles = glob.sync(`tokens/01_base/**/*.json`);
const themeFiles = glob.sync(`tokens/02_themes/**/*.json`);
const semanticFiles = glob.sync(`tokens/03_semantic/**/*.json`);
const componentFiles = glob.sync("tokens/04_component/**/*.json");
const { Parser } = require("expr-eval");
const { parseToRgba } = require("color2k");
const fs = require("fs");
console.log("Build started...");
const fontWeightMap = {
thin: 100,
extralight: 200,
ultralight: 200,
extraleicht: 200,
light: 300,
leicht: 300,
normal: 400,
regular: 400,
buch: 400,
medium: 500,
kraeftig: 500,
kräftig: 500,
semibold: 600,
demibold: 600,
halbfett: 600,
bold: 700,
dreiviertelfett: 700,
extrabold: 800,
ultabold: 800,
fett: 800,
black: 900,
heavy: 900,
super: 900,
extrafett: 900,
* Helper: Transforms math like Figma Tokens
const parser = new Parser();
function checkAndEvaluateMath(expr) {
try {
return +parser.evaluate(expr).toFixed(3);
} catch (ex) {
return expr;
* Helper: Transforms dimensions to px
function transformDimension(value) {
if (value.endsWith("px")) {
return value;
return value + "px";
* Helper: Transforms letter spacing % to em
function transformLetterSpacing(value) {
if (value.endsWith("%")) {
const percentValue = value.slice(0, -1);
return `${percentValue / 100}em`;
return value;
* Helper: Transforms letter spacing % to em
function transformFontWeights(value) {
const mapped = fontWeightMap[value.toLowerCase()];
return `${mapped}`;
* Helper: Transforms hex rgba colors used in figma tokens: rgba(#ffffff, 0.5) =? rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5). This is kind of like an alpha() function.
function transformHEXRGBa(value) {
if (value.startsWith("rgba(#")) {
const [hex, alpha] = value
.replace(")", "")
.split(", ");
const [r, g, b] = parseToRgba(hex);
return `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, ${alpha})`;
} else {
return value;
* Helper: Transforms boxShadow object to shadow shorthand
* This currently works fine if every value uses an alias, but if any one of these use a raw value, it will not be transformed.
function transformShadow(shadow) {
const {x, y, blur, spread, color} = shadow
return `${x} ${y} ${blur} ${spread} ${color}`
* Helper: Transforms typography object to typography shorthand
* This currently works fine if every value uses an alias, but if any one of these use a raw value, it will not be transformed.
* If you'd like to output all typography values, you'd rather need to return the typography properties itself
function transformTypography(value) {
const {fontWeight, fontSize, lineHeight, fontFamily} = value;
return `${fontWeight} ${fontSize}/${lineHeight} ${fontFamily}`;
* Transform typography shorthands for css variables
name: "typography/shorthand",
type: "value",
transitive: true,
matcher: (token) => token.type === "typography",
transformer: (token) => transformTypography(token.original.value),
* Transform shadow shorthands for css variables
name: "shadow/shorthand",
type: "value",
transitive: true,
matcher: (token) => ["boxShadow"].includes(token.type),
transformer: (token) => {
return Array.isArray(token.original.value)
? => transformShadow(single)).join(", ")
: transformShadow(token.original.value);
* Transform fontSizes to px
name: "size/px",
type: "value",
transitive: true,
matcher: (token) =>
["fontSizes", "dimension", "borderRadius", "spacing"].includes(token.type),
transformer: (token) => transformDimension(token.value),
* Transform letterSpacing to em
name: "size/letterspacing",
type: "value",
transitive: true,
matcher: (token) => token.type === "letterSpacing",
transformer: (token) => transformLetterSpacing(token.value),
* Transform fontWeights to numerical
name: "type/fontWeight",
type: "value",
transitive: true,
matcher: (token) => token.type === "fontWeights",
transformer: (token) => transformFontWeights(token.value),
* Transform rgba colors to usable rgba
name: "color/hexrgba",
type: "value",
transitive: true,
matcher: (token) =>
typeof token.value === "string" && token.value.startsWith("rgba(#"),
transformer: (token) => transformHEXRGBa(token.value),
* Transform to resolve math across all tokens
name: "resolveMath",
type: "value",
transitive: true,
matcher: (token) => token,
// Putting this in strings seems to be required
transformer: (token) => `${checkAndEvaluateMath(token.value)}`
* Format for css variables
name: "css/variables",
formatter: function (dictionary, config) {
return `${this.selector} {
.map((prop) => (` --${}: ${prop.value};`))
function convertToVariableIfNeeded(value) {
if (value.startsWith("{") && value.endsWith("}")) {
return `var(--${value.slice(1, -1).split(".").join("-")})`;
return value;
function mapPropertyToCSSOutput(key, inputValue) {
let value = convertCompositionValue(key, inputValue)
switch (key) {
case "paddingTop": return `padding-top: ${value};`
case "paddingRight": return `padding-right: ${value};`
case "paddingBottom": return `padding-bottom: ${value};`
case "paddingLeft": return `padding-left: ${value};`
case "spacing": return `padding: ${value};`
case "itemSpacing": return `gap: ${value};`
case "horizontalPadding": return `padding-left: ${value};\n padding-right: ${value};`
case "verticalPadding": return `padding-top: ${value};\n padding-bottom: ${value};`
case "fontSize": return `font-size: ${value};`
case "lineHeight": return `line-height: ${value};`
case "fontWeight": return `font-weight: ${value};`
case "fontFamily": return `font-family: ${value};`
case "letterSpacing": return `letter-spacing: ${value};`
case "boxShadow": return `box-shadow: ${value};`
case "typography": return `font: ${value};`
case "fill": return `background-color: ${value};`
case "border": return `border-color: ${value};`
case "borderRadius": return `border-radius: ${value};`
case "borderRadiusTopLeft": return `border-top-left-radius: ${value};`
case "borderRadiusTopRight": return `border-top-right-radius: ${value};`
case "borderRadiusBottomRight": return `border-bottom-right-radius: ${value};`
case "borderRadiusBottomLeft": return `border-bottom-left-radius: ${value};`
case "borderWidth": return `border-width: ${value};`
case "borderWidthTop": return `border-top-width: ${value};`
case "borderWidthRight": return `border-right-width: ${value};`
case "borderWidthBottom": return `border-bottom-width: ${value};`
case "borderWidthLeft": return `border-left-width: ${value};`
// Note: For border style we'd also need to set a border-style property to work correctly, which will be part of an upcoming release.
// For now I'd suggest to have that in your composition token JSON even though we can't use it in Figma just yet.
// Or keep this following line which hard-codes it to solid.
case "borderStyle": return `border-style: solid;`
function convertCompositionValue(key, value) {
if (value.startsWith("{") && value.endsWith("}")) {
console.log("converting comp value", value.slice(1, -1).split(".").join("-"));
return `var(--${value.slice(1, -1).split(".").join("-")})`;
// If we're not using an alias we need to transform values.
// As composition tokens don't have a dedicated type defined for each value,
// we can use the name of the property to determine what transformation needs to take place.
// All used properties can be found here:
// Each of these can only be of a specific type, so this can be safely done.
switch (key) {
case "fontSize":
case "padding":
case "paddingTop":
case "paddingRight":
case "paddingBottom":
case "paddingLeft":
case "itemSpacing":
case "horizontalPadding":
case "verticalPadding":
case "width":
case "height":
case "sizing":
case "borderRadius":
case "borderRadiusTopLeft":
case "borderRadiusTopRight":
case "borderRadiusBottomRight":
case "borderRadiusBottomLeft":
case "borderWidth":
case "borderWidthTop":
case "borderWidthRight":
case "borderWidthBottom":
case "borderWidthLeft":
return transformDimension(value);
case "letterSpacing":
return transformLetterSpacing(value);
case "fontWeight":
return transformFontWeights(value);
case "color":
case "border":
return transformHEXRGBa(value);
case "boxShadow":
return transformShadow(value);
case "typography":
return transformTypography(value);
return value;
* Format for css typography classes
* This generates theme-independent css classes so we're fine with just using css variables here
name: "css/typographyClasses",
formatter: (dictionary, config) => ( => (`
.${} {
font: var(--${});
letter-spacing: ${convertToVariableIfNeeded(
text-transform: ${convertToVariableIfNeeded(prop.original.value.textCase)};
text-decoration: ${convertToVariableIfNeeded(
* Format for css compisition classes
* This generates theme-independent css classes so we're fine with just using css variables here
name: "css/compositionClasses",
formatter: (dictionary, config) => => (`
.${} {
${Object.entries(prop.original.value).map((property => {
const [key, value] = property;
return mapPropertyToCSSOutput(key, value);
})).join("\n ")}
function getTypographyConfig() {
return {
source: [
platforms: {
css: {
transforms: [
buildPath: `dist/css/`,
files: [
destination: `base/typography-classes.css`,
format: "css/typographyClasses",
selector: ":root",
filter: (token) => token.type === "typography",
function getCompositionConfig() {
return {
source: [
platforms: {
css: {
transforms: [
buildPath: `dist/css/`,
files: [
destination: `base/compositions.css`,
format: "css/compositionClasses",
selector: ":root",
filter: (token) => token.type === "composition"
function getStyleDictionaryConfig(themePath, baseOnly = false) {
"Building: ",
`${baseOnly ? "Base Only" : "All sets"}`
const fileName = themePath.split("/").pop().replace(".json", "");
const sourceFiles = baseOnly
? ["tokens/01_base/**/*.+(json)"]
: [
return {
source: sourceFiles,
platforms: {
css: {
transforms: [
buildPath: `dist/css/`,
files: [
destination: baseOnly
? `base/${fileName}.css`
: `themes/${fileName}.css`,
format: "css/variables",
selector: baseOnly ? ":root" : `.${fileName}-theme`,
filter: (token) =>
[themePath, ...semanticFiles, ...componentFiles].includes(
} (theme) {
const SD = StyleDictionary.extend(getStyleDictionaryConfig(theme));
}); (file) {
const SD = StyleDictionary.extend(getStyleDictionaryConfig(file, true));
let typographyBuild = StyleDictionary.extend(getTypographyConfig())
const compositionBuild = StyleDictionary.extend(getCompositionConfig())
console.log("\nBuild completed!");
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