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Last active July 28, 2020 11:49
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"name":"Contact Form to Manage and respond to conversations with customers \u2014 HappyForms",
"upgrade_notice": "Hey, I'm a remote upgrade notice!",
"description":"<p><a href=\"https:\/\/\/\" target=\"_blank\">HappyForms<\/a> is the simplest way for you to manage and respond to conversations with your website visitors. With over 10 years of experience here at The Theme Foundry, we've heard from nearly 1,000,000 business what they need from a form builder! We've heard about the wasted time trying to set up tricky forms; the frustration of emails not being delivered; and the let down of not hearing from leads. That\u2019s why we created HappyForms: Your free and friendly drag and drop form builder for creating contact forms, lead generation forms, feedback forms, quote forms, survey forms and more! HappyForms is optimized to increase conversations with your website visitors, and to help you keep track of these conversations in a filterable archive. Have peace of mind knowing messages to-and-from are getting delivered without the hassle of spam. You'll be set up and going in 5 minutes or less.<\/p><p>Upgraded HappyForms features include:<\/p><ul><li>Let folks upload files to your forms.<\/li><li>Easily open forms in modal \/ pop-up window.<\/li><li>Password protect forms for private access.<\/li><li>Show and hide forms using date\/time scheduler.<\/li><li>Limit the number of responses per form.<\/li><li>Randomize form fields and values to avoid biases.<\/li><li>Get access to our growing Slack community.<\/li><li>Unlimited personal and client use plans.;<\/li><\/ul>",
"installation":"<ol><li>Upload the happy forms folder to the <code>wp-content\/plugins<\/code> directory<\/li><li>Activate the plugin through the \"Plugins\" menu in WordPress<\/li><\/ol>",
"changelog":"<h4>1.17.4 \u2013 July 24, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: \"Use reCAPTCHA\" control and related settings were not showing when reCAPTCHA V2 was connected.<\/li><li>Bugfix: \"Include referral web address\" email control wasn't working with \"Capture user metadata\" privacy setting off.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.17.3 \u2013 July 20, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Submit button with \"Disable buttons until required fields are answered\" feature enabled was always disabled if Long Answer field was in the form.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Controls for adding redirect URL were not showing.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.17.2 \u2013 July 19, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Activity screen was generating an error on older PHP versions.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.17.1 \u2013 July 17, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Activity screen was generating a PHP notice.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.17.0 \u2013 July 17, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Layout group in fields drawer to separate fields allowing input from visual only fields.<\/li><li>New feature: Title field for adding titles to visually separate fields.<\/li><li>New feature: Media field for adding a single image, video, animated gif or audio clip.<\/li><li>New feature: Divider field for adding a horizontal rule.<\/li><li>New feature: All settings related to integrations are now in a brand new HappyForms \u2192 Integrations screen.<\/li><li>New feature: Added option to show description as a tooltip to all fields.<\/li><li>New feature: New email control allows choosing which email fields are picked up for user email alerts.<\/li><li>Improvement: New `happyforms_is_email` filter allows override of core `is_email` function.<\/li><li>Improvement: Text Editor field is now part of Long Answer field and can be enabled by checking its new \u201cAdd rich-text editor toolbar\u201d control.<\/li><li>Improvement: Placeholder field was renamed to Text field and is now part of Layout group in fields drawer.<\/li><li>Improvement: \u201cHide form after submit\u201d control was moved to \u201cConfirm submission\u201d dropdown and is now a new default option.<\/li><li>Improvement: Tooltip icon now displays next to label instead of inside field input and inherits label color.<\/li><li>Improvement: Improved \u201cDisable buttons until required fields are answered\u201d feature to fade out buttons in multi-step forms too.<\/li><li>Improvement: Various improvements to form styles and UI.<\/li><li>Improvement: Marking an activity as spam\/not spam now preserves read\/unread status.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Slider Scale description was overlapping the field output value.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Sendinblue integration only pulled 10 lists per folder.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Added missing bulk actions in Activity screen.<\/li><li>Bugfix: When set to return `false`, `happyforms_logger_enabled` filter wasn't clearing cookies.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.16.1 \u2013 July 3, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Limit submissions per user control was not showing up in Setup step.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Masked Number field had wrong type HTML attribute and was not accepting more than four digits.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Control for mapping form field to Mailchimp merge field was only showing first ten merge fields.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.16.0 \u2013 July 1, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Send email confirmations to custom address from Activity screen.<\/li><li>New feature: Privacy settings.<\/li><li>New feature: Rows control added to Long Answer and Text Editor fields.<\/li><li>Improvement: Standalone cache system for better compatibility with third party caching systems.<\/li><li>Improvement: New icons for form fields in form builder.<\/li><li>Improvement: New improved visuals for Poll field.<\/li><li>Improvement: Added various text controls to form builder to make translating messages throughout the form easier.<\/li><li>Improvement: Input for Other choice in choice fields got a new refreshed look and better accessibility.<\/li><li>Improvement: Various improvements to form builder and front-end styles.<\/li><li>Improvement: Merged three separate credit card inputs in Payment field into a single credit card input.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Sorting fields in form builder made the container always scroll to top instead of preserving its scrolling position.<\/li><li>Bugfix: When suffix was set on a field with tooltip, the tooltip icon and suffix were overlapping.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Signature field was missing in PDF documents.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.15.3 \u2013 June 17, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Stripe credit card fields were not rendering when multiple forms were on the same page.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.15.2 \u2013 June 17, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: PDF generation was triggering a deprecation warning.<\/li><li>Bugfix: PayPal integration was triggering a notice on PHP 7.4.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Sendinblue lists were not populating logic group dropdown with correct data.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.15.1 \u2013 June 16, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Forms with many parts generated long payment description beyond 1000 characters limit set by Stripe and PayPal.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Some email marketing services were not showing lists in conditional logic dropdowns.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Mailchimp groups were not populating logic group dropdown correctly when first enabling the integration.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.15.0 \u2014 June 13, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Added MailPoet integration.<\/li><li>New feature: Added Sendinblue integration.<\/li><li>New feature: Added SendFox integration.<\/li><li>New feature: Automatically mark new submissions as spam with new Submission Blocklist settings.<\/li><li>New feature: Lock or unlock parts of HappyForms for different roles with new Role Permissions settings.<\/li><li>Improvement: Updated parts icons.<\/li><li>Improvement: Improved import feature in Import and Export section to match core experience.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Opening a form in overlay window rendered Dropdown part in focused state.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.14.2 \u2014 June 9, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Clicking Browse button in Attachment part caused forms to submit.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.14.1 \u2014 June 6, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: National convention in Phone part was not showing up in emails or in Activity details.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.14.0 \u2014 May 29, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Integration with Google Analytics.<\/li><li>New feature: Integration with reCAPTCHA v3! You can now choose between v2 and v3 in Settings screen.<\/li><li>New feature: New control in Email step to include user meta data like IP and local date and time in admin email notification.<\/li><li>New feature: Credentials on Settings screen can now be toggled between plain text and password type.<\/li><li>New feature: New control in selected parts to include part value in payment description.<\/li><li>Improvement: Improved form builder compatibility with various plugins and themes, including Oxygen Builder.<\/li><li>Improvement: Signature part now includes both consent text and signature in email notification.<\/li><li>Improvement: Various improvements to UI and front-end styles.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Multiple Poll parts in the same form always showed the title of first poll when viewing results in admin.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Multiple Email parts would be ignored when sending confirmations if controlled by conditional logic.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.13.3 \u2014 May 20, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: A typo was preventing AWeber from fetching lists.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.13.2 \u2014 May 13, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Reworded ActiveCampaign control.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.13.1 \u2014 May 12, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: An error in Constant Contact, AWeber and Active Campaign was blocking form submissions.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.13.0 \u2014 May 9, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Added AWeber integration.<\/li><li>New feature: Added ActiveCampaign integration.<\/li><li>New feature: Added Constant Contact integration.<\/li><li>New feature: Added SendGrid integration.<\/li><li>New feature: Added ConvertKit integration.<\/li><li>New feature: Added MailerLite integration.<\/li><li>Improvement: Improved design of Settings screen.<\/li><li>Improvement: Controls in Email step are now shown based on parts added to the form.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Multiple dropdown parts were causing JS error in multi-step forms.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.12.13 \u2014 May 1, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Removed undefined constant.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.12.12 \u2014 April 30, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Improvement: Language text domain is now unified for easier translation.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Submit button CSS classes control was not applying in multistep forms and preview step.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Fixed \"Reveal on focus\" description mode in parts that support Prefix and Suffix.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Geolocation icon in Address part was displayed in next line instead of being part of input.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.12.11 \u2014 April 25, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Forms with a lot of conditional logic were causing performance issues in form builder.<\/li><li>Bugfix: National convention dropdown in Phone part was not working as expected.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Fixed double border issue in Style step.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.12.10 \u2014 April 22, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Improved compatibility with latest version of Divi theme.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Fixed Phone part layout breaking into two lines when \"Use national convention\" was checked.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.12.9 \u2014 April 15, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Redirect URL control was not showing up in Setup step.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Fixed incorrect value in email and Activity screen when Multiple Choice part was enabled to accept \"Other\" choice.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Fixed appearance of Submit button when displayed in line with form part.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.12.8 \u2014 April 14, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Attachments can now be browsed and filtered through Media Library screens.<\/li><li>New feature: PDFs can now be generated and attached to email alerts.<\/li><li>New feature: Overlay forms can now be easily added to navigation menus.<\/li><li>New feature: Added new \"Edit button label\" control to \"Preview values before submission\" feature.<\/li><li>New feature: \"Require password\" feature now allows for adding a custom message when the password is incorrect using \"Error message\" control.<\/li><li>New feature: Stripe integration now supports Indian rupee (INR) and Romanian leu (RON) currencies.<\/li><li>Improvement: Improved appearance and available tools in visual editors.<\/li><li>Improvement: Removed untranslatable strings from CSV exports.<\/li><li>Improvement: Time in CSV export now respects site's time format setting.<\/li><li>Improvement: Replaced \"Winner\" text string in Poll part with an icon.<\/li><li>Improvement: Replaced \"Get my location\" and \"Fetching\u2026\" words in Address part with animated icons.<\/li><li>Improvement: Added `happyforms_logger_enabled` filter for toggling user tracking.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Fixed spacings and button styles in overlay forms.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Fixed Email part which was not allowing empty value even when marked as optional part.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Fixed font size sliders in Style tab that were not updating preview.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Fixed broken appearance of inputs when \"Label display\" setting was set to \"Inside\".<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.12.7 \u2014 March 27, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Added support for media in confirmation email content. The editor now allows to add images to email\u2019s content using Add Media button. Other media types can be added as text links.<\/li><li>New feature: Added support for media in Blanks part. This allows for embedding images, videos, and audio files in the part\u2019s content directly.<\/li><li>New feature: Added \u201cSuffix\u201d control to Web Address part.<\/li><li>Improvement: Data received as PDF now follows conditional logic.<\/li><li>Improvement: New \u201cConfirm submission\u201d control in Setup step. Form can be configured to display a confirmation message or redirect to web address on submit.<\/li><li>Improvement: New autocomplete feature in \u201cRedirect to web address\u201d control for adding posts and pages URLs easily by searching in content title as you type.<\/li><li>Improvement: Added \u201cLimit files\u201d checkbox control to Attachment part for specifying maximum number of files accepted by part.<\/li><li>Improvement: Added a new label control to add more description to file counter in Attachment part.<\/li><li>Improvement: Added a new label control for \u201cLimit words\/characters\u201d feature in Long Text and Text Editor parts.<\/li><li>Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress 5.4.<\/li><li>Improvement: Various improvements to HappyForms UI.<\/li><li>Bugfix: PayPal was misbehaving when in live mode.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Stripe integration's credit card fields were not initiated when form was set to display in overlay window.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Payment part\u2019s price conditions were not passing correct price to payment gateway.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Conditional logic groups were misbehaving.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Special characters in resumable forms had rendering issues.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.12.6 \u2014 March 11, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: New \"Save user's meta data\" checkbox allowing to disable storing meta data like IP address with each submission.<\/li><li>Improvement: When searching for specific choice in Dropdown part, a configurable \"No results\" message is shown if no matching choice is found.<\/li><li>Improvement: Added configurable \"Unavailable message\" control for message displayed when form has reached maximum submissions in \"Limit submissions\" feature.<\/li><li>Improvement: Custom HTML ID of the form using \"Form HTML ID\" control can now be toggled by checking \"Use custom HTML ID\" control.<\/li><li>Improvement: \"Save abandoned submissions\" control now allows for setting a specific part that needs to be filled out in order for submission to save.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Form ID used as a prefix for all selectors in Additional CSS section in Style tab was using ID of child element instead of parent.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Number part was returning an error when 0 was submitted even if when it was in specified range of min and max value.<\/li><li>Bugfix: reCAPTCHA remained visible after submitting the form when \"Hide form after submit\" setting was enabled.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Progress indicator in multi-step forms was not highlighting correct step when form was opened in an overlay window.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Site Address part was returning an error when it was made optional and left empty.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Poll part was not saving value when progressing through multi-step forms, making it impossible to submit such form.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Poll part was preventing submit of multi-step form when the part was optional and left empty.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Various fixes related to front-end and form builder UI styles.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Display of dates in Activity screen now honours locale settings.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Abandoned and multistep forms now correctly render Unicode characters.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Conditional logic was misbehaving when using a custom form HTML ID.<\/li><li>Bugfix: \"Clear all\" link for emptying an abandoned section didn't work in modal forms.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Stripe card elements were not rendering when custom form HTML ID was used.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.12.5 \u2014 February 21, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Activity screen was misbehaving on WordPress versions prior to 5.1.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.12.4 \u2014 February 21, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: New control to limit how many times each individual choice can be submitted in choice parts.<\/li><li>New feature: Added support for prefix and suffix in Short Text, Email, and Number part inputs.<\/li><li>New feature: Added support for input placeholder in confirmation fields.<\/li><li>Improvement: Various improvements to front-end styles and form builder UI.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Phone part national convention was not displaying flag icons after unsuccessful form submission.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.12.3 \u2014 February 7, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Validation messages section in Settings screen which allows for adding custom messages.<\/li><li>Improvement: Various improvements to general look and feel of validation messages.<\/li><li>Improvement: Improved accessibility of validation messages.<\/li><li>Improvement: reCAPTCHA now allows to click submit button when empty, then displays validation message.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Choices marked checked as default were displaying checked HTML attribute on front-end.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.12.2 \u2014 January 22, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Additional CSS section in Style tab allowing to write custom styles for each individual form.<\/li><li>New feature: New \"Limit choices\" control in choices parts for setting lower and upper limit of accepted choices.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Bulk add rows button in Table part was not expanding the controls.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Bulk action \"Mark as spam\" was not working.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.12.1 \u2014 January 10, 2020<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Quarter width setting for parts and part choices<\/li><li>Improvement: Various improvements to HappyForms UI styles<\/li><li>Improvement: Improved compatibility of form part styles with some themes<\/li><li>Improvement: Refreshed UI of Import and Export section on Settings page and text output when importing data<\/li><li>Improvement: Attachment part now allows for unlimited files<\/li><li>Improvement: Better validation of numeric values in Number, Scale and Date part<\/li><li>Improvement: Easier configuration of years in Date part<\/li><li>Bugfix: Fixed choice parts not saving \"Checked by default\" setting<\/li><li>Bugfix: An enqueued core script was preventing form edit screen from working correctly on some setups<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.12.0 \u2014 December 19, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Controls from Integrations, Import and Export, and Register pages are now combined into one single page called Settings.<\/li><li>New feature: Date filter on All Forms screen now allows you to filter forms by date added.<\/li><li>New feature: Screen Options on Activity screen now let you hide specific columns displayed in the table.<\/li><li>Improvement: Various improvements to UI styles, wording, and default values of part controls.<\/li><li>Improvement: Email controls are now grouped in a dedicated step.<\/li><li>Improvement: Additional email controls for sender and reply-to addresses.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.11.6 \u2014 December 4, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Conditional redirect URL was misbehaving.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.11.5 \u2014 December 3, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: \"Add Media\" button in Placeholder part allowing you to add images and videos to your forms!<\/li><li>New feature: Form archive enabling you to disable new submissions for form without trashing it.<\/li><li>New feature: Option to show choices of Single Choice and Multiple Choice parts alphabetically.<\/li><li>New feature: Option to enable email reminder when the form has been left incomplete and abandoned by a user.<\/li><li>Improvement: Improved plugin's text domain for better management of translations.<\/li><li>Improvement: Various improvements to HappyForms UI styles and frontend.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.11.4 \u2014 November 21, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: New \"Activity\" screen with improved display of submission data and better usability.<\/li><li>New feature: New \"Edit Activity\" screen allows editing submission data.<\/li><li>New feature: Added Help tab to all HappyForms screens, providing easy access to help guide and our email support.<\/li><li>Improvement: All Forms screen style improvements.<\/li><li>Bugfix: A CSS typo was preventing \"Hide Placeholder parts in email\" control from working.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.11.3 \u2014 November 9, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Improvement: CSV exports now include date and time of submissions.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Conditional logic was misbehaving on some combinations of form configuration.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.11.2 \u2014 November 5, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Added \"Include referral link\" option to display referral links in email alerts.<\/li><li>Improvement: Response screen now displays the URL a response was submitted from.<\/li><li>Improvement: Various improvements related to builder and front-end styles.<\/li><li>Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress 5.3.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.11.1 \u2014 October 25, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Added \"Link to attachments in email\" option.<\/li><li>New feature: Added \"Hide Placeholder parts in email\" option.<\/li><li>New feature: Added new control \"Hide form on submission\" to Step 2.<\/li><li>Improvement: Various improvements to styles and wording in form builder UI.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.11.0 \u2014 October 12, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Payment part for accepting payments through forms.<\/li><li>New feature: Stripe integration.<\/li><li>New feature: PayPal integration.<\/li><li>New feature: Choices width control to allow for multi-column layouts in Single Choice and Multiple Choice parts.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.10.4 \u2014 September 11, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Improvement: Added Title control to Legal part to allow setting a label that appears in email and View Response screen.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Some strings could not be translated because of wrong text domain in code.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Legal part was not showing legal text in Responses table and View Response screen.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.10.3 \u2014 September 10, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Mailchimp control in Step 2 was overriding controls for saving abandoned responses.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.10.2 \u2014 September 7, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: A typo was preventing form previews from working correctly.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.10.1 \u2014 September 4, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Attachment part was incorrectly rejecting specific file types.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.10.0 \u2014 August 29, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Mailchimp integration.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.9.1 \u2014 August 29, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Removed data cleanup routines.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.9.0 \u2014 August 28, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Integrations screen for managing services that you can connect your form to.<\/li><li>Improvement: Moved reCAPTCHA site key and secret key settings to Integrations screen.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.8.6 \u2014 August 15, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Form error message and required field label are now easy to edit in Step 2.<\/li><li>Improvement: Reintroduced individual CSV export of responses.<\/li><li>Improvement: Added \"100\" step interval to Scale part.<\/li><li>Bugfix: \"Fade submit button until valid\" option control wasn't working correctly.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.8.5 \u2014 August 2, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: A database table name was hardcoded in logger class.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.8.4 \u2014 August 1, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Async email tasks were misbehaving on some server configurations.<\/li><li>Improvement: Added `happyforms_use_async_tasks` filter to toggle async task behavior.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.8.3 \u2014 July 5, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Increased compatibility with PHP 5.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.8.2 \u2014 July 5, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Fixed syntax error related to new condition class.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.8.1 \u2014 July 4, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Fixed fatal error when visiting Appearance -> Customize screen.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.8.0 \u2014 July 3, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Conditional part and email logic.<\/li><li>New feature: New 'Google reCAPTCHA theme' setting in Style step.<\/li><li>Improvement: Various improvements to styles in HappyForms UI.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Email part with confirmation value didn't work with 'Fade submit until valid' option.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Date & Time part did not reflect EU date format in preview step and email.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Comment count was including HappyForms statistics.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Parts excluded from PDFs were being exported anyway.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.7.0 \u2014 May 29, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: export and import forms and responses in XML and CSV format.<\/li><li>Bugfix: form edit screen was throwing PHP notices.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.6.1 \u2014 May 17, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Setting Scale part to multirange mode broke appearance of its sliders.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Email subject was ignoring parts configured to populate it.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.6.0 \u2014 16 May, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Export and attach a PDF version of submitted data to user alerts.<\/li><li>Improvement: Added label to HoneyPot input along with screen reader text for better accessibility compliance.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Small fixes related to styles and form builder UI.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.5.2 \u2014 15 May, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Cleanup of unassigned form attachments was removing valid Media Library attachments.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.5.1 \u2014 4 May, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Filter links for all post types tables were not visible due to bug in polls code.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.5.0 \u2014 25 Apr, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: New part \u2014 Poll, for collecting opinions and showing published results in a bar chart.<\/li><li>New feature: Added 'Include submitted values' option in Step 2 that allows you to send submitted data in a confirmation email sent to a user.<\/li><li>Improvement: Multi-line and Text Editor parts now support minimium and maximum character and word counter.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Long Text part was ignoring new lines when displaying submitted value in email.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.4.2 \u2014 16 Apr, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Redirect URL feature could cause fatal error in some environments.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Parts in multi-step forms set to Half and Third width were not aligned properly.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Alignment fixes in form preview step.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.4.1 \u2014 12 Apr, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Improved analytics display.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.4.0 \u2014 11 Apr, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Form analytics.<\/li><li>New feature: It's now possible to configure Bcc addresses for email alerts.<\/li><li>New feature: Narrative part now supports input placeholders between brackets.<\/li><li>New feature: Open redirect link in a new tab.<\/li><li>New feature: New 'Other' option for Single Choice and Multiple Choice part, allowing to enter custom text when responding.<\/li><li>Improvement: Better sample forms and responses created when activating plugin for the first time.<\/li><li>Improvement: Various improvements to form styles and alignment.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Forms created in 1.6.x versions weren't working because of a data format error.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.3.4 \u2014 3 Apr, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Improvement: Better handling of empty\/non valid abandoned submission data.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Redirect was not working when form included an Attachment part.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Trashing responses in bulk was destroying them immediately instead.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.3.3 \u2014 3 Apr, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Attachment part was imposing wrong max filesize restrictions.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Attachment part support for partial submissions was behaving incorrectly.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Form was scrolling to the top of the page after a submission.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.3.2 \u2014 30 Mar, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Legal part was throwing a notice when there was a part before and after it.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Part padding set to Narrow caused no gutter between parts.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Long Text part with title set to Display as placeholder was not collapsing label correctly after filling the value.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Long Text part kept submit button disabled even when value was valid.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Attachment part was showing incorrect information on number of files remaining in file limit.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Remove unneeded editor.js dependency in Long Text part.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.3.1 \u2014 28 Mar, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Attachment part validation was misbehaving for non-required parts.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.3.0 \u2014 28 Mar, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Multi-step forms with progress indicator.<\/li><li>New feature: Realtime character counter for Long Text and Text Editor parts.<\/li><li>New feature: New styles and style controls for form notices.<\/li><li>Improvement: New `happyforms_get_honorifics` filter allows for custom honorific titles.<\/li><li>Improvement: Autodisable free version when activating upgraded version.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.2.1 \u2014 15 Mar, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Submit button styles in Style step were not applying to submit button due to wrong selector.<\/li><li>Bugfix: `happyforms_enqueue_style` filter for disabling styles were not taken to consideration when loading color.css.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.2.0 \u2014 14 Mar, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Added 'Use theme styles' option to Setup step allowing to inherit all form input styles from theme.<\/li><li>New feature: \\\"Select All' option added to Multiple Choice part that can be set in part's Advanced options.<\/li><li>New feature: Record abandoned forms data.<\/li><li>New feature: Let users abandon their forms and continue filling them later.<\/li><li>Improvement: Better styles for disabled Submit button.<\/li><li>Improvement: Removed responses now get trashed instead of getting completely destroyed.<\/li><li>Improvement: Duplicating a part now places it right after the original part.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Improved behavior of Dropdowns on focus, blur, and when using down facing caret to trigger dropdown.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Opening form in overlay window didn't work when user was not logged in.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.1.2 \u2014 28 Feb, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Improvement: Added date days filter.<\/li><li>Improvement: Easier filtering of email message fields.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Phone part wasn't showing correct country flag when same prefix is used by more than one country.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.1.1 \u2014 27 Feb, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Improvement: A Javascript event is triggered after a form submission.<\/li><li>Improvement: Notices font family and weight are now theme independent.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Query caching was causing issues on some hosts.<\/li><li>Bugfix: A Javascript error was triggered when no notices are shown after a form submit.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.1.0 \u2014 22 Feb, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>New feature: Added new control to Step 2 for adding custom HTML class to submit button.<\/li><li>New feature: Responses can now be filtered on date, language and platform.<\/li><li>New feature: Responses can now be searched.<\/li><li>New feature: Responses now include local time, timezone, IP, language and platform details.<\/li><li>Improvement: Optional parts are hidden from emails and previews when empty.<\/li><li>Improvement: ReCaptcha now inherits the language locale.<\/li><li>Improvement: Long forms now work beyond server max_input_vars limitation.<\/li><li>Improvement: Better handling of email message carbon copy addresses and more powerful filters.<\/li><li>Improvement: ReCaptcha now loads language based on site locale settings.<\/li><li>Improvement: Better styles for left titled forms and improved behavior of Title alignment control in Style step.<\/li><li>Improvement: Moved 'Form HTML ID' and 'Disable submit button until valid' from Style step to Build step for better context.<\/li><li>Improvement: Added configurable label for ReCaptcha to improve accessibility.<\/li><li>Improvement: Various other improvements to UI and form styles.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Forms were scrolling to the wrong position with notices appearing below.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Phone part didn't allow to pick country from dropdown after Email part was filled.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Phone part was retaining previous country code when switching countries.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.0.1 \u2014 13 Feb, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Bugfix: Fix dismissible form preview notices for new forms.<\/li><li>Bugfix: Email part with confirmation field prevented form submits when \"Preview values before submission\" was checked.<\/li><\/ul><h4>1.0.0 \u2014 13 Feb, 2019<\/h4><ul><li>Initial release.<\/li><\/ul>"
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