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Created January 13, 2011 16:57
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Using IKVM to generate a C# assembly (dll) from a Java jar file
I wanted to use the Flying Saucer Java API in .NET so I tried to use IKVM to convert the Flying Saucer library:
ikvmc core-renderer.jar
For some reason, IKVMC gave me an exe core-renderer.exe so I renamed it to core-renderer.dll, added to my assemblies and hacked away
using java.lang;
using com.lowagie.text;
using org.xhtmlrenderer.pdf;
namespace flying_saucer
class FlyingSaucerApp
static void Main(string[] args)
// This works
DocumentException dummy = new DocumentException();
ITextRenderer renderer = new ITextRenderer();
// For some reason, this raises NoClassDefFoundError
For some reason, it is giving java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.lowagie.text.DocumentException. I realized DocumentException is something ITextRender() may throw, but I've already included com.lowagie.text, any ideas?
It turned out that for this particular situation, I needed to render both Flying Saucer and iText (a dependency of Flying Saucer) and have the Flying Saucer assembly reference to its dependency:
ikvmc -target:library itext.jar
ikvmc -target:library -reference:itext.dll core-renderer.jar
(For newbies: If you didn't read any documentation and are just trying the commands, you also need to make sure the DLL files accompanying IKVMC is also present -- the easiest way to do this is to dump all the IKVMC files beside your iText JAR files)
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