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Created March 29, 2020 22:31
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module ShapeToExtrude ()
// Build in +x space. The outside edge of this shape must follow the extrusion path, or there will be open seams..
polygon ( points= [
module InwardSpiral (StepSize, Steps, StartRadius, Pitch, ShapeX) {
for (i=[0 : Steps - 1]) {
// This could be made more computationally efficient
// by collapsing intermediate values and by doing only
// essential calculations inside the loop, but for now
// let's just leave it easy to read.
ThisTheta = StepSize * i;
NextTheta = StepSize * (i + 1);
ThisRadius = StartRadius - i * (Pitch * (StepSize / 360));
// Spiral step approximated by arc of radius ThisRadius,
// passing through the start and end points calculated here.
NextRadius = StartRadius - (i + 1) * (Pitch * (StepSize / 360));
ThisX = ThisRadius * sin(ThisTheta);
ThisY = ThisRadius * cos(ThisTheta);
NextX = NextRadius * sin(NextTheta);
NextY = NextRadius * cos(NextTheta);
DeltaX = NextX - ThisX;
DeltaY = NextY - ThisY;
SlopeToNext = DeltaY / DeltaX;
BisecSlope = -1 / SlopeToNext;
ThisXYToBisector = sqrt(DeltaX * DeltaX + DeltaY * DeltaY) / 2;
BisectX = ThisX + (DeltaX / 2);
BisectY = ThisY + (DeltaY / 2);
BisectToCentre = sqrt(pow(ThisRadius, 2) - pow(ThisXYToBisector, 2));
AbsXComponent = sqrt(pow(BisectToCentre, 2) / ( 1 + pow(BisecSlope, 2)));
XComponent = NextY < ThisY ? AbsXComponent: -AbsXComponent;
YComponent = XComponent * BisecSlope;
CentreX = BisectX - XComponent;
CentreY = BisectY - YComponent;
ExtrudeAngle = -2 * acos(BisectToCentre / ThisRadius);
ArcOrientation = NextY < ThisY ? atan(BisecSlope) - (ExtrudeAngle / 2) : -180 + atan(BisecSlope) -(ExtrudeAngle / 2);
translate([CentreX, CentreY, 0]) {
rotate ([0, 0, ArcOrientation]) {
rotate_extrude (angle=ExtrudeAngle, $fn=90) translate ([ThisRadius - ShapeX, 0, 0]) ShapeToExtrude();
// Main
InwardSpiral (
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