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Last active June 21, 2021 01:28
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toy script for aws summary
A toy script to replicate the AWS costings summary that is done manually within Excel
Replicate the summarising functionality that is currently done
manually via Excel.
import calendar
import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple
import numpy
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
import pandas
import click
import structlog
_LOG = structlog.get_logger()
def gather(pathname: Path, extension: str) -> pandas.DataFrame:
Gather the downloaded csv's and combine them into a singular pandas.DataFrame.
* There are no other files in the directory that would match the
extension via glob
* A particular column name to be used as the datetime index
* A particular row is to be skipped (generated by the AWS export)
filenames = pathname.glob(f"*.{extension}")
data = {}
for fname in filenames:
data[fname.stem] = pandas.read_csv(
fname, skiprows=[1], header=0, index_col="Service", parse_dates=["Service"]
data[fname.stem].index.rename("Period", inplace=True)
concatenated = pandas.concat(
) # use the index (Service), and include all columns (outer join)
return concatenated
def summarise(dataframe: pandas.DataFrame) -> pandas.DataFrame:
Summarise each of the columns by index `Period`.
summary = pandas.pivot_table(
dataframe, index="Period", values=dataframe.columns, aggfunc=numpy.sum
return summary
def update_partial_month(dataframe: pandas.DataFrame) -> pandas.DataFrame:
Data downloaded for the current month will only be a partial cost.
For example, 12th January will only be costs to date (depending on the hour
will only be a partial day). For a forecast based on monthly data, this
will result in an incorrect weighting when forecasting.
This process attempts to minimise the impact by calculating a daily average
and use it to blank fill for the remaining days in the month.
copy = dataframe.copy()
today = # more than likely a partial day
yesterday = today - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
last_day = calendar.monthrange(today.year, today.month)[1]
end_of_month = datetime.datetime(
today.year, today.month, last_day, 23, 59
) # last minute possible to get full day
days_togo = (end_of_month - yesterday).days
for name, group in dataframe.groupby("Account"):
row = group.iloc[-1]
group.iloc[-1] = row + row / * days_togo
copy.loc[name] = group
return copy
def predict(
dataframe: pandas.DataFrame, predict: int = 6, back: int = 3
) -> pandas.DataFrame:
result = {}
# fill null data; as this is cost related, set to 0
filled = dataframe.fillna(0)
cols = dataframe.columns
for name, acc_group in filled.groupby("Account"):
idx = pandas.date_range(
periods=predict + 1, # months required for forward prediction
frame = pandas.DataFrame(index=idx[1:], columns=cols) # ignore 0 (current month)
rows = acc_group.shape[0]
independent = numpy.arange(rows).reshape(
rows, 1
) # simple method for defining the x term
forward = numpy.arange(predict).reshape(predict, 1) + rows
# for some reason, regressing all cols as n_variates gave different results
# thus we are looping over cols
for col in cols:
regress = LinearRegression()
#[-back:], acc_group[[col]].iloc[-steps_back:-1])[-back:], acc_group[[col]].iloc[-back:])
frame[col] = regress.predict(forward)
# recalculate the total cost column
frame["Total cost ($)"] = frame.drop("Total cost ($)", axis=1).sum(axis=1)
result[name] = pandas.concat([acc_group.loc[name], frame])
concatenated = pandas.concat(result, names=["Account", "Period"])
return concatenated
type=click.Path(file_okay=False, readable=True),
help="The input pathname to the files to be summarised",
@click.option("--extension", help="File extension to glob")
"--outdir", type=click.Path(file_okay=False, writable=True), help="Output filename"
def main(pathname, extension, outdir):
outdir = Path(outdir)
if not outdir.exists():
outdir.mkdir(parents=True)"gathering and collating")
concatenated = gather(Path(pathname), extension)
out_fname = outdir.joinpath("concatenated.csv")"writing concatenated", out_fname=str(out_fname))
concatenated.to_csv(out_fname)"updating partial day records")
updated = update_partial_month(concatenated)
out_fname = outdir.joinpath("partial_day_update.csv")"writing partial day updated", out_fname=str(out_fname))
summary = summarise(updated)
out_fname = outdir.joinpath("summary.csv")"writing summary", out_fname=str(out_fname))
summary.to_csv(out_fname)"forward prediction")
predicted = predict(updated)
out_fname = outdir.joinpath("forward-prediction.csv")"writing forward prediction", out_fname=str(out_fname))
out_fname = outdir.joinpath("aws-ausseabed-forward-cost-prediction.xlsx")"writing sorted forward prediction", out_fname=str(out_fname))
with pandas.ExcelWriter(out_fname) as src:
for name, group in predicted.groupby("Account"):
# sort the columns highest to lowest based on individual values"sorting columns highest to lowest", sheet=name)
new_col_order = group.max().sort_values()[::-1].index.to_list()
group = group[new_col_order]"writing table", sheet=name)
group.to_excel(src, name.split("_")[0])
if __name__ == "__main__":
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