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Last active December 1, 2020 22:47
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segments stats toy example
A toy script to demonstrate generating statistics across array segments/blobs/labels.
The context for the example is 2D imagery.
It'll compare two methods:
1. reverse indices provided by <> and wrapped by <> to for ease of use in an image processing context
2. loop through id's and do a bool lookup
#!/usr/bin/env python
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Tuple
import numpy
import structlog
from image_processing.segmentation import Segments
DIMS = (8000, 8000)
LOG = structlog.get_logger()
def data() -> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:
"""Generate sample data."""
# simulate a segmented image with random ID's between 0 and 60000
seg_ids = numpy.random.randint(0, 60001, DIMS)
# simulate some landsat spectral bands
spectral = numpy.random.ranf((BANDS, *DIMS))
return seg_ids, spectral
def reverse_indices():
"""Test segmentwise stats using a reverse indices method."""
seg_ids, spectral = data()
start =
segments = Segments(seg_ids)
results = {f"band_{i}": segments.mean(spectral[i]) for i in range(BANDS)}
finish ="reverse_indices", time_taken=finish-start)
def basic_bool():
Test segmentwise the mean using a basic numpy bool method.
Also, only the first 50 segments will calculated.
seg_ids, spectral = data()
start =
results = {}
for i in range(BANDS):
for seg in range(50):
results[f"band_{i}"] = [numpy.mean(spectral[i][seg_ids == seg])]
finish ="bool method for only 50 segments", time_taken=finish-start)
def main():
""" main """"running reverse indices")
reverse_indices()"running bool method")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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