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Last active October 4, 2019 12:07
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Module dependency in pybind11
#pragma once
struct Foo {
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
pybind11_add_module(pyinterfaceBase pyinterfaceBase.cpp)
pybind11_add_module(pyinterfaceDependent pyinterfaceDependent.cpp)
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include "Base.h"
namespace py = pybind11;
const char * f(Foo &foo) { return "Base::f(Foo& foo)"; }
PYBIND11_MODULE(pyinterfaceBase, m) {
py::class_<Foo>(m, "Foo")
m.def("f", f);
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include "Base.h"
namespace py = pybind11;
const char *g(Foo &foo) { return "Dependent::g(Foo& foo)"; }
PYBIND11_MODULE(pyinterfaceDependent, m) {
// next line is equivalent to python `import pyinterfaceBase; del pyinterfaceBase;`
py::module base = py::module::import("pyinterfaceBase");
// next line is equivalent to `from pyinterfaceBase import Foo as Goo`
m.attr("Goo") = base.attr("Foo");
m.def("g", g);
import pyinterfaceDependent as m
from pyinterfaceDependent import Goo
# Output:
#Dependent::g(Foo& foo)
#Help on module pyinterfaceDependent:
# pyinterfaceDependent
# g(...) method of builtins.PyCapsule instance
# g(arg0: pyinterfaceBase.Foo) -> str
# /home/sergei/CLionProjects/test_1/cmake-build-debug/
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