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Created October 9, 2019 03:35
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`py::vectorize` with void return type
from test_module import Sum
s = Sum()
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/numpy.h>
#include <array>
namespace py = pybind11;
namespace pybind11 {
namespace detail {
template<typename Func, typename... Args>
struct vectorize_helper<Func, void, Args...> {
static constexpr size_t N = sizeof...(Args);
static constexpr size_t NVectorized = constexpr_sum(vectorize_arg<Args>::vectorize...);
"pybind11::vectorize(...) requires a function with at least one vectorizable argument");
template<typename T>
explicit vectorize_helper(T&& f)
: f(std::forward<T>(f)) { }
void operator()(typename vectorize_arg<Args>::type... args) {
remove_reference_t<Func> f;
// Internal compiler error in MSVC 19.16.27025.1 (Visual Studio 2017 15.9.4), when compiling with "/permissive-" flag
// when arg_call_types is manually inlined.
using arg_call_types = std::tuple<typename vectorize_arg<Args>::call_type...>;
template<size_t Index> using param_n_t = typename std::tuple_element<Index, arg_call_types>::type;
// Runs a vectorized function given arguments tuple and three index sequences:
// - Index is the full set of 0 ... (N-1) argument indices;
// - VIndex is the subset of argument indices with vectorized parameters, letting us access
// vectorized arguments (anything not in this sequence is passed through)
// - BIndex is a incremental sequence (beginning at 0) of the same size as VIndex, so that
// we can store vectorized buffer_infos in an array (argument VIndex has its buffer at
// index BIndex in the array).
template<size_t... Index, size_t... VIndex, size_t... BIndex> void run(
typename vectorize_arg<Args>::type& ...args,
index_sequence<Index...> i_seq, index_sequence<VIndex...> vi_seq, index_sequence<BIndex...> bi_seq) {
// Pointers to values the function was called with; the vectorized ones set here will start
// out as array_t<T> pointers, but they will be changed them to T pointers before we make
// call the wrapped function. Non-vectorized pointers are left as-is.
std::array<void*, N> params{{&args...}};
// The array of `buffer_info`s of vectorized arguments:
std::array<buffer_info, NVectorized> buffers{{reinterpret_cast<array*>(params[VIndex])->request()...}};
/* Determine dimensions parameters of output array */
ssize_t nd = 0;
std::vector<ssize_t> shape(0);
auto trivial = broadcast(buffers, nd, shape);
size_t ndim = (size_t) nd;
size_t size = std::accumulate(shape.begin(), shape.end(), (size_t) 1, std::multiplies<size_t>());
// If all arguments are 0-dimension arrays (i.e. single values) return a plain value (i.e.
// not wrapped in an array).
if (size==1 && ndim==0) {
PYBIND11_EXPAND_SIDE_EFFECTS(params[VIndex] = buffers[BIndex].ptr);
return f(*reinterpret_cast<param_n_t<Index>*>(params[Index])...);
// array_t<Return> result;
// if (trivial==broadcast_trivial::f_trivial) result = array_t<Return, array::f_style>(shape);
// else result = array_t<Return>(shape);
if (size==0) return;
/* Call the function */
if (trivial==broadcast_trivial::non_trivial)
apply_broadcast(buffers, params, shape, size, i_seq, vi_seq, bi_seq);
apply_trivial(buffers, params, shape, size, i_seq, vi_seq, bi_seq);
template<size_t... Index, size_t... VIndex, size_t... BIndex>
void apply_trivial(std::array<buffer_info, NVectorized>& buffers,
std::array<void*, N>& params,
const std::vector<ssize_t>& shape,
size_t size,
index_sequence<Index...>, index_sequence<VIndex...>, index_sequence<BIndex...>) {
// Initialize an array of mutable byte references and sizes with references set to the
// appropriate pointer in `params`; as we iterate, we'll increment each pointer by its size
// (except for singletons, which get an increment of 0).
std::array<std::pair<unsigned char*&, const size_t>, NVectorized> vecparams{{
std::pair<unsigned char*&,
const size_t>(
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*&>(params[VIndex] = buffers[BIndex].ptr),
buffers[BIndex].size==1 ? 0
: sizeof(param_n_t<
for (size_t i = 0; i<size; ++i) {
for (auto& x : vecparams) x.first += x.second;
template<size_t... Index, size_t... VIndex, size_t... BIndex>
void apply_broadcast(std::array<buffer_info, NVectorized>& buffers,
std::array<void*, N>& params,
const std::vector<ssize_t>& shape,
size_t size,
index_sequence<Index...>, index_sequence<VIndex...>, index_sequence<BIndex...>) {
multi_array_iterator<NVectorized> input_iter(buffers, shape);
for (size_t i = 0;
++i, ++input_iter) {
params[VIndex] = input_iter.template data<BIndex>()
struct Sum {
double value;
PYBIND11_MODULE(test_module, m) {
py::class_<Sum>(m, "Sum")
.def_readwrite("value", &Sum::value)
.def("add", py::vectorize([](Sum& self, double value) {
self.value += value;
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