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Created April 3, 2013 12:30
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Configuration cfg,
Mapping mapping,
Settings settings,
EventListeners listeners,
SessionFactoryObserver observer) throws HibernateException {"building session factory");
this.statistics = new ConcurrentStatisticsImpl( this );
getStatistics().setStatisticsEnabled( settings.isStatisticsEnabled() );
log.debug( "Statistics initialized [enabled={}]}", settings.isStatisticsEnabled() ); = new Properties(); cfg.getProperties() );
this.interceptor = cfg.getInterceptor();
this.settings = settings;
this.sqlFunctionRegistry = new SQLFunctionRegistry(settings.getDialect(), cfg.getSqlFunctions());
this.eventListeners = listeners; = observer != null ? observer : new SessionFactoryObserver() {
public void sessionFactoryCreated(SessionFactory factory) {
public void sessionFactoryClosed(SessionFactory factory) {
this.typeResolver = cfg.getTypeResolver().scope( this );
this.typeHelper = new TypeLocatorImpl( typeResolver );
this.filters = new HashMap();
this.filters.putAll( cfg.getFilterDefinitions() );
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug("Session factory constructed with filter configurations : " + filters);
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
"instantiating session factory with properties: " + properties
// Caches
settings.getRegionFactory().start( settings, properties );
this.queryPlanCache = new QueryPlanCache( this );
identifierGenerators = new HashMap();
Iterator classes = cfg.getClassMappings();
while ( classes.hasNext() ) {
PersistentClass model = (PersistentClass);
if ( !model.isInherited() ) {
IdentifierGenerator generator = model.getIdentifier().createIdentifierGenerator(
(RootClass) model
identifierGenerators.put( model.getEntityName(), generator );
// Prepare persisters and link them up with their cache
// region/access-strategy
final String cacheRegionPrefix = settings.getCacheRegionPrefix() == null ? "" : settings.getCacheRegionPrefix() + ".";
entityPersisters = new HashMap();
Map entityAccessStrategies = new HashMap();
Map<String,ClassMetadata> classMeta = new HashMap<String,ClassMetadata>();
classes = cfg.getClassMappings();
while ( classes.hasNext() ) {
final PersistentClass model = (PersistentClass);
model.prepareTemporaryTables( mapping, settings.getDialect() );
final String cacheRegionName = cacheRegionPrefix + model.getRootClass().getCacheRegionName();
// cache region is defined by the root-class in the hierarchy...
EntityRegionAccessStrategy accessStrategy = ( EntityRegionAccessStrategy ) entityAccessStrategies.get( cacheRegionName );
if ( accessStrategy == null && settings.isSecondLevelCacheEnabled() ) {
final AccessType accessType = AccessType.parse( model.getCacheConcurrencyStrategy() );
if ( accessType != null ) {
log.trace( "Building cache for entity data [" + model.getEntityName() + "]" );
EntityRegion entityRegion = settings.getRegionFactory().buildEntityRegion( cacheRegionName, properties, CacheDataDescriptionImpl.decode( model ) );
accessStrategy = entityRegion.buildAccessStrategy( accessType );
entityAccessStrategies.put( cacheRegionName, accessStrategy );
allCacheRegions.put( cacheRegionName, entityRegion );
EntityPersister cp = PersisterFactory.createClassPersister( model, accessStrategy, this, mapping );
entityPersisters.put( model.getEntityName(), cp );
classMeta.put( model.getEntityName(), cp.getClassMetadata() );
this.classMetadata = Collections.unmodifiableMap(classMeta);
Map<String,Set<String>> tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap = new HashMap<String,Set<String>>();
collectionPersisters = new HashMap();
Iterator collections = cfg.getCollectionMappings();
while ( collections.hasNext() ) {
Collection model = (Collection);
final String cacheRegionName = cacheRegionPrefix + model.getCacheRegionName();
final AccessType accessType = AccessType.parse( model.getCacheConcurrencyStrategy() );
CollectionRegionAccessStrategy accessStrategy = null;
if ( accessType != null && settings.isSecondLevelCacheEnabled() ) {
log.trace( "Building cache for collection data [" + model.getRole() + "]" );
CollectionRegion collectionRegion = settings.getRegionFactory().buildCollectionRegion( cacheRegionName, properties, CacheDataDescriptionImpl.decode( model ) );
accessStrategy = collectionRegion.buildAccessStrategy( accessType );
entityAccessStrategies.put( cacheRegionName, accessStrategy );
allCacheRegions.put( cacheRegionName, collectionRegion );
CollectionPersister persister = PersisterFactory.createCollectionPersister( cfg, model, accessStrategy, this) ;
collectionPersisters.put( model.getRole(), persister.getCollectionMetadata() );
Type indexType = persister.getIndexType();
if ( indexType != null && indexType.isAssociationType() && !indexType.isAnyType() ) {
String entityName = ( ( AssociationType ) indexType ).getAssociatedEntityName( this );
Set roles = ( Set ) tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap.get( entityName );
if ( roles == null ) {
roles = new HashSet();
tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap.put( entityName, roles );
roles.add( persister.getRole() );
Type elementType = persister.getElementType();
if ( elementType.isAssociationType() && !elementType.isAnyType() ) {
String entityName = ( ( AssociationType ) elementType ).getAssociatedEntityName( this );
Set roles = ( Set ) tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap.get( entityName );
if ( roles == null ) {
roles = new HashSet();
tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap.put( entityName, roles );
roles.add( persister.getRole() );
collectionMetadata = Collections.unmodifiableMap(collectionPersisters);
Iterator itr = tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap.entrySet().iterator();
while ( itr.hasNext() ) {
final Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry );
entry.setValue( Collections.unmodifiableSet( ( Set ) entry.getValue() ) );
collectionRolesByEntityParticipant = Collections.unmodifiableMap( tmpEntityToCollectionRoleMap );
//Named Queries:
namedQueries = new HashMap( cfg.getNamedQueries() );
namedSqlQueries = new HashMap( cfg.getNamedSQLQueries() );
sqlResultSetMappings = new HashMap( cfg.getSqlResultSetMappings() );
imports = new HashMap( cfg.getImports() );
// after *all* persisters and named queries are registered
Iterator iter = entityPersisters.values().iterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
final EntityPersister persister = ( ( EntityPersister ) );
registerEntityNameResolvers( persister );
iter = collectionPersisters.values().iterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
final CollectionPersister persister = ( ( CollectionPersister ) );
//JNDI + Serialization:
name = settings.getSessionFactoryName();
try {
uuid = (String) UUID_GENERATOR.generate(null, null);
catch (Exception e) {
throw new AssertionFailure("Could not generate UUID");
SessionFactoryObjectFactory.addInstance(uuid, name, this, properties);
log.debug("instantiated session factory");
if ( settings.isAutoCreateSchema() ) {
new SchemaExport( cfg, settings ).create( false, true );
if ( settings.isAutoUpdateSchema() ) {
new SchemaUpdate( cfg, settings ).execute( false, true );
if ( settings.isAutoValidateSchema() ) {
new SchemaValidator( cfg, settings ).validate();
if ( settings.isAutoDropSchema() ) {
schemaExport = new SchemaExport( cfg, settings );
if ( settings.getTransactionManagerLookup()!=null ) {
log.debug("obtaining JTA TransactionManager");
transactionManager = settings.getTransactionManagerLookup().getTransactionManager(properties);
else {
if ( settings.getTransactionFactory().isTransactionManagerRequired() ) {
throw new HibernateException("The chosen transaction strategy requires access to the JTA TransactionManager");
transactionManager = null;
currentSessionContext = buildCurrentSessionContext();
if ( settings.isQueryCacheEnabled() ) {
updateTimestampsCache = new UpdateTimestampsCache(settings, properties);
queryCache = settings.getQueryCacheFactory()
.getQueryCache(null, updateTimestampsCache, settings, properties);
queryCaches = new HashMap<String,QueryCache>();
allCacheRegions.put( updateTimestampsCache.getRegion().getName(), updateTimestampsCache.getRegion() );
allCacheRegions.put( queryCache.getRegion().getName(), queryCache.getRegion() );
else {
updateTimestampsCache = null;
queryCache = null;
queryCaches = null;
//checking for named queries
if ( settings.isNamedQueryStartupCheckingEnabled() ) {
Map errors = checkNamedQueries();
if ( !errors.isEmpty() ) {
Set keys = errors.keySet();
StringBuffer failingQueries = new StringBuffer( "Errors in named queries: " );
for ( Iterator iterator = keys.iterator() ; iterator.hasNext() ; ) {
String queryName = ( String );
HibernateException e = ( HibernateException ) errors.get( queryName );
failingQueries.append( queryName );
if ( iterator.hasNext() ) {
failingQueries.append( ", " );
log.error( "Error in named query: " + queryName, e );
throw new HibernateException( failingQueries.toString() );
// EntityNotFoundDelegate
EntityNotFoundDelegate entityNotFoundDelegate = cfg.getEntityNotFoundDelegate();
if ( entityNotFoundDelegate == null ) {
entityNotFoundDelegate = new EntityNotFoundDelegate() {
public void handleEntityNotFound(String entityName, Serializable id) {
throw new ObjectNotFoundException( id, entityName );
this.entityNotFoundDelegate = entityNotFoundDelegate;
// this needs to happen after persisters are all ready to go...
this.fetchProfiles = new HashMap();
itr = cfg.iterateFetchProfiles();
while ( itr.hasNext() ) {
final org.hibernate.mapping.FetchProfile mappingProfile =
( org.hibernate.mapping.FetchProfile );
final FetchProfile fetchProfile = new FetchProfile( mappingProfile.getName() );
Iterator fetches = mappingProfile.getFetches().iterator();
while ( fetches.hasNext() ) {
final org.hibernate.mapping.FetchProfile.Fetch mappingFetch =
( org.hibernate.mapping.FetchProfile.Fetch );
// resolve the persister owning the fetch
final String entityName = getImportedClassName( mappingFetch.getEntity() );
final EntityPersister owner = ( EntityPersister ) ( entityName == null ? null : entityPersisters.get( entityName ) );
if ( owner == null ) {
throw new HibernateException(
"Unable to resolve entity reference [" + mappingFetch.getEntity()
+ "] in fetch profile [" + fetchProfile.getName() + "]"
// validate the specified association fetch
Type associationType = owner.getPropertyType( mappingFetch.getAssociation() );
if ( associationType == null || !associationType.isAssociationType() ) {
throw new HibernateException( "Fetch profile [" + fetchProfile.getName() + "] specified an invalid association" );
// resolve the style
final Fetch.Style fetchStyle = Fetch.Style.parse( mappingFetch.getStyle() );
// then construct the fetch instance...
fetchProfile.addFetch( new Association( owner, mappingFetch.getAssociation() ), fetchStyle );
( ( Loadable ) owner ).registerAffectingFetchProfile( fetchProfile.getName() );
fetchProfiles.put( fetchProfile.getName(), fetchProfile );
} this );
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