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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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class Model_Test extends \Orm\Model
public static function implode_pk($data)
$result = parent::implode_pk($data);
if (static::$cache_context)
$result .= '['.static::$cache_context.']';
return $result;
public static function cached_object($obj, $class = null)
$class = $class ?: get_called_class();
$id = (is_int($obj) or is_string($obj)) ? ((string) $obj).'['.static::$cache_context.']' : $class::implode_pk($obj);
$result = ( ! empty(static::$_cached_objects[$class][$id])) ? static::$_cached_objects[$class][$id] : false;
return $result;
static protected $cache_context = null;
public static function set_cache_context($cache_context)
static::$cache_context = $cache_context;
protected static function reset_cache_context()
static::set_cache_context(join('|', array_keys(static::properties())));
public static function _init()
public static function query($options = array())
$result = Query_ContextAwareCache::forge(get_called_class(), array(static::connection(), static::connection(true)), $options);
return $result;
public static function find($id = null, array $options = array())
return parent::find($id, $options);
protected function create()
// Only allow creation with new object, otherwise: clone first, create later
if ( ! $this->is_new())
return false;
// Set all current values
$query = Query_ContextAwareCache::forge(get_called_class(), static::connection(true));
$primary_key = static::primary_key();
$properties = array_keys(static::properties());
foreach ($properties as $p)
if ( ! (in_array($p, $primary_key) and is_null($this->{$p})))
$query->set($p, $this->{$p});
// Insert!
$id = $query->insert();
// when there's one PK it might be auto-incremented, get it and set it
if (count($primary_key) == 1 and $id !== false)
$pk = reset($primary_key);
// only set it if it hasn't been set manually
is_null($this->{$pk}) and $this->{$pk} = $id;
// update the original properties on creation and cache object for future retrieval in this request
$this->_is_new = false;
$this->_original = $this->_data;
static::$_cached_objects[get_class($this)][static::implode_pk($this)] = $this;
return $id !== false;
class Query_ContextAwareCache extends \Orm\Query
public function hydrate(&$row, $models, &$result, $model = null, $select = null, $primary_key = null)
if ($model)
$context = is_array($selects = $this->select()) ? join('|', str_replace($this->alias.'.', '', Arr::pluck($selects, 0))) : $selects;
// First check the PKs, if null it's an empty row
$r1c1 = reset($select);
$prefix = substr($r1c1[0], 0, strpos($r1c1[0], '.') + 1);
$obj = array();
foreach ($primary_key as $pk)
$pk_c = null;
foreach ($select as $s)
$s[0] === $prefix.$pk and $pk_c = $s[1];
if (is_null($row[$pk_c]))
return false;
$obj[$pk] = $row[$pk_c];
// Check for cached object
$pk = count($primary_key) == 1 ? reset($obj) : '['.implode('][', $obj).']';
$obj = $this->from_cache ? $model::cached_object($pk, $model) : false;
// Create the object when it wasn't found
if ( ! $obj)
// Retrieve the object array from the row
$obj = array();
foreach ($select as $s)
$f = substr($s[0], strpos($s[0], '.') + 1);
$obj[$f] = $row[$s[1]];
if (in_array($f, $primary_key))
$obj[$f] = \Orm\Observer_Typing::typecast($f, $obj[$f], call_user_func($model.'::property', $f));
$obj = $model::forge($obj, false, $this->view ? $this->view['_name'] : null, $this->from_cache);
// add fields not present in the already cached version
foreach ($select as $s)
$f = substr($s[0], strpos($s[0], '.') + 1);
if ( ! isset($obj->{$f}))
$obj->{$f} = $row[$s[1]];
// if the result to be generated is an array and the current object is not yet in there
if (is_array($result) and ! array_key_exists($pk, $result))
$result[$pk] = $obj;
// if the result to be generated is a single object and empty
elseif ( ! is_array($result) and empty($result))
$result = $obj;
// start fetching relationships
$rel_objs = $obj->_relate();
foreach ($models as $m)
// when the expected model is empty, there's nothing to be done
if (empty($m['model']))
// when not yet set, create the relation result var with null or array
if ( ! array_key_exists($m['rel_name'], $rel_objs))
$rel_objs[$m['rel_name']] = $m['relation']->singular ? null : array();
// when result is array or singular empty, try to fetch the new relation from the row
! empty($m['models']) ? $m['models'] : array(),
// attach the retrieved relations to the object and update its original DB values
return $obj;
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