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STAT 540 Seminar 5
# STAT 540 Seminar 5
# Shaun Jackman
# 2013-01-30
# Brief pause to load the photoRec data and the lattice package
library(lattice) # if you don't already have this loaded ...
prDat <- read.table("../data/photoRec/GSE4051_data.txt") # the whole enchilada
str(prDat, max.level = 0)
load("../data/photoRec/GSE4051_design.robj") # load exp design as 'prDes'
# Write a function to prepare a mini-dataset for a small number of genes
luckyGenes <- c("1419655_at", "1438815_at")
prepareData <- function(genes)
melt(cbind(prDes, t(prDat[genes,])),
jDat <- prepareData(luckyGenes)
stripplot(gExp ~ devStage | gene, jDat, group = gType, = TRUE, auto.key = TRUE,
type = c("p", "a"), grid = TRUE)
# Write a function to stripplot a mini-dataset
makeStripplot <- function(x, ...)
stripplot(gExp ~ devStage | gene, x, group = gType, = TRUE, auto.key = TRUE,
type = c("p", "a"), grid = TRUE,
makeStripplot(jDat, pch = 17, cex = 3)
makeStripplot(newDat <- prepareData('1456341_a_at'))
# Do a two-sample t-test
t.test(gExp ~ devStage,
subset(newDat, devStage %in% c('P2', '4_weeks')))
# Fit a linear model with a categorical covariate
makeStripplot(mDat <- prepareData('1438786_a_at'))
summary(mFit <- lm(gExp ~ devStage, mDat, gType == 'wt'))
# Perform inference for a contrast
contMat <- rbind(c(0, -1, 0, 1, 0))
obsDiff <- contMat %*% coef(mFit)
sampMeans <- with(subset(mDat, gType == 'wt'),
tapply(gExp, devStage, mean))
sampMeans["P2"] - sampMeans["P10"]
summary(mFit)$coefficients[, "Std. Error"]
estSe <- contMat %*% vcov(mFit) %*% t(contMat)
testStat <- obsDiff/estSe
2 * pt(abs(testStat), df = df.residual(mFit), lower.tail = FALSE)
# Fit a linear model with two categorical covariates
makeStripplot(oDat <- prepareData("1448690_at"))
summary(oFitBig <- lm(gExp ~ gType * devStage, oDat))
summary(oFitSmall <- lm(gExp ~ gType + devStage, oDat))
anova(oFitSmall, oFitBig)
makeStripplot(oDat <- prepareData('1429225_at'))
summary(oFitBig <- lm(gExp ~ gType * devStage, oDat))
summary(oFitSmall <- lm(gExp ~ gType + devStage, oDat))
anova(oFitSmall, oFitBig)
# Ideas for further work
# We wrote functions to prepare and plot data for more than 1 gene. But when we started fitting models and condusting tests, we only worked with 1 gene at a time. Can you use data aggregation strategies from last week to do some of the same work for small sets of genes?
makeStripplot(oDat <- prepareData(c('1448690_at', '1429225_at')))
by(oDat, oDat$gene, function(x) {
print(summary(oFitBig <- lm(gExp ~ gType * devStage, x)))
print(summary(oFitSmall <- lm(gExp ~ gType + devStage, x)))
anova(oFitSmall, oFitBig)})
# In lecture we also experimented with a quantitative version of devStage, which we called age. This opens the door to modelling with a quantitative covariate. Can you fit linear and quadratic models to the expression data for one or several genes?
makeStripplot(oDat <- prepareData(c('1448690_at', '1429225_at')))
devStageToDays <- c('E2'=-2, 'P2'=2, 'P6'=6, 'P10'=10, '4_weeks'=28)
oDat <- prepareData(c('1448690_at', '1429225_at'))
oDat$age <- devStageToDays[oDat$devStage]
makeXYplot <- function(x, ...)
xyplot(gExp ~ age | gene, x, group = gType, = TRUE, auto.key = TRUE,
type = c("p", "a"), grid = TRUE,
by(oDat, oDat$gene, function(x) {
print(summary(oFitBig <- lm(gExp ~ gType + age, x)))
print(summary(oFitSmall <- lm(gExp ~ gType + age + I(age^2), x)))
anova(oFitSmall, oFitBig)})
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