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Last active December 26, 2015 20:08
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Save sjakobi/7205958 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fresh IHaskell install, everything seems to be working fine now!
# Available Subsitutions:
# /home/simon/.cabal/bin/IHaskell: Path to IHaskell kernel.
c = get_config()
exe = '/home/simon/.cabal/bin/IHaskell'.replace(' ', '\\ ')
c.KernelManager.kernel_cmd = [exe, 'kernel', '{connection_file}']
c.Session.key = ''
c.Session.keyfile = ''
# Configuration file for ipython-nbconvert.
c = get_config()
# NbConvertApp configuration
# This application is used to convert notebook files (*.ipynb) to various other
# formats.
# NbConvertApp will inherit config from: BaseIPythonApplication, Application
# The IPython profile to use.
# c.NbConvertApp.profile = u'default'
# The export format to be used.
# c.NbConvertApp.export_format = 'html'
# Set the log level by value or name.
# c.NbConvertApp.log_level = 30
# PostProcessor class used to write the results of the conversion
# c.NbConvertApp.post_processor_class = u''
# List of notebooks to convert. Wildcards are supported. Filenames passed
# positionally will be added to the list.
# c.NbConvertApp.notebooks = []
# Path to an extra config file to load.
# If specified, load this config file in addition to any other IPython config.
# c.NbConvertApp.extra_config_file = u''
# Whether to create profile dir if it doesn't exist
# c.NbConvertApp.auto_create = False
# overwrite base name use for output files. can only be use when converting one
# notebook at a time.
# c.NbConvertApp.output_base = ''
# The name of the IPython directory. This directory is used for logging
# configuration (through profiles), history storage, etc. The default is usually
# $HOME/.ipython. This options can also be specified through the environment
# variable IPYTHONDIR.
# c.NbConvertApp.ipython_dir = u'/home/simon/.config/ipython'
# Whether to install the default config files into the profile dir. If a new
# profile is being created, and IPython contains config files for that profile,
# then they will be staged into the new directory. Otherwise, default config
# files will be automatically generated.
# c.NbConvertApp.copy_config_files = False
# The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s
# c.NbConvertApp.log_datefmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
# The Logging format template
# c.NbConvertApp.log_format = '[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s'
# Create a massive crash report when IPython encounters what may be an internal
# error. The default is to append a short message to the usual traceback
# c.NbConvertApp.verbose_crash = False
# Writer class used to write the results of the conversion
# c.NbConvertApp.writer_class = 'FilesWriter'
# Whether to overwrite existing config files when copying
# c.NbConvertApp.overwrite = False
# NbConvertBase configuration
# Global configurable class for shared config
# Usefull for display data priority that might be use by many trasnformers
# An ordered list of prefered output type, the first encounterd will usually be
# used when converting discarding the others.
# c.NbConvertBase.display_data_priority = ['html', 'pdf', 'svg', 'latex', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'text']
# ProfileDir configuration
# An object to manage the profile directory and its resources.
# The profile directory is used by all IPython applications, to manage
# configuration, logging and security.
# This object knows how to find, create and manage these directories. This
# should be used by any code that wants to handle profiles.
# Set the profile location directly. This overrides the logic used by the
# `profile` option.
# c.ProfileDir.location = u''
# Exporter configuration
# Exports notebooks into other file formats. Uses Jinja 2 templating engine to
# output new formats. Inherit from this class if you are creating a new
# template type along with new filters/transformers. If the filters/
# transformers provided by default suffice, there is no need to inherit from
# this class. Instead, override the template_file and file_extension traits via
# a config file.
# - highlight2html - filter_data_type - markdown2html - markdown2rst - get_lines
# - ansi2latex - strip_ansi - comment_lines - markdown2latex - escape_latex -
# add_anchor - ipython2python - posix_path - highlight2latex - path2url -
# ansi2html - wrap_text - strip_math_space - indent - strip_dollars - html2text
# - strip_files_prefix
# c.Exporter.jinja_variable_block_start = ''
# c.Exporter.jinja_logic_block_start = ''
# List of transformers, by name or namespace, to enable.
# c.Exporter.transformers = []
# c.Exporter.template_path = ['.']
# Name of the template file to use
# c.Exporter.template_file = u'default'
# Extension of the file that should be written to disk
# c.Exporter.file_extension = 'txt'
# c.Exporter.jinja_comment_block_end = ''
# Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment.
# c.Exporter.filters = {}
# c.Exporter.jinja_comment_block_start = ''
# c.Exporter.jinja_logic_block_end = ''
# c.Exporter.jinja_variable_block_end = ''
# c.Exporter.template_extension = '.tpl'
# List of transformers available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or
# type.
# c.Exporter.default_transformers = [<function wrappedfunc at 0x39c4410>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.svg2pdf.SVG2PDFTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.extractoutput.ExtractOutputTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.csshtmlheader.CSSHTMLHeaderTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.revealhelp.RevealHelpTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.latex.LatexTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.sphinx.SphinxTransformer'>]
# HTMLExporter configuration
# Exports a basic HTML document. This exporter assists with the export of HTML.
# Inherit from it if you are writing your own HTML template and need custom
# transformers/filters. If you don't need custom transformers/ filters, just
# change the 'template_file' config option.
# HTMLExporter will inherit config from: Exporter
# c.HTMLExporter.jinja_variable_block_start = ''
# c.HTMLExporter.jinja_logic_block_start = ''
# List of transformers, by name or namespace, to enable.
# c.HTMLExporter.transformers = []
# c.HTMLExporter.template_path = ['.']
# Name of the template file to use
# c.HTMLExporter.template_file = u'default'
# Extension of the file that should be written to disk
# c.HTMLExporter.file_extension = 'html'
# Flavor of the data format to use. I.E. 'full' or 'basic'
# c.HTMLExporter.default_template = 'full'
# c.HTMLExporter.jinja_comment_block_end = ''
# Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment.
# c.HTMLExporter.filters = {}
# c.HTMLExporter.jinja_comment_block_start = ''
# c.HTMLExporter.jinja_logic_block_end = ''
# c.HTMLExporter.jinja_variable_block_end = ''
# c.HTMLExporter.template_extension = '.tpl'
# List of transformers available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or
# type.
# c.HTMLExporter.default_transformers = [<function wrappedfunc at 0x39c4410>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.svg2pdf.SVG2PDFTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.extractoutput.ExtractOutputTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.csshtmlheader.CSSHTMLHeaderTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.revealhelp.RevealHelpTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.latex.LatexTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.sphinx.SphinxTransformer'>]
# LatexExporter configuration
# Exports to a Latex template. Inherit from this class if your template is
# LaTeX based and you need custom tranformers/filters. Inherit from it if you
# are writing your own HTML template and need custom tranformers/filters. If
# you don't need custom tranformers/filters, just change the 'template_file'
# config option. Place your template in the special "/latex" subfolder of the
# "../templates" folder.
# LatexExporter will inherit config from: Exporter
# c.LatexExporter.jinja_variable_block_start = '((('
# c.LatexExporter.jinja_logic_block_start = '((*'
# Path where the template skeleton files are located.
# c.LatexExporter.template_skeleton_path = '../templates/latex/skeleton'
# c.LatexExporter.template_path = ['.']
# Name of the template file to use
# c.LatexExporter.template_file = u'default'
# Path where the template files are located.
# c.LatexExporter.default_template_path = '../templates/latex'
# Extension of the file that should be written to disk
# c.LatexExporter.file_extension = 'tex'
# Template of the data format to use. I.E. 'full' or 'basic'
# c.LatexExporter.default_template = 'article'
# c.LatexExporter.jinja_comment_block_end = '=))'
# Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment.
# c.LatexExporter.filters = {}
# c.LatexExporter.jinja_comment_block_start = '((='
# List of transformers, by name or namespace, to enable.
# c.LatexExporter.transformers = []
# c.LatexExporter.jinja_logic_block_end = '*))'
# c.LatexExporter.jinja_variable_block_end = ')))'
# c.LatexExporter.template_extension = '.tplx'
# List of transformers available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or
# type.
# c.LatexExporter.default_transformers = [<function wrappedfunc at 0x39c4410>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.svg2pdf.SVG2PDFTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.extractoutput.ExtractOutputTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.csshtmlheader.CSSHTMLHeaderTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.revealhelp.RevealHelpTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.latex.LatexTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.sphinx.SphinxTransformer'>]
# MarkdownExporter configuration
# Exports to a markdown document (.md)
# MarkdownExporter will inherit config from: Exporter
# c.MarkdownExporter.jinja_variable_block_start = ''
# c.MarkdownExporter.jinja_logic_block_start = ''
# List of transformers, by name or namespace, to enable.
# c.MarkdownExporter.transformers = []
# c.MarkdownExporter.template_path = ['.']
# Name of the template file to use
# c.MarkdownExporter.template_file = u'default'
# Extension of the file that should be written to disk
# c.MarkdownExporter.file_extension = 'md'
# c.MarkdownExporter.jinja_comment_block_end = ''
# Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment.
# c.MarkdownExporter.filters = {}
# c.MarkdownExporter.jinja_comment_block_start = ''
# c.MarkdownExporter.jinja_logic_block_end = ''
# c.MarkdownExporter.jinja_variable_block_end = ''
# c.MarkdownExporter.template_extension = '.tpl'
# List of transformers available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or
# type.
# c.MarkdownExporter.default_transformers = [<function wrappedfunc at 0x39c4410>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.svg2pdf.SVG2PDFTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.extractoutput.ExtractOutputTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.csshtmlheader.CSSHTMLHeaderTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.revealhelp.RevealHelpTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.latex.LatexTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.sphinx.SphinxTransformer'>]
# PythonExporter configuration
# Exports a Python code file.
# PythonExporter will inherit config from: Exporter
# c.PythonExporter.jinja_variable_block_start = ''
# c.PythonExporter.jinja_logic_block_start = ''
# List of transformers, by name or namespace, to enable.
# c.PythonExporter.transformers = []
# c.PythonExporter.template_path = ['.']
# Name of the template file to use
# c.PythonExporter.template_file = u'default'
# Extension of the file that should be written to disk
# c.PythonExporter.file_extension = 'py'
# c.PythonExporter.jinja_comment_block_end = ''
# Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment.
# c.PythonExporter.filters = {}
# c.PythonExporter.jinja_comment_block_start = ''
# c.PythonExporter.jinja_logic_block_end = ''
# c.PythonExporter.jinja_variable_block_end = ''
# c.PythonExporter.template_extension = '.tpl'
# List of transformers available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or
# type.
# c.PythonExporter.default_transformers = [<function wrappedfunc at 0x39c4410>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.svg2pdf.SVG2PDFTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.extractoutput.ExtractOutputTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.csshtmlheader.CSSHTMLHeaderTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.revealhelp.RevealHelpTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.latex.LatexTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.sphinx.SphinxTransformer'>]
# RSTExporter configuration
# Exports restructured text documents.
# RSTExporter will inherit config from: Exporter
# c.RSTExporter.jinja_variable_block_start = ''
# c.RSTExporter.jinja_logic_block_start = ''
# List of transformers, by name or namespace, to enable.
# c.RSTExporter.transformers = []
# c.RSTExporter.template_path = ['.']
# Name of the template file to use
# c.RSTExporter.template_file = u'default'
# Extension of the file that should be written to disk
# c.RSTExporter.file_extension = 'rst'
# c.RSTExporter.jinja_comment_block_end = ''
# Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment.
# c.RSTExporter.filters = {}
# c.RSTExporter.jinja_comment_block_start = ''
# c.RSTExporter.jinja_logic_block_end = ''
# c.RSTExporter.jinja_variable_block_end = ''
# c.RSTExporter.template_extension = '.tpl'
# List of transformers available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or
# type.
# c.RSTExporter.default_transformers = [<function wrappedfunc at 0x39c4410>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.svg2pdf.SVG2PDFTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.extractoutput.ExtractOutputTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.csshtmlheader.CSSHTMLHeaderTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.revealhelp.RevealHelpTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.latex.LatexTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.sphinx.SphinxTransformer'>]
# SlidesExporter configuration
# Exports slides
# SlidesExporter will inherit config from: Exporter
# c.SlidesExporter.jinja_variable_block_start = ''
# c.SlidesExporter.jinja_logic_block_start = ''
# List of transformers, by name or namespace, to enable.
# c.SlidesExporter.transformers = []
# c.SlidesExporter.template_path = ['.']
# Name of the template file to use
# c.SlidesExporter.template_file = u'default'
# Extension of the file that should be written to disk
# c.SlidesExporter.file_extension = 'slides.html'
# Template of the data format to use. I.E. 'reveal'
# c.SlidesExporter.default_template = 'reveal'
# c.SlidesExporter.jinja_comment_block_end = ''
# Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja environment.
# c.SlidesExporter.filters = {}
# c.SlidesExporter.jinja_comment_block_start = ''
# c.SlidesExporter.jinja_logic_block_end = ''
# c.SlidesExporter.jinja_variable_block_end = ''
# c.SlidesExporter.template_extension = '.tpl'
# List of transformers available by default, by name, namespace, instance, or
# type.
# c.SlidesExporter.default_transformers = [<function wrappedfunc at 0x39c4410>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.svg2pdf.SVG2PDFTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.extractoutput.ExtractOutputTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.csshtmlheader.CSSHTMLHeaderTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.revealhelp.RevealHelpTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.latex.LatexTransformer'>, <class 'IPython.nbconvert.transformers.sphinx.SphinxTransformer'>]
# CSSHTMLHeaderTransformer configuration
# Transformer used to pre-process notebook for HTML output. Adds IPython
# notebook front-end CSS and Pygments CSS to HTML output.
# CSSHTMLHeaderTransformer will inherit config from: Transformer, NbConvertBase
# An ordered list of prefered output type, the first encounterd will usually be
# used when converting discarding the others.
# c.CSSHTMLHeaderTransformer.display_data_priority = ['html', 'pdf', 'svg', 'latex', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'text']
# CSS highlight class identifier
# c.CSSHTMLHeaderTransformer.highlight_class = '.highlight'
# c.CSSHTMLHeaderTransformer.enabled = False
# ConvertFiguresTransformer configuration
# Converts all of the outputs in a notebook from one format to another.
# ConvertFiguresTransformer will inherit config from: Transformer, NbConvertBase
# An ordered list of prefered output type, the first encounterd will usually be
# used when converting discarding the others.
# c.ConvertFiguresTransformer.display_data_priority = ['html', 'pdf', 'svg', 'latex', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'text']
# Format the converter writes
# c.ConvertFiguresTransformer.to_format = u''
# c.ConvertFiguresTransformer.enabled = False
# Format the converter accepts
# c.ConvertFiguresTransformer.from_format = u''
# ExtractOutputTransformer configuration
# Extracts all of the outputs from the notebook file. The extracted outputs
# are returned in the 'resources' dictionary.
# ExtractOutputTransformer will inherit config from: Transformer, NbConvertBase
# An ordered list of prefered output type, the first encounterd will usually be
# used when converting discarding the others.
# c.ExtractOutputTransformer.display_data_priority = ['html', 'pdf', 'svg', 'latex', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'text']
# c.ExtractOutputTransformer.output_filename_template = '{unique_key}_{cell_index}_{index}.{extension}'
# c.ExtractOutputTransformer.enabled = False
# LatexTransformer configuration
# Converter for latex destined documents.
# LatexTransformer will inherit config from: Transformer, NbConvertBase
# An ordered list of prefered output type, the first encounterd will usually be
# used when converting discarding the others.
# c.LatexTransformer.display_data_priority = ['html', 'pdf', 'svg', 'latex', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'text']
# c.LatexTransformer.enabled = False
# RevealHelpTransformer configuration
# RevealHelpTransformer will inherit config from: Transformer, NbConvertBase
# If you want to use a local reveal.js library, use 'url_prefix':'reveal.js' in
# your config object.
# c.RevealHelpTransformer.url_prefix = '//'
# An ordered list of prefered output type, the first encounterd will usually be
# used when converting discarding the others.
# c.RevealHelpTransformer.display_data_priority = ['html', 'pdf', 'svg', 'latex', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'text']
# c.RevealHelpTransformer.enabled = False
# SVG2PDFTransformer configuration
# Converts all of the outputs in a notebook from SVG to PDF.
# SVG2PDFTransformer will inherit config from: ConvertFiguresTransformer,
# Transformer, NbConvertBase
# The command to use for converting SVG to PDF
# This string is a template, which will be formatted with the keys to_filename
# and from_filename.
# The conversion call must read the SVG from {from_flename}, and write a PDF to
# {to_filename}.
# c.SVG2PDFTransformer.command = u''
# c.SVG2PDFTransformer.enabled = False
# Format the converter accepts
# c.SVG2PDFTransformer.from_format = 'svg'
# The path to Inkscape, if necessary
# c.SVG2PDFTransformer.inkscape = u''
# An ordered list of prefered output type, the first encounterd will usually be
# used when converting discarding the others.
# c.SVG2PDFTransformer.display_data_priority = ['html', 'pdf', 'svg', 'latex', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'text']
# SphinxTransformer configuration
# Sphinx utility transformer.
# This transformer is used to set variables needed by the latex to build Sphinx
# stylized templates.
# SphinxTransformer will inherit config from: Transformer, NbConvertBase
# Nbconvert Ipython
# notebook input/output formatting style.
# You may choose one of the following:
# "simple (recommended for long code segments)"
# "notebook" (default)
# c.SphinxTransformer.output_style = 'notebook'
# Author name
# = 'Unknown Author'
# c.SphinxTransformer.enabled = False
# Sphinx chapter style
# This is the style to use for the chapter headers in the document.
# You may choose one of the following:
# "Bjarne" (default)
# "Lenny"
# "Glenn"
# "Conny"
# "Rejne"
# "Sonny" (used for international documents)
# c.SphinxTransformer.chapter_style = 'Bjarne'
# Version number You can leave this blank if you do not want to render a version
# number. Example: "1.0.0"
# c.SphinxTransformer.version = ''
# Publish date This is the date to render on the document as the publish date.
# Leave this blank to default to todays date. Example: "June 12, 1990"
# c.SphinxTransformer.publish_date = ''
# An ordered list of prefered output type, the first encounterd will usually be
# used when converting discarding the others.
# c.SphinxTransformer.display_data_priority = ['html', 'pdf', 'svg', 'latex', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'text']
# Release name You can leave this blank if you do not want to render a release
# name. Example: "Rough Draft"
# c.SphinxTransformer.release = ''
# Whether not a header should be added to the document.
# c.SphinxTransformer.use_headers = True
# Allows you to define whether or not the Sphinx exporter will prompt you for
# input during the conversion process. If this is set to false, the author,
# version, release, date, and chapter_style traits should be set.
# c.SphinxTransformer.interactive = False
# Optional attempt to center all output. If this is false, no additional
# formatting is applied.
# c.SphinxTransformer.center_output = False
# c.SphinxTransformer.overridetitle = ''
# Transformer configuration
# A configurable transformer
# Inherit from this class if you wish to have configurability for your
# transformer.
# Any configurable traitlets this class exposed will be configurable in profiles
# using c.SubClassName.atribute=value
# you can overwrite :meth:`transform_cell` to apply a transformation
# independently on each cell or :meth:`call` if you prefer your own logic. See
# corresponding docstring for informations.
# Disabled by default and can be enabled via the config by
# 'c.YourTransformerName.enabled = True'
# Transformer will inherit config from: NbConvertBase
# An ordered list of prefered output type, the first encounterd will usually be
# used when converting discarding the others.
# c.Transformer.display_data_priority = ['html', 'pdf', 'svg', 'latex', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'text']
# c.Transformer.enabled = False
# FilesWriter configuration
# Consumes nbconvert output and produces files.
# FilesWriter will inherit config from: WriterBase, NbConvertBase
# List of the files that the notebook references. Files will be included with
# written output.
# c.FilesWriter.files = []
# An ordered list of prefered output type, the first encounterd will usually be
# used when converting discarding the others.
# c.FilesWriter.display_data_priority = ['html', 'pdf', 'svg', 'latex', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'text']
# Directory to write output to. Leave blank to output to the current directory
# c.FilesWriter.build_directory = ''
# StdoutWriter configuration
# Consumes output from nbconvert export...() methods and writes to the stdout
# stream.
# StdoutWriter will inherit config from: WriterBase, NbConvertBase
# List of the files that the notebook references. Files will be included with
# written output.
# c.StdoutWriter.files = []
# An ordered list of prefered output type, the first encounterd will usually be
# used when converting discarding the others.
# c.StdoutWriter.display_data_priority = ['html', 'pdf', 'svg', 'latex', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'text']
# WriterBase configuration
# Consumes output from nbconvert export...() methods and writes to a useful
# location.
# WriterBase will inherit config from: NbConvertBase
# List of the files that the notebook references. Files will be included with
# written output.
# c.WriterBase.files = []
# An ordered list of prefered output type, the first encounterd will usually be
# used when converting discarding the others.
# c.WriterBase.display_data_priority = ['html', 'pdf', 'svg', 'latex', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'text']
c = get_config()
c.NotebookApp.port = 8778
c = get_config()
# QtConsole try to guess base on Python lexing when the input is done to auto
# execute. This Fails on Haskell, and while it is not possible to do the
# lexing in the kernel just deactivate functionality
c.IPythonWidget.execute_on_complete_input = False
$ ipython --version
$ python --version
Python 2.7.3
$ which IHaskell
$ IHaskell setup
$ IHaskell console
Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2013, 16:35:25)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
IPython 1.1.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
? -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help -> Python's own help system.
object? -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.
IPython profile: haskell
In [1]:
Do you really want to exit ([y]/n)?
$ IHaskell notebook
2013-10-28 23:14:50.984 [NotebookApp] Using existing profile dir: u'/home/simon/.config/ipython/profile_haskell'
2013-10-28 23:14:50.990 [NotebookApp] Using MathJax from CDN:
2013-10-28 23:14:51.008 [NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /home/simon/Downloads/IHaskell
2013-10-28 23:14:51.008 [NotebookApp] The IPython Notebook is running at:
2013-10-28 23:14:51.008 [NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
Neues Fenster in aktueller Browsersitzung erstellt.
2013-10-28 23:15:02.489 [NotebookApp] Connecting to: tcp://
2013-10-28 23:15:02.490 [NotebookApp] Kernel started: a3c642ac-69e6-4264-b7cb-2882ef6cb033
2013-10-28 23:15:02.673 [NotebookApp] Connecting to: tcp://
2013-10-28 23:15:02.681 [NotebookApp] Connecting to: tcp://
2013-10-28 23:15:02.682 [NotebookApp] Connecting to: tcp://
["data Value = X Int\n | Y String\n | Z Float\n deriving Show\n \n","let values = [X 20,\n Y \"Test\",\n Z 0.5]\n","mapM_ print values\n"]
data Value = X Int
| Y String
| Z Float
deriving Show
Statement: let values = [X 20, Y "Test", Z 0.5]
Names: ["values"]
Statement: mapM_ print values
Names: ["it"]
["import Control.Applicative","\n","print $ (+) <$> Just 3 <*> Just 10\n"]
Import: import Control.Applicative
Statement: print $ (+) <$> Just 3 <*> Just 10
Names: ["it"]
["import Control.Monad","forM [1, 2, 3, 4] $ \\x -> do\n print (x * x)\n return (-x)\n"]
Import: import Control.Monad
Statement: forM [1, 2, 3, 4] $
\ x ->
do print (x * x)
return (-x)
Names: ["it"]
Statement: 2 + 2
Names: ["it"]
Statement: abc
BreakCom: Not in scope: `abc'
Perhaps you meant `abs' (imported from Prelude)
from statement:
^C2013-10-28 23:15:51.629 [NotebookApp] interrupted
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2013-10-28 23:15:53.452 [NotebookApp] CRITICAL | Shutdown confirmed
2013-10-28 23:15:53.453 [NotebookApp] Shutting down kernels
2013-10-28 23:15:53.453 [NotebookApp] Kernel shutdown: a3c642ac-69e6-4264-b7cb-2882ef6cb033
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