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Created November 22, 2015 11:44
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Save sjaved87/f434fdae300091cc3bd1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Membership 2 : Its a custom add-on to limit the number of blog a member can create within a membersihp. Dependent on membership attributes add-on.
* Plugin Name: Membership 2 Site Limitation
* Version: 1.0
* Description: Limit number of blogs a member can create on multisite.
* Author: Sajid Javed From Incsub
* Author URI:
class MS_Custom_Addon_Sitelimit {
* A unique Add-on ID, prefix with "custom_" to avoid collissions
const ID = 'custom_addon_sitelimit';
* This is the slug of the custom attribtue which defines the site-limit.
const ATTR_SLUG = 'max-sites';
* This is the slug of the custom attribtue message to display when member reached the limit
const MAX_LIMIT_REACH_MESSAGE = 'max-limit-message';
static public function init() {
// Those actions are only called by the M2 plugin, so we do not check
// if M2 is active or not:
// If M2 is not active, then those actions are never triggered.
//add_action( 'ms_model_addon_initialize', array( __CLASS__, 'sl_init' ) );
if( class_exists( 'MS_Plugin' ) )
add_action( 'init', array( __CLASS__, 'sl_init' ) );
add_filter( 'ms_model_addon_register', array( __CLASS__, 'register' ) );
* Checks if the current Add-on is enabled
* @return bool
static public function is_active() {
return MS_Model_Addon::is_enabled( self::ID );
public function sl_init() {
if ( self::is_active() ) {
if ( ! MS_Model_Addon::is_enabled( MS_Addon_Attributes::ID ) ) {
echo 'This Add-on requires the Membership Attributes Add-on';
global $pagenow;
if($pagenow != 'wp-signup.php' and !isset($_GET['action']) and $_GET['action'] != 'new_blog'){
$api = ms_api();
$real_limit = 0;
// Find the max limit for current user.
$member = $api->get_current_member();
$user_id = $member->id;
foreach ( $member->subscriptions as $subscription ) {
// Read the attribute value from a membership.
$cur_limit = ms_membership_attr( self::ATTR_SLUG, $subscription->membership_id );
$max_limit_message = ms_membership_attr( self::MAX_LIMIT_REACH_MESSAGE, $subscription->membership_id );
// Use the highest limit that the user has access to.
$cur_limit = intval( $cur_limit );
if ( $cur_limit > $real_limit ) {
$real_limit = $cur_limit;
$user_blogs = get_blogs_of_user( $user_id );
$blog_count = 0;
foreach ($user_blogs as $blog){
$blog_admins = self::site_admins($blog->userblog_id);
if( in_array($user_id, $blog_admins ) )
if( $blog_count >= $real_limit and ( !empty($real_limit) || $real_limit != 0) ){
$max_limit_message = 'You reached the maximum blog limit. Please upgrade to create more.';
wp_die( $max_limit_message );
// Now you have the $real_limit, rest is up to you ;)
// Add your custom hooks and add-on logic here.
* Get blog admins
* param: $blog_id
* return: array of admin ids
static public function site_admins($blog_id) {
$site_admins = '';
switch_to_blog( $blog_id );
$users_query = new WP_User_Query( array(
'role' => 'administrator',
'orderby' => 'display_name'
) );
$results = $users_query->get_results();
foreach($results as $user)
$site_admins[] = $user->ID ;
return $site_admins;
* Make the Add-On appear in the Add-on list.
* @param array $list The Add-Ons list.
* @return array The updated Add-Ons list.
public function register( $list ) {
$list[ self::ID ] = (object) array(
'name' => __( 'Site Limitation', 'text-domain' ),
'description' => __( 'Custom Addon description. Required Membership Attributes', 'text-domain' ),
return $list;
}; // End of the custom Add-on class.
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( 'MS_Custom_Addon_Sitelimit', 'init' ) );
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