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Created September 15, 2017 20:03
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resume in MarkDown
** Justin Byun**
Seattle, WA
(206) 327-7850
**As a former Biotech Researcher, I learned the beauty of analytical skills and value of critical thinking. Now, as a full-stack software developer, I****' ****d like to add the artistry of science to programming to develop user-friendly and resource-saving apps.**
**Relevant Skills**
javaScript, jQuery, nodeJS, expressJS, buebirdJS, Angular1.x, 2, 4, React/Redux, python, webPack, REST API, Mocha, Gulp, Jest, HTML5, CSS3/SASS, SQL(SQLite, postgreSQL), noSQL(mongoDB, RethinkDB)
R, AWS(web dev-assoc), Docker(ver 1.12), java, goLang
**Revelant**** Projects**
**brewBuddy-coffeeCompanion: Sept 2016,** [****](
- Focus group: from everyday coffee drinkers to coffee aficionado
- Objectives: clients can customize their coffee to order, along with optional reviews/ personal blogs
- For backend, API is created with nodeJS utilizing expressJS to handle user requests, and mongoDB persistence layer with subsequent testing; for fronted, angularJS, HTML5, CSS3 were used along with webPack and testing(Karma, Jasmine), subsequently
**concert-Finder: Feb 2016,** [****](
- Created with songKick and mapBox API's with leafletJS
- Focus group: concert goers worldwide
- Objectives: lets clients find concerts of interests at keystrokes, location service with ticket info at songKick link
**Work**** Experience**
**Open source Contributor at ( Seattle WA, 12/16 - current )**
- Portrays the history of Duwamish river and proper over time and the environmental effects due to city development, and the users can log in and report and/or share the images
- --Related skills: python/django, backboneJS
- --**Teaching Assistant ( CodeFellows | Seattle WA, 01/17 - 02/17 )**
- Help students learn javaScript, HTML5 and CSS3
**University of Washington | Seattle WA**
- Electronics Processing Assistant: hard-drive and data destruction, July 20 **13 -** _April 20__16_
- Research Assistant( Make-A-Wish foundation ): surveyed students and participated in protocol development in beverage consumption study in high schools in Washington State.
- _Research Scientist, July 2007 __-__ June 20__13_
- Prep DNA samples and sequence them: optimizing and trouble-shooting the reactions
- Monitor accuracy and integrity of data produced and post to the server
- Control and process sample flows to maximize the resource utilization
- Manage and maintain the lab and equipment
- --_Research Engineer, Pharmacology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, __August 2005__ -__October_ _05_
- --: Investigate the roles of cell signaling molecules and pathways in cell growth and development
- Therapeutic goals and projections: understand and control tumorigenesis
**Code Fellows, Seattle WA**
Certificate in Advanced Full-Stack JavaScript Dev: Sept, 2016
**University of Washington, Seattle WA**
Bachelor's of Sciences, May, 2005
Majors in Biochemistry and Microbiology (dual degree), Minor in Chemistry
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