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Created April 30, 2015 05:26
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Module 6 Exercise: Time-Series on SF Transportation Funding
year federalfunding
1991 21446222
1992 18045001
1993 30225384
1994 66810505
1995 59039016
1996 63106700
1997 53543517
1998 49081086
1999 176789205
2000 270278557
2001 242386243
2002 217498961
2003 99947983
2004 44224102
2005 36101294
2006 37329505
2007 62578354
2008 66154998
2009 80352951
2010 146587837
2011 130434986
2012 149912354
2013 152224257
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Federal Support for Bay Area Transit Systems</title>
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<h1>Comparing Federal Outlays for the BART and Muni Systems</h1>
<p>This line chart compares federal funding for the <strong style="color: red;">SF Muni</strong> and <strong style="color: blue;">BART</strong> systems for the years 1991 to 2013. Source: <a href="">National Transit Data Base</a>.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
var w = 900;
var h = 700;
var padding = [ 20, 10, 50, 75 ];
var dateFormat = d3.time.format("%Y");
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d3.csv("muni_fed.csv", function(muniData) {
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return dateFormat.parse(d.year);
d3.max(mergedData, function(d) {
return dateFormat.parse(d.year);
d3.max(mergedData, function(d) {
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year federalfunding
1991 43074000
1992 46373000
1993 25185000
1994 43731342
1995 72626441
1996 69370541
1997 79942224
1998 61621794
1999 65937861
2000 125341939
2001 205256730
2002 166434328
2003 98408522
2004 79147748
2005 65453808
2006 67572812
2007 78666955
2008 65016115
2009 49660733
2010 123139931
2011 137975718
2012 134884336
2013 105924060
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