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Last active July 19, 2019 21:35
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Recursive Bayesian approach to create optimal tournament schedules
Solution for The Riddler Classic, July 19:
4 players, 4 games:
Game 1. Player A vs player B, winner becomes the favorite.
Game 2. Favorite vs player C.
Game 3. Favorite vs player D.
If the favorite wins all three games, she is declared the champion. A re-match game 4 against player B/A is unnecessary, but may improve
the confidence (60.8 % if the favorite wins).
If the favorite loses game 2 or 3, game 4 must be a re-match of that game, and determines the champion.
The favorite losing exactly one of the four games is the worst-case scenario (she will be declared champion with 42.9 % confidence).
If the favorite loses both game 2 and game 3, then game 4 is player C vs player D, which determines the champion (44.4 % confidence)
5 players, 5 games
The same three games as before. The favorite remains favorite unless she loses both game 2 and 3, which will make player C the new
favorite. Game 4 is the favorite against player E.
If the favorite wins all four games, she is declared the champion. A re-match game 5 against player B/A is unnecessary, but may improve
the confidence (57.7 % if the favorite wins).
If she wins game 2 but loses game 3 or 4, game 5 must be a re-match of that game, and determines the champion. If she loses game 3
and 4, game 5 is between player D and E, which determines the champion.
If she loses game 2 but wins game 3, game 5 must be a re-match of game 2, and determines the champion.
If she loses game 2 and 3, player C becomes favorite. The winner of game 4 will play for the championship against player D.
The worst scenario is if player E wins game 4 but player D wins game 5, becoming champion at 35.6 % confidence.
N = 5
G = 5
import sys
import numpy as np
from itertools import permutations
from math import factorial
n_orderings = factorial(N)
score_matrix = np.zeros((n_orderings, N, N))
leader_matrix = np.zeros((N, n_orderings), bool)
steps = np.zeros(G,int)
steps[G-1] = 3
for n in range(G-2, -1, -1):
steps[n] = 2 * steps[n+1] + 1
gameplan_heap = np.zeros((2*G, steps[0], 4))
# heap of game plans
# each game plan consist of 2**G lines.
# each game plan line contains 4 numbers. The first number is the match number, then the two players to match, and the chance that the first player wins
# the rule is: if the first player wins, go to the next line, else go to line +X,
# where X = (2+G)**(G - iteration + 1)
# After G iterations:
# two lines say: player <number 1> won, which is correct in <number 2> % of the cases
# one line for if the first player won, another line for if the second player won
for n, ordering in enumerate(permutations(range(N))):
for nn1 in range(N):
p1 = ordering[nn1]
if nn1 == 0:
leader_matrix[p1, n] = 1
for nn2 in range(nn1+1, N):
p2 = ordering[nn2]
score_matrix[n, p1, p2] = 2/3
score_matrix[n, p2, p1] = 1/3
proba = np.zeros((G+1, n_orderings)) #probability of evidence-given-ordering for each ordering, normalized to 1
proba[0,:] = 1/N
totcount = 0
for p1 in range(N):
for p2 in range(p1+1, N):
totcount += 1
def choose_next_game(iteration, line, heapsize):
best_score = None
best_players = None
last_proba = proba[iteration-1]
gameplan_heap[heapsize+1:] = gameplan_heap[heapsize]
progress = 0
for p1 in range(N):
for p2 in range(p1+1, N):
# What if p1 wins
score_vector1 = score_matrix[:, p1, p2]
proba1 = last_proba * score_vector1
proba1 /= proba1.sum()
proba[iteration] = proba1
if iteration == G:
winner_proba1 =
# give a slight bias to the winner of the last match
winner_proba1_biased = winner_proba1.copy()
winner_proba1_biased[p1] += 1e-10
best_winner1 = np.argmax(winner_proba1_biased)
best_score1 = winner_proba1[best_winner1]
best_score1 = choose_next_game(iteration+1, line+1, heapsize+1)
score_vector2 = score_matrix[:, p2, p1]
proba2 = last_proba * score_vector2
proba2 /= proba2.sum()
proba[iteration] = proba2
if iteration == G:
winner_proba2 =
# give a slight bias to the winner of the last match
winner_proba2_biased = winner_proba2.copy()
winner_proba2_biased[p2] += 1e-10
best_winner2 = np.argmax(winner_proba2_biased)
best_score2 = winner_proba2[best_winner2]
step = steps[iteration]
best_score2 = choose_next_game(iteration+1, line+step+1, heapsize+1)
chance1, chance2 = np.sum(last_proba * score_vector1), np.sum(last_proba * score_vector2)
chance12 = chance1 + chance2
chance1, chance2 = chance1/chance12, chance2/chance12
best_score0 = chance1 * best_score1 + chance2 * best_score2
if best_score is None or best_score0 > best_score + 1e-12:
gameplan_heap[heapsize] = gameplan_heap[heapsize+1]
best_score = best_score0
best_chance1 = chance1
best_players = p1, p2
if iteration == G:
best_winners = best_winner1, best_winner2
best_success = best_score1, best_score2
if iteration == 1:
progress += 1
print("Progress: %d %%" % (100 * progress/totcount),file=sys.stderr)
p1, p2 = best_players
gameplan_heap[heapsize,line] = iteration, p1, p2, best_chance1
if iteration == G:
gameplan_heap[heapsize,line+1] = 99, best_winners[0], best_success[0], 99
gameplan_heap[heapsize,line+2] = 99, best_winners[1], best_success[1], 99
return best_score
success_rate = choose_next_game(1, 0, 0)
print("Success rate: %.3f" % (100 *success_rate))
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