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Created February 12, 2015 20:30
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Best practice app versioning NumVersion Struct
Versioning that is based on the NumVersion Struct
Has the following revision indicators:
[major revision].[minor revision].[bug revision]-[stage][stage revision]
Major revision increments indicate significant changes and/or jumps in functionality and/or programming
The major revision number begins at 1 and increments from there.
The major revision number may not jump or skip any revisions.
Minor revision increments indicate minor feature changes and/or significant bug fixes.
The minor revision number is limited to a single digit, 0 - 9.
The minor revision number may jump or skip revisions if there are significant changes,
but not significant enough to warrant a major revision increment. As a general guide,
the jumping should be done in increments of 5 revisions, thus allowing only one jump per
major revision before the major revision must be incremented. Minor revision releases may
be referred to as "point releases".
Bug revision increments indicate minor bug fixes.
The bug revision number is limited to a single digit, 0 - 9.
The bug revision number may not jump or skip any revisions. If there are significant enough
fixes to warrant such a revision jump, the minor revision should be incremented instead.
Stage indicator:
Consists of a string belonging to one of "dev", "alpha", "beta", "rc", or "final", where:
"dev" stages are internal private releases
"alpha" stages are very early releases that may or may not be plublic releases
"beta" stages are public releases intended for early adopters and other "beta testers"
"rc" stages are release candidates indended for more widespread testing
"final" stages are stable releases and should be "production worthy"
Stage revision:
The stage revision number begins at 1 and increments from there.
The stage revision number may not jump or skip any revisions.
In the case of final stage releases, the stage and stage revision indicators are omitted.
Only the final release stage may increment the other revisions.
When a revision indicator's number increments, all lower revision indicators should roll back
to their starting position.
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Thanks for this document, it has given me more understanding of versioning

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