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Forked from hendrikeng/_lazyFocusImager.twig
Created April 6, 2017 12:51
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Twig/Craft macro for lazy responsive images/bgimages with Imager and Focuspoint
// lazyLoaded Image/bgImages, optimized with Imager and Focuspoint
for the bgImage intrinsic ratio classname creation check:
1. import marco in your template:
{% import '_macros/_lazyFocusImager' as LazyFocusImager %}
2. set image to run through macro e.g.:
{% set image = block.image.first() %}
3. set options in template, or pass without options for defaults:
{% set options = {
sizes: [ --> set responsive image widths created by imager for lazySizes
{ width: 1024 }, --> defaults based on
{ width: 768 },
allowUpscale: false, --> set imager setting allowUpscale - default is false
alt: 'logo', --> set image alt tag, you could also use a twig variable if alt tag is set in CP - default is false
background: false, --> set to true for bgImage element - default is false
class: 'o-media', --> class name of img/bg element - default is o-media
format: 'jpg', --> forces output format to a specific type - default is jpg
interlace: true, --> set imager setting interlace - default is true
lazy: true, --> use lazySizes - default is true
mode: 'crop', --> set mode 'crop', 'fit', 'stretch', 'croponly', 'letterbox' - default is crop
openDiv: false, --> won't close the bgImage div element, useful for sliders or if the bgImage contains other elements - default is false
position: '50% 50%', --> position for bgImage / if a focusPoint for cropping is set, it will use it for positioning - default is false
quality: 80, --> set image quality - default is 80
ratio: 16:9, --> set image ratio for cropping and sets a intrinsic ratio classname for bgImages - default is false
} %}
4. execute macro in template:
{{ macroLazyFocusImager.LazyFocusImager(image, options) }}
{# Macro #}
{% macro LazyFocusImager(image,options) %}
{# Set Defaults #}
{% set defaults = {
sizes: [
{ width: 1920 },
{ width: 1366 },
{ width: 768 },
{ width: 360 },
allowUpscale: false,
alt: false,
background: false,
class: 'o-media',
format: 'jpg',
interlace: true,
lazy: true,
mode: 'crop',
openDiv: false,
position: false,
quality: 80,
ratio: false,
} %}
{# Merge Attr with Defaults #}
{% set options = options ? defaults|merge(options) : defaults %}
{% if image %}
{# Set Ratio #}
{% if options.ratio %}
{% set ratio = options.ratio|split(':') %}
{% set base64Ratio = options.ratio|split(':') %}
{% set ratio = ratio|first/ratio|last %}
{% else %}
{% set imageSize = image.width ~ ':' ~ image.height %}
{% set base64Ratio = imageSize|split(':') %}
{% set ratio = '' %}
{% endif %}
{# Set Position #}
{% if options.position %}
{% set position = options.position %}
{% elseif image.focusPctX %}
{% set position = image.focusPctX ~ '% ' ~ image.focusPctY ~ '%' %}
{% else %}
{% set position = '50% 50%' %}
{% endif %}
{# Define global variables #}
{% set imageSettings = {
allowUpscale: options.allowUpscale,
format: options.format,
interlace: options.interlace,
jpegQuality: options.quality,
mode: options.mode,
position: position,
ratio: ratio,
} %}
{# Image #}
{% set images = craft.imager.transformImage(image, options.sizes, imageSettings) %}
{% if options.background %}
<div class="lazyload {{ options.class }} {{ options.ratio ? 'o-ratio o-ratio--' ~ options.ratio|replace({":": "-"}) : '' }}"
style="background-image: url('{{ craft.imager.base64Pixel(base64Ratio|first, base64Ratio|last) }}');background-position: {{ position|trim("'") }};"
data-bgset="{{ craft.imager.srcset(images) }}"
{% if not options.openDiv %}
{% endif %}
{% elseif options.lazy %}
<img data-sizes="auto"
src="{{ craft.imager.base64Pixel(base64Ratio|first, base64Ratio|last) }}"
data-srcset="{{ craft.imager.srcset(images) }}"
class="{{ options.class }} lazyload"
alt="{{ options.alt }}" />
{% else %}
<img sizes="auto"
src="{{ images|last.url }}"
srcset="{{ craft.imager.srcset(images) }}"
class="{{ options.class }}"
alt="{{ options.alt }}">
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
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