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sjengle/global.r Secret

Created February 22, 2013 00:08
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MSAN 622 Parallel Coordinates with Brushing using Shiny
# Helper function: capitalize first letter of text
capitalize <- function(text) {
result <- toupper(substring(text, 1, 1))
result <- paste(result, substring(text, 2), sep = "")
# Load dataset
# Since this is a large dataset, take a small sample
# Increase size after debugging code
df <- diamonds[sample(1:dim(diamonds)[1],100),1:7]
# Capitalize all column names to improve display
names(df) <- sapply(names(df), capitalize)
# Determine which columns to keep for parallel coordiantes
keep <- sapply(df, is.numeric)
# Get column indicies for use in ggparcood()
numberColumns <- c(1:ncol(df))[keep]
factorColumns <- c(1:ncol(df))[!keep]
# Associate column indicies with names
names(numberColumns) <- names(df)[keep]
names(factorColumns) <- names(df)[!keep]
# Return basic parallel coordinate plot
getPlot <- function(
colorIndex = factorColumns[1], # Column index
caratRange = range(df["Carat"]), # Range for carat
depthRange = range(df["Depth"]), # Range for depth
tableRange = range(df["Table"]), # Range for table
priceRange = range(df["Price"]) # Range for price
) {
# Note the colorIndex returned is a character,
# so we must convert it back into an integer
colorIndex <- as.integer(colorIndex)
# Generate base parallel coordinates plot
p <- ggparcoord(
# This dataset will be melted by ggparcoord()
data = df,
# Only include numeric values in plot
columns = numberColumns,
# Color lines by the specified column
groupColumn = colorIndex,
# The technique used to annotate axis lines with
# the ranges requires the scale to be normalized
scale = "uniminmax",
# Make the lines very transparent, so that
# the selected lines are more visible
alphaLines = 0.05,
# Provide a plot title
title = "Diamonds"
# Determine which rows are in selected ranges
focusRows <- rep(TRUE, nrow(df))
focusRows <- focusRows & (df$Carat >= caratRange[1])
focusRows <- focusRows & (df$Carat <= caratRange[2])
focusRows <- focusRows & (df$Depth >= depthRange[1])
focusRows <- focusRows & (df$Depth <= depthRange[2])
focusRows <- focusRows & (df$Table >= tableRange[1])
focusRows <- focusRows & (df$Table <= tableRange[2])
focusRows <- focusRows & (df$Price >= priceRange[1])
focusRows <- focusRows & (df$Price <= priceRange[2])
focusRows <- which(focusRows)
# Subset data used by plot (already melted and scaled)
# to only include focus rows.
focusData <- subset(
as.numeric(p$data$.ID) %in% focusRows
# Plot highlighted lines
p <- p + geom_line(
data = focusData,
alpha = 0.4,
mapping = aes(x = variable, y = value)
# Modify padding around plot
p <- p + scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0.025, 0.0))
p <- p + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0.02, 0.0))
# Customize style
p <- p + theme_minimal()
p <- p + theme(legend.position = "bottom")
p <- p + theme(axis.ticks = element_blank())
p <- p + theme(axis.title = element_blank())
p <- p + theme(axis.text.y = element_blank())
p <- p + theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
p <- p + theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_blank())
# Add text annotations for range of vertical axis lines
rangeLabels <- c(
sapply(df[keep], min), # Plot min values first
sapply(df[keep], max) # Plot max values last
# Plot a label for each line along x-axis
xPositions <- rep(1:length(numberColumns), times = 2)
# Plot text at top and bottom of axis lines
# Need to know how data was scaled
yPositions <- rep(
extendrange(p$data$value, f = 0.1),
each = length(numberColumns)
# Plot text annotations
p <- p + annotate(
"text", size = 3,
x = xPositions,
y = yPositions,
label = as.character(rangeLabels)
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
output$plot <- reactivePlot(function() {
colorIndex = input$column,
caratRange = input$carat,
depthRange = input$depth,
tableRange = input$table,
priceRange = input$price)
headerPanel("Diamonds (with Brushing)"),
inputId = "column",
label = "Color Lines By:",
choices = factorColumns
inputId = "carat",
label = "Carat Range:",
# Use extendrange to account for any round-off
min = extendrange(df["Carat"])[1],
max = extendrange(df["Carat"])[2],
value = extendrange(df["Carat"])
inputId = "depth",
label = "Depth Range:",
min = extendrange(df["Depth"])[1],
max = extendrange(df["Depth"])[2],
value = extendrange(df["Depth"])
inputId = "table",
label = "Table Range:",
min = extendrange(df["Table"])[1],
max = extendrange(df["Table"])[2],
value = extendrange(df["Table"])
inputId = "price",
label = "Price Range:",
min = extendrange(df["Price"])[1],
max = extendrange(df["Price"])[2],
value = extendrange(df["Price"])
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