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Last active February 1, 2017 01:07
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Population and Location of US State Capitals

Population and Location of US State Capitals

This CSV file includes all of the state capitals alongside latitude, longitude, and population from the 2010 census.

Data Sources

This data file was generated from several sources, as listed below.

The geocoder at was used to generate GPS coordinates for the state capitals.

id abbrev state capital latitude longitude population
1 AL Alabama Montgomery 32.380120 -86.300629 205764
2 AK Alaska Juneau 58.299740 -134.406794 31275
4 AZ Arizona Phoenix 33.448260 -112.075774 1445632
5 AR Arkansas Little Rock 34.748655 -92.274494 193524
6 CA California Sacramento 38.579065 -121.491014 466488
8 CO Colorado Denver 39.740010 -104.992259 600158
9 CT Connecticut Hartford 41.763325 -72.674069 124775
10 DE Delaware Dover 39.158035 -75.524734 36047
12 FL Florida Tallahassee 30.439775 -84.280649 181376
13 GA Georgia Atlanta 33.748315 -84.391109 420003
15 HI Hawaii Honolulu 21.304770 -157.857614 337256
16 ID Idaho Boise 43.606980 -116.193409 205671
17 IL Illinois Springfield 39.801055 -89.643604 116250
18 IN Indiana Indianapolis 39.766910 -86.149964 820445
19 IA Iowa Des Moines 41.589790 -93.615659 203433
20 KS Kansas Topeka 39.049285 -95.671184 127473
21 KY Kentucky Frankfort 38.195070 -84.878694 25527
22 LA Louisiana Baton Rouge 30.443345 -91.186994 229493
23 ME Maine Augusta 44.318036 -69.776218 19136
24 MD Maryland Annapolis 38.976700 -76.489934 38394
25 MA Massachusetts Boston 42.358635 -71.056699 617594
26 MI Michigan Lansing 42.731940 -84.552249 114297
27 MN Minnesota Saint Paul 44.943829 -93.093326 285068
28 MS Mississippi Jackson 32.298690 -90.180489 173514
29 MO Missouri Jefferson City 38.577515 -92.177839 43079
30 MT Montana Helana 46.589760 -112.021202 28190
31 NE Nebraska Lincoln 40.813620 -96.707739 258379
32 NV Nevada Carson City 39.164885 -119.766999 55274
33 NH New Hampshire Concord 43.207250 -71.536604 42695
34 NJ New Jersey Trenton 40.217875 -74.759404 84913
35 NM New Mexico Santa Fe 35.691543 -105.937406 67947
36 NY New York Albany 42.651445 -73.755254 97856
37 NC North Carolina Raleigh 35.785510 -78.642669 403892
38 ND North Dakota Bismarck 46.805372 -100.779334 61272
39 OH Ohio Columbus 39.961960 -83.002984 787033
40 OK Oklahoma Oklahoma City 35.472015 -97.520354 579999
41 OR Oregon Salem 44.933260 -123.043814 154637
42 PA Pennsylvania Harrisburg 40.259865 -76.882230 49528
44 RI Rhode Island Providence 41.823875 -71.411994 178042
45 SC South Carolina Columbia 33.998550 -81.045249 129272
46 SD South Dakota Pierre 44.368924 -100.350158 13646
47 TN Tennessee Nashville 36.167783 -86.778365 601222
48 TX Texas Austin 30.267605 -97.742984 790390
49 UT Utah Salt Lake City 40.759505 -111.888229 186440
50 VT Vermont Montpelier 44.260299 -72.576264 7855
51 VA Virginia Richmond 37.540700 -77.433654 204214
53 WA Washington Olympia 47.039231 -122.891366 46478
54 WV West Virginia Charleston 38.350195 -81.638989 51400
55 WI Wisconsin Madison 43.072950 -89.386694 233209
56 WY Wyoming Cheyenne 41.134815 -104.821544 59466
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