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Created April 19, 2022 21:03
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import data.setoid.basic -- Not needed, reference only
import data.nat.basic -- Some basic simps
import order.complete_lattice
-- This is here so I don't forget how to trace
-- set_option trace.simplify.rewrite true
open list
set_option trace.simplify.rewrite true
def atom := nat
instance : inhabited atom := nat.inhabited
inductive tv
| vtrue
| vundef
| vfalse
open tv
-- Negation of truth values is same as FOL except undefined maps to undefined
-- Defined for a tv, v to use notations -v
@[simp] def tv_nat (a : tv) : ℕ := tv.cases_on a 3 2 1
@[simp] lemma tv_unnat_eq {a b : tv} : (tv_nat a) = (tv_nat b) <-> a = b := begin
split, all_goals { assume h, cases a; cases b; simp at |- h; contradiction },
namespace tv
@[reducible] def le (a b : tv) : Prop := nat.le (tv_nat a) (tv_nat b)
@[reducible] def lt (a b : tv) : Prop := (tv_nat a) (tv_nat b)
instance : has_le tv := ⟨le⟩
instance : has_lt tv := ⟨lt⟩
@[refl] lemma le_refl (a : tv) : a <= a := nat.le_refl (tv_nat a)
@[trans] lemma le_trans {n m k : tv} (h1 : n ≤ m) : m ≤ k → n ≤ k := λ h2, nat.le_trans h1 h2
lemma le_antisymm {n m : tv} (h1 : n ≤ m) : m ≤ n → n = m := λ h2, (nat.le_antisymm h1 h2)
lemma le_total {m n : tv} : m ≤ n ∨ n ≤ m := nat.le_total
lemma lt_iff_le_not_le {m n : tv} : m < n ↔ (m ≤ n ∧ ¬ n ≤ m) := nat.lt_iff_le_not_le
instance decidable_lt : ∀ a b : tv, decidable (a < b) := λ a b, nat.decidable_lt (tv_nat a) (tv_nat b)
instance decidable_le : ∀ a b : tv, decidable (a ≤ b):= λ a b, nat.decidable_le (tv_nat a) (tv_nat b)
instance decidable_eq : decidable_eq tv := λ a b, by { rw <- tv_unnat_eq, apply nat.decidable_eq }
instance linear_order : linear_order tv :=
{ le := le,
le_refl := tv.le_refl,
le_trans := @tv.le_trans,
le_antisymm := @tv.le_antisymm,
le_total := @tv.le_total,
lt := lt,
lt_iff_le_not_le := @tv.lt_iff_le_not_le,
decidable_le := tv.decidable_le,
-- These fields are optional but easy enough to define
decidable_lt := tv.decidable_lt,
decidable_eq := tv.decidable_eq }
@[simp, reducible] def neg (v : tv) : tv := tv.cases_on v tv.vfalse tv.vundef tv.vtrue
instance : has_neg tv := ⟨neg⟩
@[simp, reducible] def conj (a b : tv) := min a b
@[simp, reducible] def disj (a b : tv) := max a b
instance : has_inf tv := ⟨conj⟩
instance : has_sup tv := ⟨disj⟩
instance : has_bot tv := ⟨vfalse⟩
instance : has_top tv := ⟨vtrue⟩
-- This works
lemma le_sup_left (a b : tv) : a <= a ⊔ b := begin
rw le_sup_iff,
-- SO why shouldn't this?
lemma le_sup_left_2 [lo : linear_order tv] [sup : has_sup tv] (a b : tv) : a <= a ⊔ b := begin
rw le_sup_iff,
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