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from django.views.generic.base import View, TemplateResponseMixin
from django.views.generic.edit import FormMixin, ProcessFormView
class MultipleFormsMixin(FormMixin):
A mixin that provides a way to show and handle several forms in a
form_classes = {} # set the form classes as a mapping
pdib / .ebextensions\deploy.config
Last active April 5, 2022 07:39
Installing node and npm on a Django AWS ElasticBeanstalk
# This specifies the deployment process on AWS ElasticBeanstalk for a Django app using npm and Postgres.
# The target environment should have access to a Postgres Database through environment variables.
# The environment can be setup using `eb create --database.engine=postgres`
# The necessary environment variables to access the database will be automatically defined on the
# instances of that environment.
# In addition, the target environment should define environment variables (django secret key ...).
# They can be manually defined using the AWS ElasticBeanstalk interface on the web.
# They can also be specified when creating the environment from command line, for example: