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Last active December 16, 2015 01:49
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Case 1: intrinsic ShadowDOM

// markup
<x-foo>My Content</x-foo>

// innerHTML should only ever reflect light dom, node contents 
// are interchangeable without regard to the node itself
xfoo.innerHTML === ‘My Content’

// outerHTML does not reflect ShadowDOM, as (if it exists) it’s 
// intrinsic to <x-foo>
xfoo.outerHTML === ‘<x-foo>My Content</x-foo>’;

// no lossy
xfoo.innerHTML = xfoo.innerHTML;
// no lossy (assuming xfoo is an only-child, which is WLOG)
xfoo.parentNode.innerHTML = xfoo.outerHTML;

Case 2: non-intrinsic ShadowDOM

// markup
    My Content

// innerHTML should only ever reflect light dom, node contents 
// are interchangeable without regard to the node itself
div.innerHTML === ‘My Content’

// outerHTML DOES reflect ShadowDOM, as it’s not intrinsic to <div>
div.outerHTML ===
</shadow-root>My Content</div>’;

// no lossy
div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML;
// no lossy (assuming div is an only-child, which is WLOG)
div.parentNode.innerHTML = div.outerHTML;

Case 3: Subtrees

// markup

// as in above examples, anytag’s innerHTML never
// reflects any information about his Shadow DOM
anytag.innerHTML == <exactly the markup shown above>

// note that <div>’s <shadow-root> is emitted into
// anytag’s innerHTML because it’s part of <div>’s
// outerHTML

// no lossy
div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML;
// no lossy (assuming div is an only-child, which is WLOG)
div.parentNode.innerHTML = div.outerHTML;
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