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Last active January 21, 2022 12:14
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Unsticking OneDrive on Windows
@echo off
rem Sometimes OneDrive gets stuck and won't be able to sync files.
rem It will just spin on "looking for changes" or some nonsense.
rem (This seems to especially happen when the internet is not reliable
rem or perhaps just in certain geographic regions? I haven't been able
rem to find out. I live in the Middle East, though, and OneDrive is
rem super unreliable and it makes me sad.)
rem This script resets its syncing status and restarts the app,
rem but it means it may have to take a while to get back to
rem properly working. So don't run this just for funsies, but if
rem your OneDrive hasn't been working for a while, this could help.
rem (I am definitely not a masterful batch file programmer, so this is
rem almost certainly sub-optimal.)
set onedrive_exe=
for %%A in ("%localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\onedrive.exe" "C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\onedrive.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft OneDrive\onedrive.exe") do (
if exist %%A (
set onedrive_exe=%%A
goto searched
if not defined onedrive_exe (
echo ERROR: Couldn't find OneDrive... either it's not installed
echo or set up kind of strangely. Sorry about that.
set /p=Press ENTER to exit...
exit 2
%onedrive_exe% /reset
start "" %onedrive_exe%
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