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Last active April 29, 2022 17:32
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Sample code for a hypothetical Objective-C++/CLI language.
#include <iostream>
#include <msclr/marshal.h>
#include <msclr/marshal_cppstd.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// Sample code for a hypothetical Objective-C++/CLI language
ref class ClrClass;
@class ObjCClass;
class CppClass {
void hello_from(std::string sender);
void greet(ObjCClass *target);
void greet(ClrClass ^target);
ref class ClrClass {
void HelloFrom(System::String ^sender);
void Greet(CppClass &target);
void Greet(ObjCClass *target);
@interface ObjCClass : NSObject
- (void)helloFrom:(NSString *)sender;
- (void)greetCPP:(CppClass &)target;
- (void)greetCLR:(ClrClass ^)target;
// C++ class implementation
void CppClass::hello_from(std::string sender)
std::cout << "C++ greeted by " << sender << std::endl;
void CppClass::greet(ObjCClass *target)
std::string sender = "C++";
NSString *nsstr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:sender.c_str()];
[target helloFrom:nsstr];
void CppClass::greet(ClrClass ^target)
std::string sender = "C++";
System::String ^clrstr = marshal_as<System::String^>(sender);
// C++/CLI class implementation
void ClrClass::HelloFrom(System::String ^sender)
System::Console::WriteLine("C++/CLI greeted by {0}", sender);
void ClrClass::Greet(CppClass &target)
System::String ^sender = "C++/CLI";
std::string stdstr = marshal_as<std::string>(sender);
void ClrClass::Greet(ObjCClass *target)
System::String ^sender = "C++/CLI";
std::string stdstr = marshal_as<std::string>(sender);
NSString *nsstr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:stdstr.c_str()];
[target helloFrom:nsstr];
// Objective-C class implementation
@implementation ObjCClass
- (void)helloFrom:(NSString *)sender
NSLog(@"Objective-C greeted by %@", sender);
- (void)greetCPP:(CppClass &)target
NSString *sender = @"Objective-C";
std::string stdstr = [sender UTF8String];
- (void)greetCLR:(ClrClass ^)target
NSString *sender = @"Objective-C";
System::String ^clrstr = marshal_as<std::string>(sender);
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
CppClass cpp;
ClrClass ^clr = gcnew ClrClass();
ObjCClass *objc = [ObjCClass new];
[objc greetCPP:cpp];
[objc greetCLR:clr];
return 0;
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This would be insane. How come it doesn't exist? Such pity xxD.

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