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Forked from idmillington/node-uuid.js
Created November 6, 2010 02:08
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Save sjmulder/665131 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Generates a new UUID and passes it to the given callback function.
* Uses the a command-line uuid generator. Caches UUIDs to avoid
* unneccessary spawning of new processes.
* You can easily adjust the script used to create the UUID. By
* default I am using the OSSP uuid program, which is available in
* most linux distro's package managers (e.g. `sudo apt-get install
* uuid` on ubuntu).
* Callback signature is function(err, uuid).
* Credits:
* Ian Millington
* Steve Brewer
var createUUID = (function() {
// We create and execute this outside function immediately. Doing
// this provides us with a secure inner scope to store our uuid
// cache, preventing other code from accessing it. The result of
// this outmost function call is to return the actual get_uuid()
// function which is assigned to the get_uuid name.
// Adjust these constants to tweak the uuid generation process.
// This version uses the OSSP uuid program, but you could also
// replace the script with your own uuidgen wrapper as per
var UUID_SCRIPT = 'sh';
var UUID_ARGS = [ '-c', 'for i in {1..100}; do uuidgen; done' ];
// Alias the spawn function for our cache top-up routine.
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
// The uuid stack. Pop UUIDs from this as they are needed.
var uuids = [];
// Track if we're currently generating, so we don't spawn new UUID
// generators if one is pending.
var spooledCallbacks = [];
var generating = false;
// Handle error notification of the spooled callbacks.
var notifyCallbacksOfError = function(error) {
while (spooledCallbacks.length > 0) {
spooledCallbacks.pop()(error, null);
// Updates the cache with another batch of UUIDs.
var topUpCache = function() {
// Create the shell call to uuid.
var uuidCall = spawn(UUID_SCRIPT, UUID_ARGS);
// When data arrives split it and cache it.
uuidCall.stdout.addListener('data', function(data) {
var result = data.toString();
// Strip whitespace from start and end of the data.
result = result.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
// Assume we got one UUID per line.
var uuidsReturned = result.split('\n');
uuids = uuids.concat(uuidsReturned);
// Pass errors up to the spooled callbacks, these are then
// popped, so they receive at most one error.
uuidCall.stderr.addListener('data', function(data) {
notifyCallbacksOfError(new Error("uuid generation error: "+data));
// If we're done, call the callback with the uuid.
uuidCall.addListener('exit', function(code) {
if (code != 0) {
notifyCallbacksOfError(new Error("uuid generation failed"));
} else {
// Send as many UUIDs as we can.
while(spooledCallbacks.length > 0 & uuids.length > 0) {
spooledCallbacks.pop()(null, uuids.pop());
if (spooledCallbacks.length > 0) {
// We didn't have enough uuids, so top up again.
} else {
// We're done.
generating = false;
// Calls the given function with a UUID when one is calculated.
// Callback signature is function(err, uuid).
return function(callback) {
if (uuids.length > 0) {
// We can immediately send back a UUID.
callback(null, uuids.pop());
} else {
// We need to top up our cache before notifying the callback.
// Check if we need to start a new cache update. If not,
// then just adding the callback to the spooled list will
// mean it gets called when UUIDs are available.
if (!generating) {
generating = true;
// Delete this line if you just want the function in your own code,
// add it if you want to use this file as a module and require() it
// into your program.
exports.createUUID = createUUID;
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