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Created December 21, 2009 23:43
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HFunctor combinators
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, TypeOperators, KindSignatures, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Control.Functor.HigherOrder
import Control.Functor.Extras
newtype K k (r :: * -> *) a = K k
newtype I f (r :: * -> *) a = I (r (f a))
newtype E (r :: * -> *) a = E a
data (f :*: g) (r :: * -> *) a = f r a :*: g r a
data (f :+: g) (r :: * -> *) a = L (f r a) | R (g r a)
instance HFunctor (K k) where
ffmap _ (K k) = K k
hfmap _ (K k) = K k
instance Functor f => HFunctor (I f) where
ffmap f (I i) = I (fmap (fmap f) i)
hfmap f (I i) = I (f i)
instance HFunctor E where
ffmap f (E e) = E (f e)
hfmap f (E e) = E e
instance (HFunctor f, HFunctor g) => HFunctor (f :*: g) where
ffmap f (l :*: r) = ffmap f l :*: ffmap f r
hfmap f (l :*: r) = hfmap f l :*: hfmap f r
instance (HFunctor f, HFunctor g) => HFunctor (f :+: g) where
ffmap f (L l) = L (ffmap f l)
ffmap f (R r) = R (ffmap f r)
hfmap f (L l) = L (hfmap f l)
hfmap f (R r) = R (hfmap f r)
-- An example datatype: perfectly balanced trees.
-- The equivalent of data HPTree r a = HPLeaf a | HPNode (r (Pair a))
type HPTree = E :+: I Pair
data Pair a = Pair a a
instance Functor Pair where fmap f (Pair l r) = Pair (f l) (f r)
type PTree = FixH HPTree
-- Some folds on FixH-ed HFunctors, from Patricia Johann and Neil Ghani
hfold :: (HFunctor h, Functor f) => HAlgebra h f -> FixH h :~> f
hfold alg = alg . hfmap (hfold alg) . outH
hbuild :: HFunctor h => (forall f. HAlgebra h f -> c :~> f) -> c :~> FixH h
hbuild fromAlg = fromAlg InH
hunfold :: forall h f. (HFunctor h, Functor f) => HCoalgebra h f -> f :~> FixH h
hunfold coalg = hbuild fromAlg where
fromAlg :: forall g. (h g :~> g) -> f :~> g
fromAlg alg = alg . hfmap (fromAlg alg) . coalg
newtype RanK g f a = RanK { unRanK :: (a -> g) -> f }
instance Functor (RanK g f) where
fmap f (RanK c) = RanK (\d -> c (d . f))
newtype LanK g f a = LanK { unLanK :: (g -> a, f) }
instance Functor (LanK g f) where
fmap f (LanK (d, c)) = LanK (f . d, c)
gfoldk :: HFunctor h => HAlgebra h (RanK g f) -> (a -> g) -> FixH h a -> f
gfoldk alg g m = unRanK (hfold alg m) g
gbuildk :: HFunctor h => (forall f. HAlgebra h f -> LanK g c :~> f) -> (g -> a) -> c -> FixH h a
gbuildk fromAlg g f = hbuild fromAlg (LanK (g, f))
gunfoldk :: HFunctor h => HCoalgebra h (LanK g f) -> (g -> a) -> f -> FixH h a
gunfoldk coalg g f = hunfold coalg (LanK (g, f))
-- An unfold and a fold for perfect trees.
pTreeOfDepth :: Int -> a -> PTree a
pTreeOfDepth n x = gunfoldk coalg id n where
coalg (LanK (g, 0)) = L . E $ g x
coalg (LanK (g, n)) = R . I $ LanK (\x -> Pair (g x) (g x), n - 1)
showPTree :: Show a => PTree a -> String
showPTree = gfoldk alg show where
alg (L (E a)) = RanK $ \s -> s a
alg (R (I r)) = RanK $ \s -> unRanK r $ \(Pair a b) -> "(" ++ s a ++ ", " ++ s b ++ ")"
test = showPTree $ pTreeOfDepth 3 'x'
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