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Created January 18, 2010 14:05
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CBV denotational semantics for categorical terms (from Declarative Continuations and Categorical Duality by Filinski)
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, KindSignatures #-}
module CBV where
import Control.Functor
import Control.Category
import Control.Category.Object
import Control.Category.Associative
import Control.Category.Braided
import Control.Category.Cartesian
import Control.Category.Cartesian.Closed
import Control.Category.Monoidal
import Control.Category.Distributive
import Data.Void
type Ans = ()
newtype CBV a b = M ((b -> Ans) -> a -> Ans)
data CoCBV (hom :: * -> * -> *) b a = Co (b -> Ans) a
instance Category CBV where
id = M $ \k v -> k v
(M f) . (M g) = M $ \k v -> g (\t -> f k t) v
instance HasTerminalObject CBV () where
terminate = M $ \k _ -> k ()
instance HasInitialObject CBV Void where
initiate = M $ \_ v -> case v of { otherwise -> error "Empty choice" }
instance PreCartesian CBV (,) where
fst = M $ \k (a, b) -> k a
snd = M $ \k (a, b) -> k b
M f &&& M g = M $ \k v -> f (\s -> g (\t -> k (s, t)) v) v
instance PreCoCartesian CBV Either where
inl = M $ \k v -> k (Left v)
inr = M $ \k v -> k (Right v)
M f ||| M g = M $ \k v -> case v of { Left t -> f k t; Right t -> g k t }
instance HasIdentity CBV (,) ()
instance Monoidal CBV (,) () where
idl = M $ \k ((), r) -> k r
idr = M $ \k (l, ()) -> k l
instance HasIdentity CBV Either Void
instance Comonoidal CBV Either Void where
coidl = M $ \k v -> k (Right v)
coidr = M $ \k v -> k (Left v)
instance CCC CBV (,) CBV () where
apply = M $ \k (M f, v) -> f k v
curry (M f) = M $ \k a -> k (M $ \b c -> f b (a, c))
uncurry (M f) = M $ \k (a, b) -> f (\(M g) -> g k b) a
instance CoCCC CBV Either CoCBV Void where
coapply = M $ \k v -> k (Left (Co (\t -> k (Right t)) v))
cocurry (M f) = M $ \k (Co c a) -> f (either k c) a
uncocurry (M f) = M $ \k v -> f (\s -> k (Left s)) (Co (\t -> k (Right t)) v)
instance Distributive CBV (,) Either where
distribute = M $ \k (a, v) -> case v of { Left r -> k (Left (a, r)); Right s -> k (Right (a, s)) }
instance PFunctor (,) CBV CBV where
first = first'
instance QFunctor (,) CBV CBV where
second = second'
instance Bifunctor (,) CBV CBV CBV where
bimap = bimapPreCartesian
instance Braided CBV (,) where
braid = braidPreCartesian
instance Symmetric CBV (,)
instance Associative CBV (,) where
associate = associatePreCartesian
instance Coassociative CBV (,) where
coassociate = coassociatePreCartesian
instance PFunctor Either CBV CBV where
first = first'
instance QFunctor Either CBV CBV where
second = second'
instance Bifunctor Either CBV CBV CBV where
bimap = bimapPreCoCartesian
instance Braided CBV Either where
braid = braidPreCoCartesian
instance Symmetric CBV Either
instance Associative CBV Either where
associate = associatePreCoCartesian
instance Coassociative CBV Either where
coassociate = coassociatePreCoCartesian
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, KindSignatures #-}
module CBV where
import Control.Functor
import Control.Category
import Control.Category.Object
import Control.Category.Associative
import Control.Category.Braided
import Control.Category.Cartesian
import Control.Category.Cartesian.Closed
import Control.Category.Monoidal
import Control.Category.Distributive
import Data.Void
import Prelude hiding ((.), id, fst, snd)
import Control.Applicative
type Ans = ()
newtype CBV a b = M ((b -> Ans) -> a -> Ans)
data CoCBV (hom :: * -> * -> *) b a = Co (b -> Ans) a
arr :: (a -> b) -> CBV a b
arr f = f <$> id
instance Functor (CBV a) where
fmap f (M g) = M $ \k -> g (k . f)
instance Applicative (CBV a) where
pure x = M $ \k _ -> k x
(M f) <*> (M x) = M $ \k v -> x (\a -> f (\ab -> k (ab a)) v) v
instance Monad (CBV a) where
return = pure
(M m) >>= f = M $ \k v -> m (\a -> let (M g) = f a in g k v) v
instance Category CBV where
id = M $ id
(M f) . (M g) = M $ g . f
instance HasTerminalObject CBV () where
terminate = pure ()
instance HasInitialObject CBV Void where
initiate = M $ \_ v -> case v of { otherwise -> error "Empty choice" }
instance PreCartesian CBV (,) where
fst = arr fst
snd = arr snd
f &&& g = (,) <$> f <*> g
instance PreCoCartesian CBV Either where
inl = arr Left
inr = arr Right
M f ||| M g = M $ either <$> f <*> g
instance HasIdentity CBV (,) ()
instance Monoidal CBV (,) () where
idl = snd
idr = fst
instance HasIdentity CBV Either Void
instance Comonoidal CBV Either Void where
coidl = inr
coidr = inl
instance CCC CBV (,) CBV () where
apply = M $ \k (M f, v) -> f k v
curry (M f) = M $ \k a -> k (M $ \b c -> f b (a, c))
uncurry (M f) = M $ \k (a, b) -> f (\(M g) -> g k b) a
instance CoCCC CBV Either CoCBV Void where
coapply = M $ \k -> k . Left . Co (k . Right)
cocurry (M f) = M $ \k (Co c a) -> f (either k c) a
uncocurry (M f) = M $ \k -> f (k . Left) . Co (k . Right)
instance Distributive CBV (,) Either where
distribute = M $ \k (a, v) -> either (k . Left . (,) a) (k . Right . (,) a) v
instance PFunctor (,) CBV CBV where
first = first'
instance QFunctor (,) CBV CBV where
second = second'
instance Bifunctor (,) CBV CBV CBV where
bimap = bimapPreCartesian
instance Braided CBV (,) where
braid = braidPreCartesian
instance Symmetric CBV (,)
instance Associative CBV (,) where
associate = associatePreCartesian
instance Coassociative CBV (,) where
coassociate = coassociatePreCartesian
instance PFunctor Either CBV CBV where
first = first'
instance QFunctor Either CBV CBV where
second = second'
instance Bifunctor Either CBV CBV CBV where
bimap = bimapPreCoCartesian
instance Braided CBV Either where
braid = braidPreCoCartesian
instance Symmetric CBV Either
instance Associative CBV Either where
associate = associatePreCoCartesian
instance Coassociative CBV Either where
coassociate = coassociatePreCoCartesian
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