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Last active May 23, 2020 14:51
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Proarrow equipment in Hask
, DataKinds
, PolyKinds
, RankNTypes
, TypeOperators
, KindSignatures
, TypeApplications
, FlexibleContexts
, FlexibleInstances
, AllowAmbiguousTypes
, ScopedTypeVariables
, QuantifiedConstraints
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, StandaloneKindSignatures
module Equipment where
import Prelude hiding ((.), id, curry)
import Data.Profunctor
import Data.Bifunctor.Tannen
import qualified Data.Profunctor.Composition as P
import Data.Singletons.Prelude.List
import Data.Kind
import Control.Category
import qualified Control.Arrow as A
-- A--f--B
-- | v |
-- p--@--q
-- | v |
-- C--g--D
type GSquare :: (a -> b -> Type) -> (c -> d -> Type) -> (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> Type
type GSquare p q f g = forall a b. p a b -> q (f a) (g b)
type Square p q f g = GSquare (PList p) (PList q) (FList f) (FList g)
-- | Combine two profunctors from Hask to a profunctor from Hask x Hask
data (p1 :**: p2) a b where
(:**:) :: p1 a1 b1 -> p2 a2 b2 -> (p1 :**: p2) '(a1, a2) '(b1, b2)
data UncurryF f a where
UncurryF :: { curryF :: f a b } -> UncurryF f '(a, b)
-- 2--f--1
-- | v |
-- p--@--q 1 = Hask, 2 = Hask x Hask
-- | v |
-- 2--g--1
type Square21 p1 p2 q f g = GSquare (PList p1 :**: PList p2) (PList q) (UncurryF f) (UncurryF g)
data Unit a b where
Unit :: Unit '() '()
data ValueF x u where
ValueF :: a -> ValueF a '()
-- 0--a--1
-- | v |
-- | @--q 0 = Hask^0 = (), 1 = Hask
-- | v |
-- 0--b--1
type Square01 q a b = GSquare Unit (PList q) (ValueF a) (ValueF b)
-- FList '[f, g, h] = h (g (f a))
data FList (fs :: [* -> *]) (a :: *) where
Id :: { unId :: a } -> FList '[] a
F :: { unF :: f a } -> FList '[f] a
Compose :: { getCompose :: FList (g ': gs) (f a) } -> FList (f ': g ': gs) a
instance Functor (FList '[]) where
fmap f = Id . f . unId
instance Functor f => Functor (FList '[f]) where
fmap f = F . fmap f . unF
instance (Functor f, Functor (FList (g ': gs))) => Functor (FList (f ': g ': gs)) where
fmap f = Compose . fmap (fmap f) . getCompose
class FAppend f where
fappend :: Functor (FList g) => FList g (FList f a) -> FList (f ++ g) a
funappend :: Functor (FList g) => FList (f ++ g) a -> FList g (FList f a)
instance FAppend '[] where
fappend = fmap unId
funappend = fmap Id
instance FAppend '[f] where
fappend (Id fa) = F (unF fa)
fappend f@F{} = Compose $ fmap unF f
fappend f@Compose{} = Compose $ fmap unF f
funappend fa@F{} = Id fa
funappend (Compose fga@F{}) = fmap F fga
funappend (Compose fga@Compose{}) = fmap F fga
instance (Functor f, FAppend (g ': gs)) => FAppend (f ': g ': gs) where
fappend = Compose . fappend . fmap getCompose
funappend = fmap Compose . funappend . getCompose
-- +--f--+ +--h--+ +-f;h-+
-- | v | | v | | v |
-- p--@--q ||| q--@--r ==> p--@--r
-- | v | | v | | v |
-- +--g--+ +--i--+ +-g;i-+
infixl 6 |||
(|||) :: (Profunctor (PList r), FAppend f, FAppend g, Functor (FList h), Functor (FList i)) => Square p q f g -> Square q r h i -> Square p r (f ++ h) (g ++ i)
pq ||| qr = dimap funappend fappend . qr . pq
-- +-----+
-- | |
-- p-----p
-- | |
-- +-----+
type Pro p = Square '[p] '[p] '[] '[]
idPro :: Profunctor p => Pro p
idPro = dimap unId Id
data PList (ps :: [* -> * -> *]) (a :: *) (b :: *) where
Hom :: { unHom :: a -> b } -> PList '[] a b
P :: { unP :: p a b } -> PList '[p] a b
Procompose :: p a x -> PList (q ': qs) x b -> PList (p ': q ': qs) a b
instance Profunctor (PList '[]) where
dimap l r (Hom f) = Hom (r . f . l)
instance Profunctor p => Profunctor (PList '[p]) where
dimap l r (P p) = P (dimap l r p)
instance (Profunctor p, Profunctor (PList (q ': qs))) => Profunctor (PList (p ': q ': qs)) where
dimap l r (Procompose p ps) = Procompose (lmap l p) (rmap r ps)
class PAppend p where
pappend :: Profunctor (PList q) => P.Procompose (PList q) (PList p) a b -> PList (p ++ q) a b
punappend :: PList (p ++ q) a b -> P.Procompose (PList q) (PList p) a b
instance PAppend '[] where
pappend (P.Procompose q (Hom f)) = lmap f q
punappend q = P.Procompose q (Hom id)
instance Profunctor p => PAppend '[p] where
pappend (P.Procompose (Hom f) (P p)) = P (rmap f p)
pappend (P.Procompose q@P{} (P p)) = Procompose p q
pappend (P.Procompose q@Procompose{} (P p)) = Procompose p q
punappend p@P{} = P.Procompose (Hom id) p
punappend (Procompose p qs) = P.Procompose qs (P p)
instance (Profunctor p, PAppend (q ': qs)) => PAppend (p ': q ': qs) where
pappend (P.Procompose q (Procompose p ps)) = Procompose p (pappend (P.Procompose q ps))
punappend (Procompose p pq) = case punappend pq of P.Procompose q ps -> P.Procompose q (Procompose p ps)
-- +--f--+
-- | v |
-- p--@--q
-- | v |
-- +--g--+
-- ===
-- +--g--+
-- | v |
-- r--@--s
-- | v |
-- +--h--+
-- ==>
-- +--f--+
-- p v q
-- ;--@--;
-- r v s
-- +--h--+
infixl 5 ===
(===) :: (PAppend p, PAppend q, Profunctor (PList s)) => Square p q f g -> Square r s g h -> Square (p ++ r) (q ++ s) f h
(pq === rs) pr = case punappend pr of P.Procompose r p -> pappend (P.Procompose (rs r) (pq p))
-- +--f--+
-- | | |
-- | v |
-- | | |
-- +--f--+
type Fun f = Square '[] '[] '[f] '[f]
idArr :: Functor f => Fun f
idArr (Hom f) = Hom (fmap f)
-- +-----+
-- | |
-- | /-<f
-- | v |
-- +--f--+
fromRight :: Functor f => Square '[] '[Costar f] '[] '[f]
fromRight (Hom f) = P (Costar (F . fmap (f . unId)))
-- +--f--+
-- | v |
-- f<-/ |
-- | |
-- +-----+
toLeft :: Square '[Costar f] '[] '[f] '[]
toLeft (P (Costar f)) = Hom (Id . f . unF)
-- +-----+
-- | |
-- f>-\ |
-- | v |
-- +--f--+
fromLeft :: Square '[Star f] '[] '[] '[f]
fromLeft (P (Star f)) = Hom (F . f . unId)
-- +--f--+
-- | v |
-- | \->f
-- | |
-- +-----+
toRight :: Functor f => Square '[] '[Star f] '[f] '[]
toRight (Hom f) = P (Star (fmap (Id . f) . unF))
-- +-----+
-- | /-<f
-- | v |
-- f<-/ |
-- +-----+
companionPcomp :: Functor f => Pro (Costar f)
companionPcomp =
-- +---f-+
-- | v |
-- | /</ |
-- | v |
-- +-f---+
companionFcomp :: Functor f => Fun f
companionFcomp = fromRight ||| toLeft
-- +-----+
-- f>-\ |
-- | v |
-- | \->f
-- +-----+
conjointPcomp :: Functor f => Pro (Star f)
conjointPcomp =
-- +-f---+
-- | v |
-- | \>\ |
-- | v |
-- +---f-+
conjointFcomp :: Functor f => Fun f
conjointFcomp = toRight ||| fromLeft
-- +-----+
-- f>-\ |
-- | v |
-- f<-/ |
-- +-----+
uLeft :: Functor f => Square '[Star f, Costar f] '[] '[] '[]
uLeft =
-- +-----+
-- | /-<f
-- | v |
-- | \->f
-- +-----+
uRight :: Functor f => Square '[] '[Costar f, Star f] '[] '[]
uRight =
centralLemma :: (Profunctor p, Profunctor q, Functor f1, Functor f2, Functor f3, Functor g1, Functor g2, Functor g3)
=> Square '[p] '[q] '[f1, f2, f3] '[g1, g2, g3]
-> Square '[Star f1, p, Costar g1] '[Costar f3, q, Star g3] '[f2] '[g2]
centralLemma n =
fromLeft ||| idArr ||| fromRight
toLeft ||| idArr ||| toRight
centralLemma' :: (Profunctor p, Profunctor q, Functor f1, Functor f2, Functor f3, Functor g1, Functor g2, Functor g3)
=> Square '[Star f1, p, Costar g1] '[Costar f3, q, Star g3] '[f2] '[g2]
-> Square '[p] '[q] '[f1, f2, f3] '[g1, g2, g3]
centralLemma' n = (toRight === idPro === fromRight) ||| n ||| (toLeft === idPro === fromLeft)
-- +-----+
-- | |
-- | @ |
-- | v |
-- +--X--+
value :: x -> Square '[] '[] '[] '[(,) x]
value x (Hom f) = Hom $ \(Id a) -> F (x, f a)
-- +--f--+
-- | v |
-- | @ |
-- | v |
-- +--g--+
nat :: (Functor f, Functor g) => (forall a. f a -> g a) -> Square '[] '[] '[f] '[g]
nat n (Hom f) = Hom $ \(F g) -> F (fmap f (n g))
-- +-----+
-- | |
-- | @ |
-- | v |
-- +--f--+
pureSq :: Applicative f => Square '[] '[] '[] '[f]
pureSq (Hom f) = Hom $ \(Id a) -> F (pure (f a))
-- +--f--+
-- | v |
-- T--@ |
-- | v |
-- +--f--+
apSq :: Applicative f => Square '[Tannen f (->)] '[] '[f] '[f]
apSq (P (Tannen fab)) = Hom $ \(F fa) -> F (fab <*> fa)
-- +--t--+
-- | v |
-- f>-@->f
-- | v |
-- +--t--+
traverseSq :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => Square '[Star f] '[Star f] '[t] '[t]
traverseSq (P (Star afb)) = P (Star (fmap F . traverse afb . unF))
-- +-f-t---+
-- | v v |
-- | \-@-\ |
-- | v v |
-- +---t-f-+
sequenceSq :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => Square '[] '[] '[f, t] '[t, f]
sequenceSq = toRight ||| traverseSq ||| fromLeft
-- +-f-----+
-- | v /--<t
-- | \-@-\ |
-- t<--/ v |
-- +-----f-+
-- (t a -> b) -> t (f a) -> f b
cocollectSq :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => Square '[Costar t] '[Costar t] '[f] '[f]
cocollectSq =
idArr ||| fromRight
toLeft ||| idArr
-- +--t---+
-- | v |
-- f>-@-\ |
-- | v | |
-- t<-/ v |
-- +----f-+
-- (a -> f x) -> (t x -> b) -> t a -> f b
someTravSq :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => Square '[Star f, Costar t] '[] '[t] '[f]
someTravSq =
traverseSq ||| fromLeft
toLeft ||| idArr
-- +--m--+
-- | v |
-- m>-@ |
-- | v |
-- +--m--+
-- (>>=)
bindSq :: (Monad m) => Square '[Star m] '[] '[m] '[m]
bindSq (P (Star amb)) = Hom $ \(F ma) -> F (ma >>= amb)
-- +-m-m-+
-- | v v |
-- | \-@ |
-- | v |
-- +---m-+
joinSq :: (Monad m) => Square '[] '[] '[m, m] '[m]
joinSq = toRight ||| bindSq
-- +-----+
-- m>-\ |
-- m>-@ |
-- | \->m
-- +-----+
-- (>=>)
kleisliCompSq :: (Monad m) => Square '[Star m, Star m] '[Star m] '[] '[]
kleisliCompSq = fromLeft === bindSq === toRight
-- +-----+
-- | |
-- →--@ |
-- | |
-- +-----+
homSq :: Square '[(->)] '[] '[] '[]
homSq (P f) = Hom (dimap unId Id f)
-- +-----+
-- →-\ |
-- p--@--p
-- →-/ |
-- +-----+
dimapSq :: Profunctor p => Square '[(->), p, (->)] '[p] '[] '[]
dimapSq = homSq === idPro === homSq
-- +-_⊗a-+
-- | v |
-- p--@--p
-- | v |
-- +-_⊗a-+
secondSq :: Strong p => Square '[p] '[p] '[(,) a] '[(,) a]
secondSq (P p) = P (dimap unF F (second' p))
-- +-_⊕a-+
-- | v |
-- p--@--p
-- | v |
-- +-_⊕a-+
rightSq :: Choice p => Square '[p] '[p] '[Either a] '[Either a]
rightSq (P p) = P (dimap unF F (right' p))
-- +-a→_-+
-- | v |
-- p--@--p
-- | v |
-- +-a→_-+
closedSq :: Closed p => Square '[p] '[p] '[(->) a] '[(->) a]
closedSq (P p) = P (dimap unF F (closed p))
-- +--f--+
-- | v |
-- p--@--p
-- | v |
-- +--f--+
mapSq :: (Mapping p, Functor f) => Square '[p] '[p] '[f] '[f]
mapSq (P p) = P (dimap unF F (map' p))
-- 0--()-1
-- | v |
-- | @--p
-- | v |
-- 0--()-1
pureP :: (forall a. Applicative (p a), Profunctor p) => Square01 '[p] () ()
pureP Unit = P (pure (ValueF ()))
-- 2-(,)-1
-- | v |
-- p²-@--p
-- | v |
-- 2-(,)-1
-- p a b -> p c d -> p (a, c) (b, d)
apP :: (forall a. Applicative (p a), Profunctor p) => Square21 '[p] '[p] '[p] (,) (,)
apP (P f :**: P g) = P ((\b1 b2 -> UncurryF (b1, b2)) <$> lmap (fst . curryF) f <*> lmap (snd . curryF) g)
-- +-----+
-- | |
-- | @--a
-- | |
-- +-----+
arrowArr :: A.Arrow a => Square '[] '[a] '[] '[]
arrowArr (Hom f) = P (A.arr (Id . f . unId))
-- +-----+
-- a--\ |
-- | @--a
-- a--/ |
-- +-----+
arrowComp :: A.Arrow a => Square '[a, a] '[a] '[] '[]
arrowComp (Procompose p (P q)) = P (A.arr Id . q . p . A.arr unId)
-- +-_⊗d-+
-- | v |
-- a--@--a
-- | v |
-- +-_⊗d-+
arrowSecond :: A.Arrow a => Square '[a] '[a] '[(,) d] '[(,) d]
arrowSecond (P p) = P (A.arr F . A.second p . A.arr unF)
-- 2--⊗--1
-- | v |
-- a²-@--a
-- | v |
-- 2--⊗--1
arrowProd :: A.Arrow a => Square21 '[a] '[a] '[a] (,) (,)
arrowProd (P p1 :**: P p2) = P (A.arr UncurryF . (p1 A.*** p2) . A.arr curryF)
-- +-_⊕d-+
-- | v |
-- a--@--a
-- | v |
-- +-_⊕d-+
arrowRight :: A.ArrowChoice a => Square '[a] '[a] '[Either d] '[Either d]
arrowRight (P p) = P (A.arr F . A.right p . A.arr unF)
-- 2--⊕--1
-- | v |
-- a²-@--a
-- | v |
-- 2--⊕--1
arrowSum :: A.ArrowChoice a => Square21 '[a] '[a] '[a] Either Either
arrowSum (P p1 :**: P p2) = P (A.arr UncurryF . (p1 A.+++ p2) . A.arr curryF)
class (Functor f, Functor g) => Adjunction f g where
-- +-----+
-- | |
-- f<-@->g
-- | |
-- +-----+
leftAdj :: Square '[Costar f] '[Star g] '[] '[]
-- +-----+
-- | |
-- g>-@-<f
-- | |
-- +-----+
rightAdj :: Square '[Star g] '[Costar f] '[] '[]
-- +---------+
-- | |
-- | /<-@->\ |
-- | v v |
-- +-f-----g-+
unitAdj :: Adjunction f g => Square '[] '[] '[] '[f, g]
unitAdj = fromRight ||| leftAdj ||| fromLeft
-- +-g-----f-+
-- | v v |
-- | \>-@-</ |
-- | |
-- +---------+
counitAdj :: Adjunction f g => Square '[] '[] '[g, f] '[]
counitAdj = toRight ||| rightAdj ||| toLeft
-- +-------------f-+
-- | /<-@->\ | |
-- | v v | |
-- | | \>-@-</ |
-- +-f-------------+
zigzagf :: forall f g. Adjunction f g => Fun f
zigzagf =
unitAdj @f @g ||| idArr
idArr ||| counitAdj @f @g
-- +-g-------------+
-- | | /<-@->\ |
-- | v v | |
-- | \>-@-</ | |
-- +-------------g-+
zigzagg :: forall f g. Adjunction f g => Fun g
zigzagg =
idArr ||| unitAdj @f @g
counitAdj @f @g ||| idArr
newtype WLimit j f a = WLimit { getWLimit :: forall b. j a b -> f b }
instance Profunctor j => Functor (WLimit j f) where
fmap f (WLimit g) = WLimit (g . lmap f)
-- +--l--+
-- | v |
-- j--@ |
-- | v |
-- +--f--+
-- forall a b. j a b -> WLimit j f b -> f a
wlimit :: Square '[j] '[] '[WLimit j f] '[f]
wlimit (P j) = Hom (F . ($ j) . getWLimit . unF)
fromWLimit :: Functor h => Square '[j] '[] '[h] '[f] -> Square '[] '[] '[h] '[WLimit j f]
fromWLimit n (Hom f) = Hom $ \h -> F (WLimit (unF . ($ fmap f h) . unHom . n . P))
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It seems like fromLeft shouldn't require a Functor f constraint either, because it's doing (a -> f b) -> a -> f b. I can't see how to remove it though.

Anyway, these are very minor observations. This is very cool stuff!

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