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Last active December 17, 2015 06:48
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{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, GADTs, TypeOperators #-}
module LinearMap where
import Prelude hiding ((.))
import Data.Category
import Data.Category.Limit
type a :* b = (a,b)
infix 7 :&&
infix 6 :||
data LM s :: * -> * -> * where
Zero :: Obj (LM s) a -> Obj (LM s) b -> LM s a b
Elt :: s -> LM s s s
(:||) :: LM s a c -> LM s b c -> LM s (a :* b) c
(:&&) :: LM s a c -> LM s a d -> LM s a (c :* d)
instance (Eq s, Num s) => Eq (LM s a b) where
f == g = toMatrix f == toMatrix g
instance (Ord s, Num s) => Ord (LM s a b) where
f `compare` g = toMatrix f `compare` toMatrix g
toMatrix :: Num s => LM s a b -> [[s]]
toMatrix (Elt s) = [[s]]
toMatrix (f :&& g) = toMatrix f ++ toMatrix g
toMatrix (f :|| g) = zipWith (++) (toMatrix f) (toMatrix g)
toMatrix (Zero a b) = toMatrix (initialize b . terminate a)
apply :: Num s => LM s a b -> a -> b
apply m = fromLM . (m .) . toLM (src m)
toLM :: Num s => Obj (LM s) a -> a -> LM s s a
toLM (Zero a _) = toLM a
toLM (Elt _) = Elt
toLM (f :|| _) = toLM (tgt f)
toLM (f :&& g) = \(a, b) -> toLM (tgt f) a &&& toLM (tgt g) b
fromLM :: Num s => LM s s a -> a
fromLM (Zero _ a) = fromLM (initialize a)
fromLM (Elt s) = s
fromLM (f :&& g) = (fromLM f, fromLM g)
fromLM (_ :|| _) = error "fromLM: unexpected argument"
idS :: Num s => Obj (LM s) s
idS = Elt 1
(+^+) :: Num s => LM s a b -> LM s a b -> LM s a b
Zero{} +^+ f = f
f +^+ Zero{} = f
Elt s +^+ Elt t = Elt (s + t)
(f :|| g) +^+ (h :|| k) = (f +^+ h) ||| (g +^+ k)
(f :&& g) +^+ (h :&& k) = (f +^+ h) &&& (g +^+ k)
_ +^+ _ = error "(+^+) for LM s a b: unexpected combination"
-- The last case cannot arise unless pairs are scalars.
(*^^) :: Num s => s -> LM s a b -> LM s a b
_ *^^ Zero a b = Zero a b
s *^^ Elt t = Elt (s * t)
s *^^ (f :|| g) = s *^^ f ||| s *^^ g
s *^^ (f :&& g) = s *^^ f &&& s *^^ g
instance Num s => Category (LM s) where
src (Zero a _) = a
src (Elt _) = idS
src (f :|| g) = src f +++ src g
src (f :&& _) = src f
tgt (Zero _ b) = b
tgt (Elt _) = idS
tgt (f :|| _) = tgt f
tgt (f :&& g) = tgt f *** tgt g
Zero _ c . f = Zero (src f) c
f . Zero a _ = Zero a (tgt f)
Elt s . Elt t = Elt (s * t)
(f :&& g) . h = (f . h) &&& (g . h)
h . (f :|| g) = (h . f) ||| (h . g)
(f :|| g) . (h :&& k) = (f . h) +^+ (g . k)
_ . _ = error "(.) for LM s: unexpected combination"
instance Num s => HasTerminalObject (LM s) where
type TerminalObject (LM s) = s
terminalObject = idS
terminate (Zero a _) = Zero a idS
terminate (Elt _) = Elt 0
terminate (f :|| g) = terminate (src f) ||| terminate (src g)
terminate (f :&& g) = terminate (tgt f) ||| terminate (tgt g)
instance Num s => HasInitialObject (LM s) where
type InitialObject (LM s) = s
initialObject = idS
initialize (Zero _ b) = Zero idS b
initialize (Elt _) = Elt 0
initialize (f :|| g) = initialize (src f) &&& initialize (src g)
initialize (f :&& g) = initialize (tgt f) &&& initialize (tgt g)
instance Num s => HasBinaryProducts (LM s) where
type BinaryProduct (LM s) a b = a :* b
proj1 a b = a ||| Zero b a
proj2 a b = Zero a b ||| b
f *** g = (f ||| Zero (src g) (tgt f)) &&& (Zero (src f) (tgt g) ||| g)
f &&& g = f :&& g
instance Num s => HasBinaryCoproducts (LM s) where
type BinaryCoproduct (LM s) a b = a :* b
inj1 a b = a &&& Zero a b
inj2 a b = Zero b a &&& b
f +++ g = (f &&& Zero (src f) (tgt g)) ||| (Zero (src g) (tgt f) &&& g)
f ||| g = f :|| g
-- (***) and (+++) are equivalent, the operation is called the direct sum
transpose :: LM s a b -> LM s b a
transpose (Zero a b) = Zero b a
transpose (Elt s) = Elt s
transpose (f :|| g) = transpose f :&& transpose g
transpose (f :&& g) = transpose f :|| transpose g
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances #-}
module LinearMapApi where
import Prelude hiding (id)
import Data.VectorSpace
import Data.Category.Limit
import LinearMap
class IsObj cat a where id :: cat a a
instance IsObj (LM Int) Int where id = Elt 1
instance IsObj (LM Integer) Integer where id = Elt 1
instance IsObj (LM Double) Double where id = Elt 1
instance IsObj (LM Float) Float where id = Elt 1
instance (IsObj (LM s) a, IsObj (LM s) b, Num s) => IsObj (LM s) (a, b) where
id = id *** id
instance (IsObj (LM s) a, IsObj (LM s) b, Num s) => AdditiveGroup (LM s a b) where
zeroV = zeroL id id
negateV = ((-1) *^)
(^+^) = (+^+)
instance (IsObj (LM s) a, IsObj (LM s) b, Num s) => VectorSpace (LM s a b) where
type Scalar (LM s a b) = s
(*^) = (*^^)
fstL :: (Num s, IsObj (LM s) a, IsObj (LM s) b) => LM s (a :* b) a
fstL = proj1 id id
sndL :: (Num s, IsObj (LM s) a, IsObj (LM s) b) => LM s (a :* b) b
sndL = proj2 id id
leftL :: (Num s, IsObj (LM s) a, IsObj (LM s) b) => LM s a (a :* b)
leftL = inj1 id id
rightL :: (Num s, IsObj (LM s) a, IsObj (LM s) b) => LM s b (a :* b)
rightL = inj2 id id
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