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Last active January 10, 2021 14:36
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The mother of all monads to the rescue
// See
// MARK: function composition
infix operator >>> { associativity left }
func >>> <A, B, C>(f: A -> B, g: B -> C) -> A -> C {
return { x in g(f(x)) }
// MARK: Continuation monad
struct Cont<R, A> {
let start: (A -> R) -> R
func lift<R, A>(a: A) -> Cont<R, A> {
return Cont { k in k(a) }
func lift<R, A, B>(fa: Cont<R, A>, f: A -> B) -> Cont<R, B> {
return Cont { k in fa.start(f >>> k) }
func lift<R, A, B, C>(fa: Cont<R, A>, fb: Cont<R, B>, f: (A, B) -> C) -> Cont<R, C> {
return Cont { k in fa.start { a in fb.start { b in k(f(a, b)) } } }
func lift<R, A, B, C, D>(fa: Cont<R, A>, fb: Cont<R, B>, fc: Cont<R, C>, f: (A, B, C) -> D) -> Cont<R, D> {
return Cont { k in fa.start { a in fb.start { b in fc.start { c in k(f(a, b, c)) } } } }
// traverse can't be generic in the monad, so we specialise to the continuation monad
// and then emulate the other monads
protocol Traversable {
typealias El
func traverse<R>(f: Self.El -> Cont<R, Self.El>) -> Cont<R, Self>
extension Array: Traversable {
func traverse<R, S>(f: T -> Cont<R, S>) -> Cont<R, Array<S>> {
return self.reduce(lift([]), { (r: Cont<R, Array<S>>, a: T) in
lift(r, f(a)) { (tail: Array<S>, head: S) in tail + [head] }
extension String: Traversable {
func traverse<R>(f: Character -> Cont<R, Character>) -> Cont<R, String> {
var r : Cont<R, String> = lift("")
for c in self {
r = lift(r, f(c)) { (cs, c2) in cs + [c2] }
return r
// MARK: emulate Optional monad
func i<A, B>(ma: A?) -> Cont<B?, A> {
return Cont { k in if let a = ma { return k(a) } else { return nil } }
func run<A>(m : Cont<A?, A>) -> A? {
return m.start { $0 }
func all<T: Traversable>(t: T, f: T.El -> T.El?) -> T? {
return run(t.traverse(f >>> i))
println(all([1, 2, 3, 4]) { $0 < 3 ? $0 : nil })
println(all([1, 2, 3, 4]) { $0 < 5 ? $0 : nil })
// MARK: emulate List monad
func i<A, B>(arr: [A]) -> Cont<[B], A> {
return Cont { k in arr.reduce([], { (r, a) in r + k(a) }) }
func run<A>(m: Cont<[A], A>) -> [A] {
return m.start { [$0] }
func vary<T: Traversable>(t: T, f: T.El -> [T.El]) -> [T] {
return run(t.traverse(f >>> i))
println(vary("bla") { [".", $0] })
// MARK: emulate State monad
func i<A, B, S>(ma: S -> (S, A)) -> Cont<S -> (S, B), A> {
return Cont { k in { s0 in var (s1, a) = ma(s0); return k(a)(s1) } }
func run<A, S>(m : Cont<S -> (S, A), A>, s0: S) -> (S, A) {
return m.start { a in { s in (s, a) }}(s0)
func mapAccumR<T: Traversable, S>(t: T, s0: S, f: (S, T.El) -> (S, T.El)) -> (S, T) {
return run(t.traverse { x in i{ f($0, x) } }, s0)
println(mapAccumR([1,2,3], "", { (s, i) in (i.description + s, i + 10) }))
// MARK: Monoids
protocol Semigroup {
func +(l: Self, r: Self) -> Self
protocol Monoid : Semigroup {
class func zero() -> Self
extension Int: Monoid { static func zero() -> Int { return 0 } }
extension String: Monoid { static func zero() -> String { return "" } }
extension Array: Monoid { static func zero() -> Array { return [] } }
// MARK: emulate Writer monad
func i<A, B, M:Monoid>(m1: M, a: A) -> Cont<(M, B), A> {
return Cont { k in var (m2, b) = k(a); return (m1 + m2, b) }
func run<A, M:Monoid>(m: Cont<(M, A), A>) -> (M, A) {
return m.start { (, $0) }
func foldMap<T: Traversable, M: Monoid>(t: T, f: T.El -> M) -> M {
return run(t.traverse { x in i(f(x), x) }).0
func fold<T: Traversable where T.El: Monoid>(t: T) -> T.El {
return foldMap(t) { $0 }
println(fold(["1", "2", "3"]))
println(foldMap(["1", "2", "3"]) { $0.toInt()! })
// MARK: emulate Identity monad
func i<A, B>(a: A) -> Cont<B, A> {
return Cont { k in k(a) }
func run<A>(m: Cont<A, A>) -> A {
return m.start { $0 }
func monoMap<T: Traversable>(t: T, f: T.El -> T.El) -> T {
return run(t.traverse(f >>> i))
// Use boxing to prevent the compiler from crashing when using enums
class Box<T> {
let unbox: T
init(_ value: T) { self.unbox = value }
// MARK: Binary Tree
enum BinaryTree<A: Printable> {
case Leaf(Box<A>)
case Branch(Box<BinaryTree<A>>, Box<BinaryTree<A>>)
func leaf<A>(a: A) -> BinaryTree<A> {
return .Leaf(Box(a))
func +<A>(l: BinaryTree<A>, r: BinaryTree<A>) -> BinaryTree<A> {
return .Branch(Box(l), Box(r))
extension BinaryTree: Semigroup, Traversable, Printable {
typealias El = A
func reduce<R>(fl: A -> R, fb: (R, R) -> R) -> R {
switch self {
case .Leaf(let a): return fl(a.unbox)
case .Branch(let l, let r): return fb(l.unbox.reduce(fl, fb), r.unbox.reduce(fl, fb))
func traverse<R, B>(f: A -> Cont<R, B>) -> Cont<R, BinaryTree<B>> {
return self.reduce({ lift(f($0), leaf) }, { lift($0, $1, +) })
func flatMap<B>(f: A -> BinaryTree<B>) -> BinaryTree<B> {
return self.reduce(f, +)
func map<B>(f: A -> B) -> BinaryTree<B> {
return self.flatMap(f >>> leaf)
var description: String {
return self.reduce({ $0.description }, { "(\($0) \($1))" })
// BinaryTree is a monad
func i<A, B>(ma: BinaryTree<A>) -> Cont<BinaryTree<B>, A> {
return Cont { k in ma.flatMap(k) }
func run<A>(m: Cont<BinaryTree<A>, A>, a: A) -> BinaryTree<A> {
return m.start(leaf)
println(run((leaf(1) + leaf(2)).traverse{ i(leaf($0) + leaf($0*10)) }).description)
// MARK: Compose traversables
struct Compose<F: Traversable, G: Traversable where F.El == G> {
let get: F
extension Compose: Traversable {
typealias El = G.El
func traverse<R>(f: El -> Cont<R, El>) -> Cont<R, Compose> {
return lift(self.get.traverse { $0.traverse(f) }) { Compose(get: $0) }
println(fold(Compose(get: [[1,2],[3,4]])))
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