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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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  • Save sjoulbak/d0413587b57f2fbc29fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sjoulbak/d0413587b57f2fbc29fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ==UserScript==
// @include http://nl**
// @include http://nl**
// @include http://zz**
// @include http://zz**
// @name TBR Map
// @version 3.2.28
// @namespace
// @description TBR Map v3.2.26 voor /
// ==/UserScript==
* TBR Map V3 Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Mark Vink (, Joost Klootwijk (
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* any later version. (See
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* v3.1.3 Opera version
* v3.1.4 First public working v6.0 script
* v3.1.4.1 Modified for tribalwars v6.2, replacing xml+GM_set for game_data
* Firefox fox: use of innerHTML & unsageWindow.game_data
* v3.1.4.2 bugfix: legenda & vacation mode, preparation for localStorage
* v3.1.4.9 Added publicreports beta
* v3. Various bugfixes, initial lang support, error msg on map.
* Eenheden onbekend gefixed
* v3. First testing on beta, english version (v6.3)
* v3. New layout for village_info (notes inline)
* v3. New xmlRequest implementation
* v3.1.5 More state changes and synchronized Opera/Firefox version
* v3.1.5.1 Corrected for tw subversion 8575 6.3 new event in map)
* v3.1.5.2 Updated security check of onmessage function, fixing firefox & Opera v9
* v3.1.5.3 No tbr without tribe, no troopinfo for own villages (cleanup)
* v3.1.5.4 Added error for offline server, error placed on map
* v3.1.5.5 Removed notes from all villages
* v3.2.0.0 debug xhr reinstated
* v3.2.0.1 Update to API towards server, support for farmrule worlds, initial gathering of settings,
* bug fix for public reports, compatible trim for Opera <10.50, support for seconds in reports
* changed state to text (due to problems with some quickbar scripts)
* legend colors corrected
* v3.2.1.1 first support tw v7.0
* v3.2.1.2 compatible with sangu package, debugged for v7.0
* v3.2.1.3 injected version
* v3.2.1.4 more strict date selector, fixes some ad-related bugs
* v3.2.1.5 fixed map for x<100
* v3.2.1.6 support for map-dragging, fully ajax style
* v3.2.1.7 map fixed for tw v7.1,
* integrated notes into tw's premium village notes **PREMIUM ONLY**
* BB-codes for notes (no TW specific BB yet)
* Map enhancements: age of report, villagecount of troops, new reporthighlight
* Map info is cached local
* v3.2.1.8 Tijdelijke fix door Tuam (Spelversie 8.0)
* v3.2.1.9 grote kaart schuift weer mee met de kleine kaart (Tuam)
* v3.2.20 Bug fix voor tw-update van 29 oktober 2012 waardoor het opslaan niet meer werkte
* Bugfix voor opslag resources
* Debug mode voor Ongeldige Datum (o.a. als de berichtenhernoemer wordt gebruikt)
* v3.2.21 update jquery-jsonp van v2.1.4 naar 2.5.0 (ivm mogelijke fix 'error' bij opslaan)
* debugmode voor ongeldige datum uitgebreid
* v3.2.22 hersteld dorpsinfo voor non-premium spelers en voor spelers zonder stam
* v3.2.23 pass debug mode and clearcookie request to server
* v3.2.24 farmworld settings for nlc1
* v3.2.25 fix opslaan en verwijderen notities: melding 'Er is geen wereld aangegeven'
* v3.2.26 fix for new variable names in user_data + fix for loadSector (Da Stewie)
* v3.2.27 fix voor Gevechtstijd en miliseconden (warre)
* v3.2.28 fix door iwantwin93
if (location.href.match(/^http:\/\/((nl|zz|en).*\.tribalwars\.(nl|net)\/(game.php|public_report).*)/)) {
(function (f) {
var d = document,
s = d.createElement('script');
s.setAttribute('type', 'application/javascript');
s.textContent = '(' + f.toString() + ')()';
(d.head || d.documentElement || d.body).appendChild(s);
})(function () {
/* default configuration, can be changed through UI. Clear storage to restore. */
var settings = {
"active": "07", // mask: 1=report, 2=villageinfo, 4=map, 8=mapdetail (unused)
"kleuren": ["#9900FF", "#FFFFFF", "#00FF00", "#FF7F50", "#FF0000", "#000000"], // (unused)
"legenda": [5, 40000, 100000, 200000, 400000, 9999999],
"legenda_farmrule": [0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 9999999], // percentage * max * 30; for farmrule worlds (unused)
"useStorage": true, // for local caching, do not use yet
"showAge": true, // show age of report with the thickness of the border
"maxAge": 30, // show reports older than maxAge using thin lines (days)
"showRecent": 0.2, // highlight the most recent reports (days)
"showCount": true, // show number of troops in village, divided by 20000
"showType": false, // show type of troops in village
"TypeList": 'AVZSE', // Letter to be used for, in order: {Attack, Defense, Heavy Cavalery, Scouts, Noble}
"showNotes": true, // show notes on map
"saveAbandoned": true //save reports on abandoned villages
/* would be stored in cookie/localStorage */
config = {
"opslaan": "",
"note": "",
"info": "",
"map": "",
"version": "3.2.26",
"farmrule": {
"nl5": 1200,
"nl10": 1800,
"nl16": 2500,
"nl24": 2500
} // used to calculate default legend
nohide = false,
debug = false,
txtDB = {
"nl": { /* textmessages, should be translated */
"err_on_barb": "Aanval op barbarendorp",
"err_no_attack": "Geen aanvals rapport",
"err_unknown_def": "Verdediger onbekend, mogelijk een conflict met een ander script (18)?",
/* NL specific, 18 refers to an allowed nl script */
"err_dump_own": "Dump op eigen dorp",
"err_my_village": "Aanval op eigen dorp",
"err_unknown_units": "Geen eenheden bekend!",
"err_noinfo": "TBRmap info niet beschikbaar",
"msg_prev_stored": "Al opgeslagen: %s op %s",
"info_saving": "opslaan...",
"err_no_gamedata": "No game_data available",
"err_nosave": "Er is een fout opgetreden, niet opgeslagen",
"err_offline": "TBR Map is tijdelijk niet beschikbaar",
"btn_edit": "Bewerken",
"btn_save": "Opslaan",
"btn_del": "Verwijderen",
/* debug messages */
"msg_settings": "Taal: %s\nStam: %s",
"msg_load": "TBRMap: ophalen...",
"msg_save": "Opslaan: ",
"report_save": "Rapport opslaan: Reportid=%s\tDatum=%s\tOnderwerp=%s\nAanvaller=%s\tVerdediger=%s\tDoel=%s\tAantal=%s\tVerliezen=%s",
"report_extras": " extras : Grondstoffen=%s\tBuit=%s\tToestemming=%s\nGebouwen=%s",
"hd_troopinfo": "Info over troepen",
/* Fields / regular expressions, must be adjusted to the server language */
"attrep_re": /( valt .* aan| verovert )/,
"subject": "Onderwerp",
"send_at": "Gevechtstijd",
"attacker": "Aanvaller:",
"defender": "Verdediger:",
"target": "Doel:",
"troops": "Aantal:",
"losses": "Verliezen:",
"village_re": /^(Dorp)/,
"resources": "grondstoffen",
"buildings": "Gebouwen",
"haul": "Buit",
"loyalty": "Toestemming",
"player_map_re": /(.+)\s\([0-9.]+ punten\)/,
"tribe_map_re": /(.+)\s\([0-9.]+ punten\)/,
"expired": "Sessie afgelopen",
/* TBRmap server responses, used to translate by client */
"msg_nonote": "Geen notitie.",
"msg_no_troops_intel": "Geen info bekend.",
"msg_save_ok": "Opgeslagen!",
/* TBRmap related regular expressions - do not translate (see above for translation) */
"nonote_re": /Geen notitie./,
"noinfo_re": /Geen info bekend./,
"saveok_re": /Opgeslagen!/,
"offline_re": /(De website is tijdelijk offline|Not Found)/,
"error_re": /(Teveel requests|De website is tijdelijk offline|Uw huidige TBR Map versie.^versie!|timeout|error)/,
/* accepted standard errormessages */
/* misc */
"lang": "nederlands"
"zz": { /* textmessages */
"err_on_barb": "Attack op abandoned village",
"err_no_attack": "Not a report of an attack",
"err_unknown_def": "No defender found, possibly due to a conflicting script",
/* NL specific, 18 refers to an allowed nl script */
"err_dump_own": "Dump of troops at your own village",
"err_my_village": "Attack at your own village",
"err_unknown_units": "Unknown defending units!",
"err_noinfo": "TBRmap information not available",
"msg_prev_stored": "Already stored: %s at %s",
"info_saving": "saving...",
"err_no_gamedata": "No game_data available",
"err_nosave": "An error occured, report is not saved",
"err_offline": "TBR Map is temporarily unavailable",
"btn_edit": "Edit",
"btn_save": "Save",
"btn_del": "Remove",
/* debug messages */
"msg_settings": "Language: %s\nStam: %s",
"msg_load": "TBRMap: Loading...",
"msg_save": "Saving: ",
"report_save": "Srrt: Reportid=%s\tDatum=%s\tOnderwerp=%s\nAanvaller=%s\tVerdediger=%s\tDoel=%s\tAantal=%s\tVerliezen=%s",
"report_extras": " extras : Grondstoffen=%s\tBuit=%s\tToestemming=%s\nGebouwen=%s",
"hd_troopinfo": "Intelligence on troops",
/* Fields / regular expressions */
"attrep_re": /( attacks | conquers )/,
"subject": "Subject",
"send_at": "Sent",
"attacker": "Attacker:",
"defender": "Defender:",
"target": "Destination:",
"troops": "Quantity:",
"losses": "Losses:",
"village_re": /^(Village:)/,
"resources": "resources",
"buildings": "Buildings",
"haul": "Haul",
"loyalty": "Loyalty",
"player_map_re": /(.+)\s\([0-9.]+ Points\)/,
"tribe_map_re": /(.+)\s\([0-9.]+ Points\)/,
"expired": "Session expired",
/* TBRmap server responses, used to translate by client */
"msg_nonote": "No note.",
"msg_no_troops_intel": "No troops known",
"msg_save_ok": "Stored!",
/* TBRmap related regular expressions - do not translate (see above for translation) */
"nonote_re": /Geen notitie./,
"noinfo_re": /Geen info bekend./,
"saveok_re": /Opgeslagen!/,
"offline_re": /(De website is tijdelijk offline|Not Found)/,
"error_re": /(Teveel requests|De website is tijdelijk offline|Uw huidige TBR Map versie.^versie!)/,
/* accepted standard errormessages */
/* misc */
"lang": "english - beta"
txtDB.en = txtDB.zz; // copy from zz
txtDB.en.lang = "english";
// jquery.jsonp 2.4.0 (2012-08-21) (c) 2012 Julian Aubourg
(function(e){function t(){}function n(e){C=[e]}function r(e,t,n){return e&&e.apply(t.context||t,n)}function i(e){return/\?/.test(e)?"&":"?"}function O(c){function Y(e){if(!(z++)){W();j&&(T[I]={s:[e]});D&&(e=D.apply(c,[e]));r(O,c,[e,b,c]);r(_,c,[c,b])}}function Z(e){if(!(z++)){W();j&&e!=w&&(T[I]=e);r(M,c,[c,e]);r(_,c,[c,e])}}c=e.extend({},k,c);var O=c.success,M=c.error,_=c.complete,D=c.dataFilter,P=c.callbackParameter,H=c.callback,B=c.cache,j=c.pageCache,F=c.charset,I=c.url,,R=c.timeout,U,z=0,W=t,X,V,J,K,Q,G;S&&S(function(e){e.done(O).fail(M);O=e.resolve;M=e.reject}).promise(c);c.abort=function(){!(z++)&&W()};if(r(c.beforeSend,c,[c])===!1||z){return c}I=I||u;q=q?typeof q=="string"?q:e.param(q,c.traditional):u;I+=q?i(I)+q:u;P&&(I+=i(I)+encodeURIComponent(P)+"=?");!B&&!j&&(I+=i(I)+"_"+(new Date).getTime()+"=");I=I.replace(/=\?(&|$)/,"="+H+"$1");if(j&&(U=T[I])){U.s?Y(U.s[0]):Z(U)}else{E[H]=n;K=e(y)[0];;if(F){K[o]=F}L&&L.version()<11.6?(Q=e(y)[0]).text="document.getElementById('""')."+p+"()":K[s]=s;if(A){;K.event=h}K[d]=K[p]=K[v]=function(e){if(!K[m]||!/i/.test(K[m])){try{K[h]&&K[h]()}catch(t){}e=C;C=0;e?Y(e[0]):Z(a)}};K.src=I;W=function(e){G&&clearTimeout(G);K[v]=K[d]=K[p]=null;x[g](K);Q&&x[g](Q)};x[f](K,J=x.firstChild);Q&&x[f](Q,J);G=R>0&&setTimeout(function(){Z(w)},R)}return c}var s="async",o="charset",u="",a="error",f="insertBefore",l="_jqjsp",c="on",h=c+"click",p=c+a,d=c+"load",v=c+"readystatechange",m="readyState",g="removeChild",y="<script>",b="success",w="timeout",E=window,S=e.Deferred,x=e("head")[0]||document.documentElement,T={},N=0,C,k={callback:l,url:location.href},L=E.opera,A=!!e("<div>").html("<!--[if IE]><i><![endif]-->").find("i").length;O.setup=function(t){e.extend(k,t)};e.jsonp=O})(jQuery)
// Debug: object and array dumper
var dump = function (obj, depth) {
if (obj.constructor == Array || obj.constructor == Object) {
var text = '';
if (!depth) depth = 0;
for (var p in obj) {
if (typeof (obj[p]) == 'function') continue;
for (var i = 0; i < depth; i++)
text += ' ';
text += '[' + p + '] => ';
if (obj[p].constructor == Array || obj[p].constructor == Object) {
text += typeof (obj) + "...\n" + arguments.callee(obj[p], depth + 1);
} else {
var to = typeof (obj[p]);
text += (to == 'string' ? '"' : '') + obj[p] + (to == 'string' ? '"' : '') + "\n";
return text;
return '';
logMsg = function (strMessage) {
try {
if ((log = $('#TBRlog')).length == 0) {
log = $('<div>').attr('id', 'TBRlog').css({
border: 2,
borderStyle: 'solid',
borderColor: '#0d7cda',
paddingBottom: 25
if (debug || nohide) {
} else log.hide();
lines = strMessage.split('\n');
for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) {
log.append(document.createTextNode('TBRmap: ' + lines[i])).append('<br>');
} catch (objError) {
if (console) {
console.log(strMessage + "\n" + objError);
} else opera.postError(strMessage + "\n" + objError); /* for opera 9.64 */
// createElement
ce = function (name) {
return document.createElement(name);
icons = [
["info", "#112233", "/graphic/new_mail.png"],
["claim", "#000000", "/graphic/face.png"]
createIcon = function (idx) {
var img = ce('img');
var style = '';
img.src = icons[idx][2];
img.title = icons[idx][0];
img.setAttribute('style', style + 'background-color: ' + icons[idx][1]);
return img;
sprintf = function () {
var num = arguments.length,
oStr = arguments[0],
i = 1;
if (num == 1) return oStr;
while (i <= num) {
oStr = oStr.replace(/%s/, arguments[i++]);
return oStr;
parse_date = function (date) {
if (lang.match(/nl|de/)) {
//24.06.10 18:06
//14.09.10 13:45:32
//14.09.10 13:45:32:500
date = date.split(/:(?!.*:)/)[0];
return date;
} else if (lang.match(/(en|zz)/)) {
//Jul 03,2010 01:24
//Aug 24, 2010 10:25:12
var datum = date.match(/([A-Za-z]+) (\d+), 20(\d+) *(\d+):(\d+)(?::(\d+))?/); // Mon, DD, YY, HH, MM[, ss]
monthstr = 'JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec';
month = monthstr.indexOf(datum[1]) / 3 + 1;
if (month < 10) month = '0' + month;
if (datum) {
if (datum[6] === null) {
return (datum[2] + '.' + month + '.' + datum[3] + ' ' + datum[4] + ':' + datum[5]);
} else {
return (datum[2] + '.' + month + '.' + datum[3] + ' ' + datum[4] + ':' + datum[5] + ':' + datum[6]);
} else {
return (date);
is_errormsg = function (msg) {
err = '';
if (msg.match(txtDB['offline_re'])) {
errdetail = msg.match(txtDB['error_re']);
err = txtDB['err_offline'];
//if (errdetail)
// err+=' '+errdetail[1];
} else if (msg.match(/error\|/)) {
err = msg.split('|')[1];
return (err);
TBRpop = function (event, target, url, closeText, handler, UserOptions, width, height, x, y, toToggle) { // aangepast obv van UI.ajaxPopup
var topmenu_height = 60,
defaults = {
dataType: 'jsonp'
options = $.extend(defaults, UserOptions),
fillpopup = function (msg) {
var container = null;
if ($('#' + target).length == 0) {
container = $('<div>').attr('id', target).addClass('popup_style').css({
width: width,
position: 'fixed'
var menu = $('<div>').attr('id', target + '_menu').addClass('popup_menu').html($('<a>').attr("id", "closelink_" + target).attr('href', '#').html(closeText)),
content = $('<div>').attr('id', target + '_content').addClass('popup_content').css('height', height);
container.bind("dragstop", function () {
document.onselectstart = function (event) {
UI.Draggable('#' + target);
$("#closelink_" + target).click(function (event) {
} else container = $('#' + target);
if (handler) {, msg, $('#' + target + '_content'))
} else $('#' + target + '_content').html(msg);
if ($.cookie('popup_pos_' + target)) {
var pos = $.cookie('popup_pos_' + target).split('x');
x = parseInt(pos[0], 10);
y = parseInt(pos[1], 10)
} else $.cookie('popup_pos_' + target, x + 'x' + y);
if (!mobile) {
if (y > $(window).height()) y = $(window).height() - $(container).outerHeight();
if (x > $(window).width()) y = $(window).width() - $(container).outerWidth();
if (x < 0) x = 0;
if (y < topmenu_height) y = topmenu_height;
container.css('top', y).css('left', x)
if (options.reload || ($('#' + target).length == 0)) {
var button = null;
//logMsg('popup: #'+target+' url='+url+' type='+options.dataType+' html='+options.html+'pos='+x+','+y);
if (event && (!x || !y)) { // Open popup next to calling link
if (event.srcElement) {
button = event.srcElement
} else button =;
var offset = $(button).offset();
if (!x) x = offset.left;
if (!y) y = + $(button).height() + 1
if (!height) height = 'auto';
if (!width) width = 'auto';
var toggleSelector = '#' + target;
if (typeof (toToggle) != 'undefined') if (toToggle.length > 0) for (key in toToggle) toggleSelector = toggleSelector + ', ' + toToggle[key];
//logMsg('popup: #'+target+' url='+url+' type='+options.dataType+' html='+options.html+'pos='+x+','+y);
if (options.dataType == 'direct' && options.html) {
} else {
url: url,
dataType: options.dataType,
success: fillpopup
} else $('#' + target).show()
TBRsettings = function() {
var options = {
'showNotes': ['checkbox', 'Notities tonen'],
'showBorder': ['checkbox', 'Toon aantal troepen met kaders'],
'showAge': ['checkbox', 'Kaderdikte afhankelijk van de leeftijd rapport'],
'showRecent': ['checkbox', 'Verlicht recentste rapporten (&lt;12 uur)'],
'showCount': ['checkbox', 'Aantal dorpen OS tonen (20.000 per dorp)', 'Aantal dorpen OS tonen (20.000 per dorp)'],
'showType': ['checkbox', 'Aantal dorpen OS tonen'],
'showLegend': ['checkbox', 'Legenda tonen'],
'showLegendAsVil': ['checkbox', 'Legenda als aantal dorpen OS (20.000)']
popup='<label><input type="checkbox" name="tbrmap" onclick="TWMap.TBR.toggle();" id="tbrmap" checked="checked"/> ';
popup+='TBRmap tonen';
popup+=' <a href="javascript:toggle_element(\'#tbrmap_options\')">opties</a></label><br/><div id="tbrmap_options" style="display: none">';
for (var o in options) {
popup+='<label><input type="'+options[o][0]+'" onclick="TWMap.TBR.toggle();" id="tbrmap_'+o+'" checked="'+(settings[o]?'checked':'')+'"/>'+options[o][1]+'</label><br/>';
//popup= $('<label><input type="checkbox" name="tbrmap" onclick="TWMap.TBR.toggle();" id="tbrmap" checked="checked"/> TBRmap tonen <a href="javascript:toggle_element(\'#tbrmap_options\')">opties</a></label><br/><div id="tbrmap_options" style="display: none"><label><input type="checkbox" onclick="TWMap.TBR.toggle();" id="tbrmap_show_notes" checked="checked"/>Notities tonen </label><br/><label><input type="checkbox" onclick="TWMap.TBR.toggle();" id="tbrmap_show_border"/> Toon aantal troepen met kaders</label><br/><label><input type="checkbox" onclick="TWMap.TBR.toggle();" id="tbrmap_show_age"/> Kaderdikte afhankelijk van de leeftijd rapport</label><br/><label><input type="checkbox" onclick="TWMap.TBR.toggle();" id="tbrmap_show_recent"/> Verlicht recentste rapporten (&lt;12 uur)</label><br/><label><input type="checkbox" onclick="TWMap.TBR.toggle();" id="tbrmap_show_count"/> Aantal dorpen OS tonen (20.000 per dorp)</label><br/><label><input type="checkbox" onclick="TWMap.TBR.toggle();" id="tbrmap_show_type"/> Aantal dorpen OS tonen</label><br/><label><input type="checkbox" onclick="TWMap.TBR.toggle();" id="tbrmap_show_legend"/> Legenda tonen</label><br/></div>');
return $(popup);
do_request = function (req) {
if (req.cmd == 'opslaan') {
if (debug) logMsg(txtDB['msg_save'] + ' player=' + req.player + '\ttribe=' + req.tribe + '\tworld=' + + '\tsubject=' + req.onderwerp + '\n' + txtDB['msg_save'] + ' village=' + req.village + '\ttroops=' + req.aantal + '\tlosses=' + req.verliezen);
//if (!req.onderwerp.match(txtDB["attrep_re"])) {
// return(txtDB["err_no_attack"]);
if (typeof req.verdediger == 'undefined') {
return (txtDB["err_unknown_def"]);
if (req.aanvaller == req.verdediger) {
return (txtDB["err_dump_own"]);
if (req.verdediger == req.player) {
return (txtDB["err_my_village"]);
if (req.aantal == 'none') {
return (txtDB["err_unknown_units"]);
host = config['opslaan'];
host += 'tribe=' + req.tribe;
host += '&player=' + req.player;
host += '&world=' +;
host += '&id=' +;
host += '&datum=' + req.datum;
host += '&aanvaller=' + req.aanvaller;
host += '&verdediger=' + (req.verdediger ? req.verdediger : 0);
host += '&village=' + req.village;
host += '&aantal=' + req.aantal;
host += '&verliezen=' + req.verliezen;
if (toestemming!='') host += '&loyalty=' + req.toestemming;
if (gebouwen!='') host += '&buildings=' + req.gebouwen;
if (grondstoffen!='') host += '&resources=' + req.grondstoffen;
if (buit!='') host += '&haul=' + req.buit;
host += '&verliezen=' + req.verliezen;
host += '&v=' + req.version;
host += '&json';
if (!='') {
host += '&debugme'; // Add DEBUG flag
// TBRpop(null,'', '', 'sluiten', null, {dataType: 'direct', html: '<i>Send to debug:</i><hr>'+JSON.parse(}, 700, 1000, $(window).width()/2-350, $(window).height()/2-500, '');
logMsg('Send debug info to:' + + '&version=' + + '&v='+req.version+'&world=''&player='+req.player);
$.post('' + + '&bugid=' + + '&v='+req.version+'&world=''&player='+req.player, {desc: 'full report html', url: host, report:});
if (debug || url.match('&debug')) {
logMsg('xmlrequest: ' + host);
url: host + '&callback=?',
timeout: 15000,
success: function (response) {
if (req["onload"]) req["onload"](response);
error: function (xhr, status, err) {
logMsg('foutje: ' + status + ' code=' + err);
if (req["onload"]) req["onload"]({
error: status
return (txtDB["info_saving"]);
village_id, player_id, tribe_id, world, lang,
get_settings = function () {
lang = 'nl'; /* Default for error messages */
if (typeof gd == 'object') {
village_id =;
player_id =;
player_name =;
tribe_id =;
world =;
lang =;
} else if (debug) logMsg(txtDB["err_no_gamedata"]);
addState = function (txt, disp) {
state = doc.getElementById('TBRMap');
if (state === null) {
ct = doc.getElementById('content_value');
statediv = ce('div'); = 'relative';
statediv.height = 0;
ct.insertBefore(statediv, doc.getElementsByTagName('H2', ct)[0].nextSibling);
state = ce('text'); // no more h4 due to interference with report rename = "TBRMap"; = 'absolute'; = '-35px'; = '470px'; // 470: for longest name on beta
state.firstChild.nodeValue = txt;
if (disp == 'warn') {
state.className = 'warn';
} else { = disp;
return (state);
init_TWmapTBR = function () {
TWMap.TBR = [];
TWMap.urls.TBRmap = + 'tribe=' + + '&player=' + + '&world=' + + '&v=' + config.version + '&json';
TWMap.TBR.handler = {
_waitingSectors: {},
_loadedSectors: {},
onReceiveSectorInformation: function (data_array, skip_store) {
var inf = data_array,
// inf = data_array[sector_idx],
data =,
sx = inf.x,
sy = inf.y,
_me = this;
sectorData = this._waitingSectors[];
if (debug) logMsg('received TBR data: '' skip_store='+skip_store);
if (sectorData) {
/*if (!skip_store) {
// logMsg('storing map info TBR_map_' + sx + '_' + sy + ": " + JSON.stringify(inf));'TBRmap_' + '_' + sx + '_' + sy, inf, 600); // store TBRmap info 10 minutes
sectorData.x = sx;
sectorData.y = sy; = data;
for (var i in sectorData.queue) {
sectorData.queue[i].loaded = true;
(function (data, sector, sx, sy, count) {
if (debug) logMsg(sx+'_'+sy+': Count='+count);
if (debug) logMsg('_me='+_me+' data='+data+' sector='+sector+' sx='+sx+' sy='+sy);
//logMsg('spawning '+_me.sectorData.queue[_me.i].id+' twload-state: '+TWMap.mapHandler._waitingSectors['_']);
//logMsg('spawning '' twload-state: '+TWMap.mapHandler._waitingSectors[sx+'_'+sy]);
/*if (typeof TWMap.TBR.handler._waitingSectors[sx + '_' + sy] == 'undefined') {
*/_me.TspawnSector(data, sector);
/*} else {
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 200, data, sector, sx, sy, count);
if (debug) logMsg('waiting for _waitingSectors '+(sx+'_'+sy));
})(, sectorData.queue[i], sx, sy, 1);
delete this._waitingSectors[sx + '_' + sy]
TspawnSector: function(data,sector){
var beginX = sector.x,
endX = beginX + TWMap.mapSubSectorSize,
beginY = sector.y,
endY = beginY + TWMap.mapSubSectorSize;
if (debug) logMsg('spawn sector ('+beginX+','+beginY+')-('+endX+','+endY+')');
now=((new Date()).getTime())/1000;
//if (TWMap.villages) logMsg("vilnum="+dump(TWMap.villages));
var sect_list='sector ('+beginX+','+beginY+')-('+endX+','+endY+')=';
for (var d in data.villages) {
var vil = data.villages[d],
coords = d.split('|'),
x = coords[0],
y = coords[1],
coords = x * 1000 + y * 1,
cur, id;
if (x < beginX || x >= endX) continue;
if (y < beginY || y >= endY) continue;
sect_list+=x+'_'+y+' ';
if (!(id)) {if (debug) logMsg('notfound: villages['+coords+']');continue;}
if (debug) logMsg('Dorp '+d+' ('+x+','+y+') '+coords+'; vil='+JSON.stringify(id)+' id='+id+': border='+(vil.troops?vil.troops.color:'none')+' note='+(vil.note?vil.note.short:'nonote')+' TWMap.villages[]='+typeof TWMap.villages[x+y]);
cur = $('#map_village_' +;
if (vil.note && TWMap.context._showPremium) {
sector.appendElement($('<img src="">').css({
position: 'absolute',
'z-index': 4,
'margin-top': 13,
'margin-left': 18,
'background-color': vil.note.color ? vil.note.color : '#ffffff',
top: cur.offsetTop,
left: cur.offsetLeft
})[0], x - beginX, y - beginY);
if (vil.troops) {
var txt='',
age = (now - / 86400; // age in days
if (!settings.showAge) age = 6.9;
if (age > settings.maxAge) age += 10;
var box = document.createElement('canvas');
if (box.getContext) { = 'absolute';
box.width =[0];
box.height =[1]; = '4'; = '0px'; = '0px';
sector.appendElement(box, x - beginX, y - beginY);
var ctx = box.getContext("2d");
ctx.strokeStyle = vil.troops.color;
ctx.globalAlpha = Math.max(1.0 - age / 30, 0.3); // Optionally set to reports age
ctx.lineWidth = Math.max(5 - age / 10, 2);
if (debug) logMsg('('+d+') datum: '' nu: '+now+' Dagen: '+age+' Alpha: '+ctx.globalAlpha+' width: '+ctx.lineWidth);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(230, 230, 230, 0.2)";
if (age < settings.showRecent) ctx.fillRect(0, 0,[0],[1]); // greyout most recent
ctx.strokeRect(0, 0,[0],[1]);
if (settings.showType && vil.troops.troops) {
var troops=toString(vil.troops.troops).split('|');
logMsg('troops for typeident ('+(typeof vil.troops.troops)+': '+JSON.stringify(troops));
//if (troops[1]>1000 || troops[2]>1000 || troops[4]>1000) txt+='D';
if (troops[3]>1000 || troops[6]>500 || troops[7]>200) txt+='O';
if (troops[8]>1000) txt+='Z';
//if (troops[5]>400) txt+='V';
//if (troops[10]>300) txt+='K';
//if (troops[12]>0) txt+='E';
if (settings.showCount) {
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.fillStyle = '#eee';
ctx.font = 'italic 18px sans-serif';
ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
var cnt = Math.round( / 2000) / 10;
if (debug) logMsg('showCount: '+(cnt+txt));
ctx.strokeStyle = '#000';
ctx.strokeText(cnt+txt, 5, 5);
ctx.fillText(cnt+txt, 5, 5);
//ctx.strokeRect(1, 1,[0]-2,[1]-2);
} else {
var el_img = document.createElement('img'); = 'absolute';
el_img.width =[0] - 4;
el_img.height =[1] - 4; = '4'; = '0px'; = '0px'; = (age < 7 ? '2px solid' : age < 14 ? '1px solid' : age < 21 ? '1px dashed' : '1px dotted'); // dashed, dotted to indicate age? = vil.troops.color;
el_img.src = "";
sector.appendElement(el_img, x - beginX, y - beginY)
loadSector_TBRResult: function (store_found, store_data, wait_data) {
if (config.useStorage && store_found) {
if (debug) logMsg('loading from store: '+;
if (debug) logMsg('cache='+JSON.stringify(;
wait_data.got_tbr = true; =;
} else wait_data.got_tbr = false;
loadSector_Callback: function (wait_data) {
var i = 0;
if (wait_data.got_tbr !== undefined) if (wait_data.got_tbr === true) {
this.onReceiveSectorInformation(wait_data, true)
} else {
var coords ='_');
/* TODO: change to $.jsonp() */
url: TWMap.urls.TBRmap + '&x=' + coords[0] + '&y=' + coords[1],
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function (data) {
return TWMap.TBR.handler.onReceiveSectorInformation({"id":, "x": coords[0], "y": coords[1], "data": data})
loadSectors: function (sectors) {
var wait_sectors = [],
wait_list = "";
for (var i = 0; i < sectors.length; i++) {
var sector=sectors[i],
if (wait_data) {
wait_list += sector_id + ' ';
} else {
wait_data = {id: sector_id, x: sx, y: sy, tiles:null, pmap:null, data:null, queue:[sector], got_tbr: undefined};
this._waitingSectors[sector_id] = wait_data;
//logMsg('loading multiple sectors: ('+wait_list+')');
if (wait_sectors.length < 1) return;
for (var i = 0; i < wait_sectors.length; i++) {
var wait_data = wait_sectors[i];
else wait_data.pmap=[[],[]];
TWMap.TBR.handler.loadSector_TBRResult('TBRmap_' + '_' +,TWMap.TBR.handler.loadSector_TBRResult,wait_data,this);
/*else*/ this._sector_request_queue.push(wait_data)
var query_string='/map.php?e='+((new Date()).getTime());
for(var i=0;i<this._sector_request_queue.length;i++){
var wait_data=this._sector_request_queue[i],
//loadSector_TBRResult('TBRmap_' + '_' +, this.loadSector_TBRResult, wait_data, this); // nieuw
TWMap.TBR.handler.loadSector_TBRResult('TBRmap_' + '_' +, TWMap.TBR.handler.loadSector_TBRResult, wait_data, this);
//return TWMap.TBR.handler.onReceiveSectorInformation(data,false)
function TBRloadSectors(sectors) {
TWMap.mapHandler.TWloadSectors = TWMap.mapHandler.loadSectors;
TWMap.mapHandler.loadSectors = TBRloadSectors;
/* Periodicly auto-clean local cache */
if (localStorage && localStorage.length>300 && Math.random()<-0.1) {'lastvacuum', function (store_found, store_data) {
var cachelen=localStorage.length;
if (!store_found) {;
if (debug) alert('cache Opgeschoond: '+cachelen+'->'+localStorage.length);'lastvacuum', 60+(new Date).getTime()/1000, 86400); // Only vacuum once per day
}, null, this);
do_map = function (update) {
state = addState(txtDB['msg_load'], 'block');
/* hide political map options by default, creating more room for TBR options - TODO test on non-PA */
/* fout? */
if (gd.player.premium) $('#map_config label:first').append('<a href=\'javascript:toggle_element(\"#pmap_options\")\'>opties</a>');
/* not working yet
$('#tbrmap_options').css({'margin-bottom': '9px', 'margin-left': '20px', 'margin-right': '0px', 'margin-top': '0px'});
//var cell = document.getElementById("map_topo");
//var div = ce('div');
if (max = config['farmrule'][world]) {
if (debug) logMsg('farmrule actief: ' + max);
max = 30 * max / 100;
legenda = [0, Math.round(0.25 * max) / 10, Math.round(0.5 * max) / 10, Math.round(0.75 * max) / 10, max / 10, 9999999]; // show per 1000
var iHtml = '<table width="100%" height="54" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="map_container"><tr><td style="background-color:' + settings['kleuren'][0] + '" width="20"></td><td class="small">Leeg</td><td style="background-color:' + settings['kleuren'][2] + '" width="20"></td><td class="small">' + legenda[1] + '-' + legenda[2] + 'k</td><td style="background-color:' + settings['kleuren'][4] + '" width="20"></td><td class="small">' + legenda[3] + '-' + legenda[4] + 'k</td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:' + settings['kleuren'][1] + '" width="20"></td><td class="small">' + legenda[0] + '-' + legenda[1] + 'k</td><td style="background-color:' + settings['kleuren'][3] + '" width="20"></td><td class="small">' + legenda[2] + '-' + legenda[3] + 'k</td><td style="background-color:' + settings['kleuren'][5] + '" width="20"></td><td class="small">' + legenda[4] + 'k of meer</td></tr></table>';
} else {
legenda = settings['legenda'];
$.each(legenda, function (i, v) {
legenda[i] = Math.round(v / 2000) / 10
}); // show as number of def villages of 20k
var iHtml = '<table width="100%" height="54" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="map_container"><tr><td style="background-color:' + settings['kleuren'][0] + '" width="20"></td><td class="small">Leeg</td><td style="background-color:' + settings['kleuren'][2] + '" width="20"></td><td class="small">' + legenda[1] + '-' + legenda[2] + ' dorp</td><td style="background-color:' + settings['kleuren'][4] + '" width="20"></td><td class="small">' + legenda[3] + '-' + legenda[4] + ' dorp</td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:' + settings['kleuren'][1] + '" width="20"></td><td class="small">' + legenda[0] + '-' + legenda[1] + ' dorp</td><td style="background-color:' + settings['kleuren'][3] + '" width="20"></td><td class="small">' + legenda[2] + '-' + legenda[3] + ' dorp</td><td style="background-color:' + settings['kleuren'][5] + '" width="20"></td><td class="small">' + legenda[4] + ' dorp of meer</td></tr></table>';
$('<div id="TBRlegend" class="ui-widget-content">').html(iHtml).appendTo('#map_topo');
var load_list="",
// Laadt de sectoren (5x5), werkt goed
for (var s in*_loadedSectors*/) {
var sector =*_loadedSectors*/[s];
//if (sector.visible) {
var sx = sector.x /*- (sector.x % 20)*/,
sy = sector.y /*- (sector.y % 20)*/,
sectorID = sx + '_' + sy;
//alert(sector.x + ' ' + sector.y);
load_list += sector.x + '_' + sector.y + ' ';
logMsg('Preloaded sectors: '+load_list);
/*cur = document.getElementById('map_village_54635');
cur.parentNode.appendChild('<img src="" z-index="4">');
do_report = function (mode) {
logMsg('do_report: ' + mode);
var aanvaller = verdediger = village = aantal = verliezen = village = datum = toestemming = gebouwen = grondstoffen = buit = info = '';
if (mode == 'public') {
report = url.match(/public_id=(.*$)/)[1];
heads = [doc.getElementsByTagName('h3'), doc.getElementsByTagName('h4')];
/* Public: H1 H3{onderwerp} H4{datum} H3{uitslag} H4{gelukkop} t#attack_luck t#attack_moral br
#attack_info_att{#attack_info_att_units} #attack_info_def{#attack_info_def_units}
H4{spionagekop} t#attack_spy t#attack_results br
Heads: H3-H4-H3-H4-..-H4 = [(H3:)[onderwerp,uitslag],(h4:) [datum/tijd],geluk_head,spionage_head]]
Tables: #attack_luck, #attack_moral, #attack_info_att, #attack_info_def, attack_spy, attack_results,
#attack_info_att_units, #attack_info_def_units */
onderwerp = heads[0][0].innerHTML;
datum = heads[1][0].innerHTML;
} else if (mode == 'report') {
/* report: t#1{th{Onderwerp} td{datum} {t#2}}
t#2:H3{uitslag} H4{gelukkop} t#attack_luck t#attack_moral br
#attack_info_att{#attack_info_att_units} #attack_info_def{#attack_info_def_units}
H4{spionagekop} t#attack_spy t#attack_results br */
report = url.match(/view=(\d+)/)[1];
th = doc.getElementsByTagName('th');
var rt;
onderwerp = $.trim($('#content_value th:contains("' + txtDB['subject'] + '") + th').text());
datum = parse_date($('#content_value table.vis td:contains("' + txtDB['send_at'] + '") + td').first().text()); // for v7.0
/* DEBUG invalid date */
if (!datum.match(/\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+/)) {
try {
/* info=$('#content_value th:contains("' + txtDB['subject'] + '")').parent().parent().parent().find('tr:lt(4):not(:has(table))').html()+'_v3'; // DEBUG info for invalid date top of report */
/* info=$('#content_value th:contains("' + txtDB['subject'] + '")').parent().parent().parent().find('tr:lt(4):not(:has(table))').html()+'_v3'; // DEBUG info for invalid date top of report */
/* info = $('#content_value table.vis td:contains("' + txtDB['send_at'] + '") + td').html()+"_v3"; */
info = $('#content_value table th:contains("' + txtDB['subject'] + '")').parent().parent().html();
} catch (objError) {
info='Invalid date, info not found '+objError;
info = {error: 'invalid date', bugid: 1, debug: ((typeof info == 'undefined') ? 'undefined' : JSON.stringify(info)) };
if (tr = doc.getElementById('attack_info_att')) {
tr = tr.rows;
if (tr[0].cells[0].textContent == txtDB["attacker"]) {
if (false) { // lang == 'nl') { // TMPFIX
var aanvaller = tr[0].cells[1].innerHTML.match(/info_player&amp;(t=\d+&amp;)?id=([^"]+)/)[2];
} else {
var aanvaller = tr[0].cells[1].innerHTML.match(/id=(\d+)/)[1];
if (tr = doc.getElementById('attack_info_def')) {
tr = tr.rows;
for (var i = 0, len = tr.length; i < len; i++) {
c = tr[i].cells[0].textContent;
if (c == txtDB["defender"]) {
var verdediger = tr[i].cells[1].innerHTML.match(/id=(\d+)/); // BUGFIX update tw okt-2012
verdediger = verdediger === null ? '' : verdediger[1];
} else if (c == txtDB["target"]) {
village = tr[i].cells[1].textContent;
village = (tmp = village.match(/(\d+\|\d+)\) [CK]\d+$/)) ? tmp[1] : '';
if( settings["saveAbandoned"] || ( !settings["saveAbandoned"] && verdediger !== '') ) {
if (tr = doc.getElementById('attack_info_def_units')) {
tr = tr.rows;
for (var i = 0, len = tr.length; i < len; i++) {
c = tr[i].cells[0].textContent;
if (c == txtDB["troops"]) {
aantal = "";
for (a = 1, clen = tr[i].cells.length; a < clen; a++) {
if (n = tr[i].cells[a].innerHTML) {
aantal += "|" + n;
} else if (c == txtDB["losses"]) {
verliezen = "";
for (a = 1, clen = tr[i].cells.length; a < clen; a++) {
if (n = tr[i].cells[a].innerHTML) {
verliezen += "|" + n;
if (spy = $('#attack_spy th')) {
spy.each(function (i, e) {
e = $(e);
if ($(e).text().match(txtDB['resources'])) {
// grondstoffen=$(e).next().text().replace(/\./g,'');
grondstoffen = $(e).next().text().replace(/\./g, '').match(/\s([0-9]+)\s([0-9]+)\s([0-9]+)/);
// "101838 186356 68705 "
} else if ($(e).text().match(txtDB['buildings'])) {
gebouwen = JSON.stringify($(e).next().text().replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/gm, '').replace(/ \(Level\s+(\d+)\)/gm, '=$1').split("\n")).replace(/=/g, '":"');
// "["Hoofdgebouw":"20","Kazerne":"25","Stal":"20","Werkplaats":"15","Adelshoeve":"1","Smederij":"20","Verzamelplaats":"1","Standbeeld":"1","Marktplaats":"20","Houthakkers":"30","Leemgroeve":"30","IJzermijn":"30","Boerderij":"30","Opslagplaats":"30","Schuilplaats":"10","Muur":"20"]"
if (results = $('#attack_results th')) {
results.each(function (i, e) {
e = $(e);
if (e.text().match(txtDB['haul'])) {
var empty = $(e).next().next().text().split('/');
empty = (empty[0] != empty[1]);
buit =\./g, '') + empty * 1;
// "1646 1646 1648 0" of " 1"
} else if (e.text().match(txtDB['loyalty'])) {
toestemming =\d+$/)[0];
// "55" of "-3"
/* Simple test for proper format, captures hidden troops (public reports) and unscouted defenders */
if (!(aantal.match(/^(\|\d+){9,14}$/))) aantal = 'none';
if (!verliezen.match(/^(\|\d+){9,14}$/)) verliezen = 'none';
if (debug) {
logMsg(sprintf(txtDB['report_save'], report, datum, onderwerp, aanvaller, verdediger, village, aantal, verliezen));
if (debug) {
logMsg(sprintf(txtDB['report_extras'], grondstoffen, buit, toestemming, gebouwen));
// alert(player_id + ' '+tribe_id+' '+world+ ' '+onderwerp+ '\n '+datum+ ' '+aanvaller+ ' '+ verdediger+ '\n'+village+ ' '+aantal+ ' '+verliezen+ '\n'+gebouwen+ ' '+grondstoffen+ ' '+toestemming + ' '+buit+ '\n'+ report+ ' '+ config['version']+' '+time);
state = addState("TBRMap", 'block');
request = {
cmd: 'opslaan',
player: player_id,
tribe: tribe_id,
world: world,
onderwerp: onderwerp,
datum: datum,
aanvaller: aanvaller,
verdediger: verdediger,
village: village,
aantal: aantal,
verliezen: verliezen,
gebouwen: gebouwen,
grondstoffen: grondstoffen,
toestemming: toestemming,
buit: buit,
report: report,
version: config['version'],
time: time,
info: info
request.onload = function (req) {
if (debug) logMsg(JSON.stringify(req));
result = req;
if (req.error) {
//debug = true;
if (!req.error.match(txtDB["error_re"])) {
if (debug) logMsg(req.error);
/* log unknown messages at the bottom */
result = txtDB["err_nosave"] + ': ' + req.error;
addState(req.error, 'warn');
} else {
addState("TBRmap: " + req.msg, 'block');
resp = do_request(request);
} else {
resp = txtDB['err_on_barb'];
} else {
resp = txtDB['err_no_attack'];
addState('TBRMap: ' + resp, 'block');
do_info_village = function do_info_village() {
info = $("#content_value td:contains('rdinate')").last().parent().nextAll().andSelf(); // all rows, starting from 'Coordinates' , skips sangu table
c_village = info.first().children().next().text();
c_owner =\d+)">(.*)<\/[aA]\>/); // matches playerid, playername
if (c_owner === null) c_owner = ["", 0, ""];
state = addState(txtDB['msg_load'], true);
host = config['info'];
host += 'tribe=' + tribe_id;
host += '&player=' + player_id;
host += '&world=' + world;
host += '&village=' + c_village;
host += '&v=' + config['version'];
host += '&json';
if (debug) {
logMsg('xmlrequest: ' + host);
// my_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'GET', url: host, onload: function(req) {
url: host,
async: true,
cache: false,
dataType: "jsonp",
success: function (data, status, req) {
TBR = doc.getElementById('TBRMap');
if (data.tbrmsg) TBRpop(null,'TBRpopup', '', 'sluiten', null, {dataType: 'direct', html: data.tbrmsg}, 300, 400, $(window).width()/2-150, $(window).height()/2-200, '');
if (data.error) {
debug = true;
if (!data.error.match(txtDB["error_re"])) {
addState(data.error, 'warn');
logMsg(data.error); /* log unknown messages at the bottom */
} else {
addState(data.error, 'warn');
} else {
if (debug) {
logMsg("ResponseText=" + JSON.stringify(data));
var gentime = data.generated;
// remove loading sign
if (debug && gentime) {
addState('generated in ' + gentime + 'ms', 'block');
} else {
addState('TBR loaded', 'block');
// Try to add note
var bbbar = $('#bbcodes'),
if (bbbar) {
// $("th:nth(2)").attr('colSpan',1).after("<th><a id="tbrdel">href='#TBRdel'>Verwijderen</a></th>");
$('#message').after('<div>TBRmap notitie</div><textarea name="tbrnote" id="tbrmessage" rows="10" cols="40" style="width: 98%"></textarea>');
// .after($('#bbcodes').clone());
if (data.note) {
TBRhead='TBRmap notitie (' + data.authorname + ', ' + data.notesave + ')';
notetxt = decodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(data.note));
} else {
TBRhead='TBRmap notitie';
data.notehtml = txtDB['msg_nonote'];
bbbar.parent().parent().before('<tr class="show_notes_row"><th>' + TBRhead + '</th>' +
'<th style="text-align: right; font-size: small; font-weight: normal;"><a id="tbrdel" href="#TBRdel">' + txtDB.btn_del + '</a></th></tr>' +
'<tr class="show_notes_row" colspan="2"><td colspan="2"><div id="TBRnote_show">' +
decodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(data.notehtml)) + '</div></td></tr>');
// Troop info table
if (data.units) {
var tbrtable = '<span id="TBR_data" style="display:"' + (nohide ? 'block' : 'none') + '">' + '<table class="vis left" width="28%" style="margin-right:10px;" id="TBR_info_def">' + '<tr><th>' + txtDB.hd_troopinfo + '</th><th style="text-align: right; font-weight: normal;">' + + ' (' + data.attacker + ')' + '</th></tr>' + '<tr><td colspan="2"><table id="TBR_info_def_units" class="vis"><tr class="center"><td></td>';
$.each(data.units, function (i, e) {
tbrtable += '<td width="35" align="right"><img src="/graphic/unit/unit_' + e + '.png" title="' + e + '" alt="" /></td>';
tbrtable += '</tr><tr class=""><td>Aantal:</td>';
$.each(data.troops, function (i, e) {
tbrtable += '<td ' + (e == 0 ? 'class="hidden"' : '') + '>' + e + '</td>';
tbrtable += '</tr><tr class=""><td>Verliezen:</td>';
$.each(data.losses, function (i, e) {
tbrtable += '<td ' + (e == 0 ? 'class="hidden"' : '') + '>' + e + '</td>';
tbrtable += '</tr><tr class=""><td>Huidig:</td>';
$.each(data.current, function (i, e) {
tbrtable += '<td ' + (e == 0 ? 'class="hidden"' : '') + '>' + e + '</td>';
tbrtable += '</tr></table></td></tr></table></span>';
$('input[value="' + txtDB.btn_save + '"]').bind('click', function (e) {
// Post TBRnote through ajax
var tbrmsg = $('#tbrmessage'),
host = config.note + 'world=' + world + '&village=' + c_village + '&tribe=' + tribe_id + '&player=' + player_id + '&owner=' + c_owner[1] + '&hash=' + data.note_hash + '&v=' + config.version + '&json';
if (debug) logMsg('Posting to TBR, url='+host+'&Bewerk&note='+tbrmsg.val());
url: host,
async: true,
cache: false,
dataType: "jsonp",
data: {
note: tbrmsg.val(),
Bewerk: true
success: function (data, status, req) {
.parent().parent().prev().children().first().text('TBRmap notitie (' + data.authorname + ', ' + data.notesave + ')');
$('#tbrdel').bind('click', function (e) {
// Post TBRnote through ajax, hide it for regular posting
var tbrmsg = $('#tbrdel'),
host = config.note + 'world=' + world + '&village=' + c_village + '&tribe=' + tribe_id + '&player=' + player_id + '&owner=' + c_owner[1] + '&hash=' + data.note_hash + '&v=' + config.version + '&delete';
if (debug) logMsg('Posting to TBR, url='+host+' delete');
url: host,
async: true,
cache: false,
dataType: "jsonp",
data: {
note: tbrmsg.val(),
Bewerk: true
success: function (data, status, req) {
//if (!debug) $('form:first').submit();
.parent().parent().prev().children().first().text('TBRmap notitie');
/*tbrmsg.closest('tr').next().andSelf().fadeOut(300, function () {
}); */
$('form:first').bind('reset', function (e) {
var tbrnote = $('#tbrmessage').val();
get_gamedata = function () { // Google Chrome / Webkit
gd = win.game_data;
/* Main */
url = location.href;
if (url.match(/http:\/\/.*\.tribalwars\./)) {
var Opera = (navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera|OPR\//) ? true : false);
var win = Opera ? window : (window.main ? window.main : window),
doc = win.document,
url = doc.URL,
gd = [],
player_id, player_name, tribe_id, world, lang = 'nl';
if (debug || url.match('&debug')) {
debug = true;
if (url.match('&clear')) {
if (url.match('&show')) {
if (url.match('&nohide')) nohide = true;
if (typeof gd == 'undefined') {
if (doc.title == txtDB[lang]["expired"]) return;
if (!gd.screen.match(/(map|report|info_village)/)) return;
time = parseInt(new Date().getTime().toString().substring(0, 10));
logMsg("tribalwars version: " + gd.version.replace(/\n$/m, ''));
logMsg("TBRmap v" + config['version']);
logMsg("Browser: " + navigator.userAgent);
if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
if (debug) logMsg('jQuery v' + jQuery.fn.jquery);
} else {
if (debug) logMsg('jQuery not available');
$ = function (s) {
alert('jQuery unsupported (arg=' + s + ')')
txtDB = txtDB[lang];
logMsg(sprintf(txtDB["msg_settings"], txtDB["lang"], tribe_id));
logMsg('screen=' + gd.screen + ' mode=' + gd.mode);
logMsg('url=' + url);
if (gd.screen == 'map') {
// wait for TWMap to be initiated (needed for ff+GM)
if (typeof TWMap != 'undefined') {
(function () {
if ((TWMap) && ( && (typeof[0] != 'undefined')) {
} else {
if (debug) logMsg('sleeping');
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 11);
} else do_map();
} else if (gd.screen == 'report') {
if (gd.mode == 'view_public_report') {
} else if (url.match(/view=/)) {
} else if (gd.screen == 'info_village') {
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