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Created June 7, 2012 13:54
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Crawler: Structure and Algorithms
== Database Structure
Table: crawler_<site>_urls
url (str) primary
accessed (date)
content-type (str)
content-length (int)
status (str)
etag (if set, the crawler can use the etag in it's requests
to reduce unnecessary checks)
response (str, only used if content-type is HTML or CSS or XML or RSS)
validation_type (html|xml|css|rss)
valid = NULL
Table: crawler_queue
id (int) primary
url (str, not null)
pattern (str)
force (bool)
Table: crawler_<site>_links
from: url (str)
to: url (str)
type: (a|css|img|video|audio|object|script)
Table: crawler_sites
id (int)
domain (str)
start_path (str)
== Algorithms
shelf_life = 1 day
for each row in urls
if accessed < NOW - shelf_life
add url to queue (pattern blank, force = false)
for each row in the queue
if force is true
else if not UrlCrawled(url)
else if UrlCrawled(url) and NOW - UrlAccessed(url) > shelf_life
remove queue_id from queue
item = get from queue where id = queue_id
http request for item.url
status (http status response)
if the url has been crawled before and the etag is the same,
then update the accessed time to now() and return.
create an object with the following attributes
url = item.url
accessed = now()
content-type = headers['Content-Type']
content-length = headers // or could be based on the actual returned size
etag = headers
status = status (HTTP status)
response = body (if content is html, xml, css, or rss)
validation_type = (one of html, xml, css, rss OR Null)
valid = NULL
if validation_type not null
valid = parse(response, validation_type)
if validation_type == html
old_links = get all rows in links where url == current url
parsed_links = parse all links in response
for each difference(old_links,parsed_links) // deleted links
remove link from links table.
for each difference(parsed_links,old_links) // new links
add links to links tables
if link is not in urls
if item.pattern = null
add to queue
else if item.pattern not null && link matches item.pattern
add to queue, using same pattern and force values.
add/update row in table: urls
* implementation note: would be nice to chain all the SQL transactions together so that if for some reason processing was stopped after the first and before the last was executed, none would be run.
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