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Created December 7, 2015 07:56
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Calliope installation instructions

These instructions install the most recent development version of Calliope, rather than the most recent stable version, alongside all requirements to solve a simple Calliope model using GLPK. For larger problems, it is recommended to additionally install Gurobi.


  1. Download and install miniconda from here:

  2. Open a command prompt and run the following commands:

    conda create -n calliope python=3.5 pip pandas pytables pyyaml matplotlib
    activate calliope
    conda install -c swc git_windows
    conda install -c sjpfenninger glpk
    pip install git+
  3. Try creating and running a new model based on the built-in example model (the example model specifies GLPK as the solver so if GLPK is correctly installed, it will work):

    calliope new test
    calliope run test/run.yaml

OS X and Linux

Make sure the homebrew package manager is installed on OS X, and that you know your distribution's package manager on Linux.

Follow the same steps as for Windows, but step 2 looks different (the below example assumes OS X, replace the brew install command with the respective command for your Linux package manager as needed on Linux):

conda create -n calliope python=3.5 pip pandas pytables pyyaml matplotlib networkx basemap

brew install git glpk

source activate calliope

pip install git+
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