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Created February 26, 2018 22:08
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flatten an array of arbitrarily nested arrays of integers into a flat array of integers
-export([flatten/1, test/0]).
% I also wrote a scala one from the prolog 99 problems set - but this was a while back
% located here:
% base cases here
flatten([]) -> [];
flatten([[]|T]) -> flatten(T);
% if the head is a list, extract the head and continue
flatten([[X|Xs] | T]) ->
% alternatively, this code below could be used to concatenate the remaining two tail lists, but
% list concatenation is inefficient for any long lengths since these are linked lists
% but still, might be good if the lists are expected to be short?
% flatten([[X|Xs] | T]) ->
% flatten([X| (Xs ++ T)]).
% last case, extract the head and flatten the rest
flatten([H|T]) -> [H|flatten(T)];
flatten(X) -> error.
% some gist-friendly test function
test() ->
[1,2,3] = flatten([1,2,[3]]),
[] = flatten([]),
error = flatten(3),
[3,4,5] = flatten([[3],[4],5]),
[1] = flatten([1]),
[1] = flatten([[[1]]]),
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