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Created March 21, 2017 09:38
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scalafix rewrites for Scala.js: migrate facades to using @jsglobal, new in Scala.js 0.6.15
package scalafix.rewrite
import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
import scala.meta._
import scala.meta.contrib._
import scalafix.util.Patch
import scalafix.util.TokenPatch._
import scalafix.util.TreePatch.AddGlobalImport
import scalafix.util.TreePatch.Rename
import org.scalameta.logger
object ScalaJSRewrites {
// Symbols copy pasted from mirror.database
val nativeSymbol = Symbol("_root_.scala.scalajs.js.package.native#")
val globalScopeSymbol =
val globalScopeParentSymbol =
val jsImportSymbol = Symbol(
private object ClassOrObject {
def unapply(arg: Tree): Option[(Seq[Mod], Seq[Ctor.Call])] = arg match {
case Defn.Class(mods, _, _, _, Template(_, parents, _, _)) =>
Option(mods -> parents)
case Defn.Object(mods, _, Template(_, parents, _, _)) =>
Option(mods -> parents)
case _ => None
val DemandJSGlobal: Rewrite[Mirror] = Rewrite[Mirror] { ctx =>
import ctx._
implicit val mirror = ctx.mirror
object JSNative {
def unapply(mods: Seq[Mod]): Option[(Mod, Option[Name])] =
mods.collectFirst {
case native @ Mod.Annot(ref: Ref) if ref.symbol == nativeSymbol =>
native -> mods.collectFirst {
case Mod.Annot(
Term.Apply(jsName @ Ctor.Ref.Name("JSName"), _)) =>
def skipRewrite(mods: Seq[Mod], parents: Seq[Ctor.Call]): Boolean = {
def hasInvalidAnnot: Boolean =
mods.exists(_.exists {
case ref: Ref =>
ref.symbol == jsImportSymbol ||
ref.symbol == globalScopeSymbol
case _ => false
def hasGlobalScopeParent: Boolean =
parents.exists(_.exists {
case ref: Ref => ref.symbol == globalScopeParentSymbol
case _ => false
hasInvalidAnnot || hasGlobalScopeParent
val patchB = Seq.newBuilder[Patch]
new Traverser {
override def apply(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
case ClassOrObject(mods, parents) =>
if (skipRewrite(mods, parents)) Unit // do nothing
else {
mods match {
case JSNative(_, Some(jsName)) =>
patchB += Rename(jsName, q"JSGlobal")
case JSNative(native, None) =>
patchB += AddRight(native.tokens.last, " @JSGlobal")
case _ =>
case _ => super.apply(tree)
val patches = patchB.result()
if (patches.nonEmpty && config.imports.organize) {
AddGlobalImport(importer"scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSGlobal") +: patches
} else {
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