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When testing an Angular controller that has an injected service dependency, you will want to test the success/error callback handling, rather than re-testing the service (e.g. by hooking into $httpBackend functions)
describe('MyCtrl', function () {
var ctrl, scope, mockToaster, mockLog, mockMySvc, invokeController;
// Initialize a bare-bones behavior function for each tested service function
var mockMySvcSomeFunctionBehavior = function () {};
beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $rootScope) {
mockMySvc = {
someFunction: function (success, error) {
mockMySvcSomeFunctionBehavior(success, error);
mockToaster = {
error: sinon.stub()
mockLog = {
error: sinon.stub()
sinon.spy(mockMySvc, 'someFunction');
invokeController = function () {
// Ensure to set scope here, so each call to invokeController has a fresh $rootScope instance
scope = $rootScope.$new();
ctrl = $controller('MyCtrl', {
$scope: scope,
$log: mockLog,
toaster: mockToaster,
'MySvc': mockMySvc
describe('calling mySvc.someFunction', function () {
describe('on success', function () {
// define success response
var mockMySvcSomeFunctionResponse = {
data: {
foo: 'bar',
lorem: 'bacon',
ipsum: 'poutine'
// define success-specific behavior
var mockSuccessBehavior = function (success) {
// override bare-bones behavior function within this scope with the success-specific behavior
// and then invoke the controller
beforeEach(inject(function () {
mockMySvcSomeFunctionBehavior = mockSuccessBehavior;
it('sets some property (e.g. data) to the scope as scope.[some property] (e.g.', function () {
describe('on error', function () {
// if you are testing for logging/toaster spy calls, it may be a good idea to track the prev/current call counts
// as they will increment as the spy is called
var previousLogCallCount, previousToasterCallCount, currentLogCallCount, currentToasterCallCount;
// define error response
var mockUserSessionSvcGetUserSessionResponse = { d: null };
// define error-specific behavior
var mockErrorBehavior = function (success, error) {
// override bare-bones behavior function within this scope with the success-specific behavior
// and then invoke the controller
beforeEach(inject(function () {
mockMySvcSomeFunctionBehavior = mockErrorBehavior;
previousLogCallCount = mockLog.error.callCount;
previousToasterCallCount = mockToaster.error.callCount;
currentLogCallCount = mockLog.error.callCount;
currentToasterCallCount = mockToaster.error.callCount;
it('does not set some property (e.g. data) to the scope', function () {
it('logs the error', function () {
it('invokes a toaster error', function () {
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