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Last active July 23, 2024 07:06
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An easy to work with jump in Godot
extends KinematicBody2D
export var move_speed = 200.0
var velocity := Vector2.ZERO
export var jump_height : float
export var jump_time_to_peak : float
export var jump_time_to_descent : float
onready var jump_velocity : float = ((2.0 * jump_height) / jump_time_to_peak) * -1.0
onready var jump_gravity : float = ((-2.0 * jump_height) / (jump_time_to_peak * jump_time_to_peak)) * -1.0
onready var fall_gravity : float = ((-2.0 * jump_height) / (jump_time_to_descent * jump_time_to_descent)) * -1.0
func _physics_process(delta):
velocity.y += get_gravity() * delta
velocity.x = get_input_velocity() * move_speed
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump") and is_on_floor():
velocity = move_and_slide(velocity, Vector2.UP)
func get_gravity() -> float:
return jump_gravity if velocity.y < 0.0 else fall_gravity
func jump():
velocity.y = jump_velocity
func get_input_velocity() -> float:
var horizontal := 0.0
if Input.is_action_pressed("left"):
horizontal -= 1.0
if Input.is_action_pressed("right"):
horizontal += 1.0
return horizontal
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@Intrivus Unfortunately, what you're experiencing is an unavoidable side effect of updating the character movement using these formulas of delta time. This kind of updating is called Euler Integration and it's prone to over or underestimation in physics approximation. Generally, Euler integration behaves more physically accurate at higher framerates, as you noticed. If high precision is important, you should probably just run your project at the higher framerate as it's the easiest solution. Otherwise, you can try using a different integration method, like Runge-Kutta. I will warn that different integration methods tend to be much more complex than Euler and may be difficult to implement if you don't have a good grasp on physics and calculus.

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Figure out I changed project settings for the ticks, if I unlock fps by turning off Vsync it still occur even when I have more FPS, I think there is a problem with the math or Godot 4

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Physics framerate and rendering framerate are different in Godot. You can render the scene at a higher FPS with Vsync off, but Godot will still update the physics at a fixed interval depending on the project settings

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Ik that Godot run at a fixed interval, anyways thanks for replying I will check out the RK method

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