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Last active May 17, 2019 09:05
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Model Confidence Set Issue: Minimal Working Example
# MODEL CONFIDENCE SET ISSUE: Minimal Working Example #
# #
# Code demonstrating differences between different R functions #
# for calculating Hansen, Lunde and Nason's (2011). #
# #
# Version: 0.2 #
# Date: 17 May 2009 #
cl <- makeForkCluster(nnodes = 8) # Running Linux, so can fork.
data(Loss) # Loss data from the MCS package
loss_mat <- as.matrix(Loss[, 1:10]) # mcsTest requires a "plain" matrix
model_names <- colnames(loss_mat)
# Parameters for functions...
alpha <- 0.2
B <- 50000 # Make this big, in order to reduce the variability.
block_len <- 33 # Block length calculated as in MCS package.
# Calculate MCS using various packages. Takes a while...
rugarch_pkg <- mcsTest(losses = loss_mat, alpha = alpha, nboot = B,
nblock = block_len, boot = "block")
mcs_pkg <- MCSprocedure(Loss = loss_mat, alpha = alpha, B = B,
statistic = 'TR', k = block_len, cl = cl)
modelconf_pkg <- estMCS(loss = loss_mat, test = "t.range", B = B,
l = block_len)
# Extract and format results for comparison.
rugarch_results <- cbind(Model = model_names[c(rugarch_pkg$excludedR,
pval = rugarch_pkg$pvalsR)
mcs_results <- mcs_pkg@show %>% %>%
cbind(Model = row.names(mcs_pkg@show), .) %>%
select(Model, MCS_R) %>%
modelconf_results <- modelconf_pkg %>% %>%
cbind(Model = row.names(modelconf_pkg), .) %>%
select(Model, `MCS p-val`) %>%
arrange(`MCS p-val`)
# Inspect results
# rugarch: Only sGARCH-ghyp & sGARCH-sged in SSM
print(tail(rugarch_results, 5))
# Model
# [6,] "sGARCH-sstd" "0.06714"
# [7,] "sGARCH-snorm" "0.06714"
# [8,] "sGARCH-jsu" "0.06714"
# [9,] "sGARCH-ghyp" "0.33244"
# [10,] "sGARCH-sged" "1"
# MCS: only returns SSM, which includes 7 models.
print(tail(mcs_results, 5))
# 3 sGARCH-ghyp 0.82144
# 4 sGARCH-ged 0.96256
# 5 eGARCH-std 0.96704
# 6 sGARCH-snorm 0.99584
# 7 sGARCH-sged 1.00000
# modelconf: SSM includes 7 models.
print(tail(modelconf_results, 5))
# Model MCS p-val
# 6 sGARCH-ghyp 0.70332
# 7 sGARCH-ged 0.87124
# 8 sGARCH-snorm 0.87124
# 9 eGARCH-std 0.87124
# 10 sGARCH-sged 1.00000
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FIXED: Called stopCluster() without supplying the cluster object cl.

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