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Last active June 30, 2017 03:53
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bash script that can be used to setup a new App Service Plan and Web App instance
# uncomment to add local support and login to your Azure subscription
# az login
az account set --subscription $azuresub
# idempotent so you can call as many times as you like if it already exists.
az group create --location $demolocation --name $demoresourcegroup
az appservice plan create --name $appplanname --resource-group $demoresourcegroup --location $demolocation --sku B1
az webapp create --name $webappname --resource-group $demoresourcegroup --plan $appplanname
echo "Make sure you note the "outboundIpAddresses" in the response to the previous command."
# Setup a connection string for the Web App to access our previously created MySQL instance (running in same resource group)
az webapp config connection-string set --resource-group $demoresourcegroup --name $webappname -t mysql --settings defaultconnection="Data Source=${mysqlservername}; User Id=${mysqladminuser}@${mysqlservername}; Password=${mysqladminpass}"
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