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Last active May 29, 2024 15:38
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Embedded Look Around
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Set the location of the panorama viewer CSS here. -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
#pano {
position: absolute;
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
z-index: 1;
<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, width=device-width" />
<div id="pano"></div>
<script type="module">
// If you're running a local server, keep it as it is.
// Otherwise, replace it with "", or your own instance if you have one.
// You can also point the viewer at a custom backend (e.g. to serve downloaded panoramas locally)
// as long as the API is the same.
const apiBaseUrl = "http://localhost:5000";
// Set the location of the panorama viewer script here.
import { createPanoViewer, InitialOrientation, Api, AdditionalMetadata } from "http://localhost:5000/static/dist/viewer.js";
// 1) Load the metadata of the panorama you want to start with:
const api = new Api(apiBaseUrl);
async function getPanosAt(lat, lon) {
return await api.getClosestPanos(lat, lon, 5, 1,
[AdditionalMetadata.CameraMetadata, AdditionalMetadata.Elevation,
AdditionalMetadata.Orientation, AdditionalMetadata.TimeZone]);
const initialPano = (await getPanosAt(53.54564, 9.99950))[0];
// 2) Create the viewer and load this panorama:
const container = document.getElementById("pano");
// Options for `createPanoViewer` are as follows:
// apiBaseUrl (required):
// The API base URL of the backend. Can be relative.
// canMove (optional):
// Whether the user can move between panoramas. Defaults to true.
// canMoveWithKeyboard (optional):
// Whether keyboard navigation with arrow keys is enabled. Only active
// if `canMove` is also true. Defaults to false.
// compassEnabled (optional):
// Whether the compass is displayed. Defaults to true.
// container (required):
// The DOM element to insert the viewer into.
// defaultZoomLevel (optional):
// The initial zoom level of the camera, between 0 to 100,
// relative to the specified FOV range. Defaults to 20.
// initialOrientation (optional):
// Whether the camera should initially face north or the road.
// Defaults to `InitialOrientation.Road`.
// initialPano (required):
// Metadata of the initial panorama to be loaded.
// maxFov (optional):
// Maximal field of view (minimum zoom), between `minFov` and 180.
// Defaults to 100.
// minFov (optional):
// Minimal field of view (maximum zoom), between 1 and `maxFov`.
// Defaults to 10.
// navigationCrossfadeDisablesPanning (optional):
// Whether panning is disabled while movement crossfade animation
// is playing. Defaults to true.
// navigationCrossfadeDuration (optional):
// Duration of the crossfade animation which is played when navigating
// to another panorama, in milliseconds. Defaults to 150.
// upgradeCrossfadeDuration (optional):
// Duration of the crossfade animation which is played when a panorama
// face is upgraded to a higher resolution, in milliseconds. Defaults to 150.
const viewer = await createPanoViewer({
container: container,
initialPano: initialPano,
initialOrientation: InitialOrientation.Road,
apiBaseUrl: apiBaseUrl,
// And that's it; the rest will be handled by the viewer.
// The `moved` event is triggered when the user moves to a different panorama:
viewer.plugins.movement.addEventListener("moved", (e) => {
console.log("moved", e.detail);
document.addEventListener('keydown', async (e) => {
// To load a new location, call the `navigateTo` function.
// The first parameter is a panorama object, the second determines if the view should be reset.
if (e.key === "r") {
// Return to the start if [R] is pressed
await viewer.navigateTo(initialPano, true);
else if (e.key === " ") {
// Go to another location if [Space] is pressed
const someOtherPano = (await getPanosAt(43.30995, -0.76676))[0];
await viewer.navigateTo(someOtherPano, true);
// Alternatively, it is possible to move in a specific direction
// rather than to a specific panorama by calling `moveInDirection`.
else if (e.key === "n") {
// If [N] is pressed, move north (0 radians) if there is a panorama
// approx. in that direction and within 10 and 30 meters of the current location
viewer.moveInDirection(0, {
minDistance: 10,
maxDistance: 30,
// If you'd like to move the compass to a different position, just change its style:
// const compass = document.getElementsByClassName("psv-compass")[0];
// = "calc(100vh - 200px)";
// To unload the viewer, call `destroy`:
// viewer.destroy();
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