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Created January 31, 2012 11:22
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pickRandom mixin for underscore
// underscore-pickrandom.js
// (c) 2012 Simon Kågedal Reimer
// This file is freely distributable under the MIT license.
// _.pickRandom - a mixin for underscore.js.
// Pick random elements from an array. Works similar to
// `_.first(_.shuffle(array, n))`, but is more efficient -- operates
// in time proportional to `n` rather than the length of the whole
// array.
// If the argument `n` is given, an array is returned.
// If no `n` is specified, only the one element is returned. This also
// happens if three or more arguments are specified -- this is so that
//, _.pickRandom) will work as expected. This behavior is
// similar to other underscore functions, such as `_.first`.
// The algorithms mutates the input array while working, but restores
// everything before returning. This provides for an optimally
// efficient algorithm in all situations.
pickRandom: function(array, n, guard) {
if (n == null || guard)
return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];
n = Math.max(0, Math.min(array.length, n));
return (function pickR(array, n, length) {
var i, picked, rest, hasIndex;
if (n === 0) return [];
i = Math.floor(Math.random() * length);
hasIndex = array.hasOwnProperty(i); // This is needed for restoration of dense arrays
picked = array[i];
array[i] = array[length - 1];
rest = pickR(array, n - 1, length - 1);
// Restore array
if (hasIndex) {
array[i] = picked;
} else {
delete array[i];
return rest;
}) (array, n, array.length);
// Unit test for pickRandom. Put this code somewhere in your unit testing framework, if you want.
// Also see for a speed test and a test to see if the pickRandom
// algorithm is fair.
function pickRandom_qunit() {
test("arrays: pickRandom", function() {
var arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
equals(_.pickRandom([1]), 1, 'can pick a single element correctly');
equals(_([1]).pickRandom(), 1, 'can perform OO-style "pickRandom()"');
var pick = _.pickRandom(arr, 3);
equals(pick.length, 3, 'picks the right number of elements');
ok(_.all(pick, function (e) { return _.indexOf(arr, e) != -1; }), 'all picks are from array');
equals(pick.join(","), _.uniq(pick, true).join(","), 'picks unique elements');
var result = _.pickRandom(arr, 5);
equals(result.join(","), '1,2,3,4,5', 'picks all elements correctly');
var a = _.range(20);
var b = _.clone(a);
_.pickRandom(a, 5);
ok(_.isEqual(a, b), 'does not corrupt a sparse array');
a = new Array(20);
a[4] = "x";
b = _.clone(a);
_.pickRandom(a, 5);
ok(_.isEqual(a, b), 'does not corrupt a dense array');
result = (function(){ return _.pickRandom(arguments, 5); })(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
equals(result.join(","), '1,2,3,4,5', 'works on an arguments object');
equals([[1],[2]], _.pickRandom).join(","), '1,2', 'works well with');
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